程序代写代做代考 graph database case study INFS2037 Assignment 2

INFS2037 Assignment 2
Due date: Sunday, 8 November 2020, 11:55 PM Weighting: 25% of the course total marks.
Submission instructions are at the end of this document.
This assessment item must be conducted in groups. Students must work in the group as will be published on the course website. If there are any issues with your group, please let the teaching staff know early, as it may be very difficult to resolve problems late in the study period.
Your group will be responsible for designing the implementation of selected use cases of the Engineering Calculation Case Study. Refer to the case study document provided in Assignment 1.
This assignment is independent from your Assignment 1 answers. You are not required to consider any architectural decisions, module design, responsibility assignments, and third-party software libraries that you may have included in your Assignment 1 submission.
You will be creating a suitable detailed object-oriented design:
• This assignment focuses on developing use case realization at the domain layer of a system. The
focus of this assignment should not be on designing a sophisticated user interface at the expense of
addressing the functional requirements set out in the use cases.
• Moreover, you do not need to design a database schema (if your solution includes a database). For
purposes of this assignment you can assume that all classes marked with a dedicated stereotype, e.g. «persisted», are automatically persisted in a database using some persistence framework. You do not need to design the persistence mechanism.
• You do not need to consider user authentication in your design.
You must ensure that your design is sufficiently complete and detailed so that it could be directly
implemented in code.
All submitted materials must be entirely your own work.
Penalties apply for academic misconduct.
Hand-drawn diagrams using a ruler are acceptable where appropriate provided that they are legible.
You will receive marks via learnonline within 3-4 weeks.
Answers will be scored based on relevance, completeness, and correctness of your answers.
It is your responsibility to use appropriate document management and collaboration tools if required and to maintain adequate backup at all times. Hardware and software failure are not usually acceptable reasons for requesting extensions.
A word of advice: do not allocate individual tasks to individual group members and design/develop in isolation. This strategy will almost certainly result in outcomes that do not align with each other, resulting in low marks, possibly even a Fail grade. Rather, collaborate closely with each other to address all four tasks.
Given that the presentations are scheduled in Week 13, it is not
possible to ask for extensions for the presentation aspect of this assignment

Start this assignment well before the due date. It is unlikely that you will be able to complete the work in one or two days.
Assignment tasks
This assignment consists of four tasks – three main work items and a statement outlining your contributions.
Document all assumptions you make and justify the design decisions (such as responsibility assignment to classes, use of design patterns, and other considerations you may have made). Ensure to use descriptive class and operation names so that the implementation design can be understood from your answers.
1. Interaction Diagrams
Create interaction diagrams showing the use case realization for the main success scenarios of the use cases
• UC01 Identify Equation, and
• UC02 Enter Values.
Use case narratives are given in the Engineering Calculation Case Study document on the course site. You may need to extend the use case narratives with more detail in order to develop the detailed design.
For each diagram, you can choose to create either a Communication- or a Sequence Diagram. For consistency it is recommended to use only one of the two diagram styles for this task.
2. Design Class Diagram
Create a design class diagram for the system implementation for the main success scenarios of the use cases UC01 and UC02, showing the classes, attributes and data types, operations, and associations. The design shall include all classes comprising the domain layer of the software implementation, including any controller class(es). Decorate classes that are persisted with the «persisted» stereotype (if applicable).
Ensure that the design adheres to the design principles discussed in the course, and that it includes all classes, attributes, operations, and associations necessary to implement the use cases.
Document all assumptions you make and justify the design decisions.
3. Presentation in class
Prepare a Powerpoint presentation describing your design and implementation in 12-15 minutes. Briefly discuss the main design decisions and design outcomes. Allow 2-3 minutes for questions.
Treat the presentation as if you were working at a large development firm and were presenting your proposed design to a group of senior software engineers.
Internal students:
Each group will present their design in the practical class in week 13.
One student per group will record the presentation on their phone and upload the presentation video and the Powerpoint presentation file to LearnOnline. You can ask someone in your class to record on your behalf. Internal students must present in class to receive marks for this task, and it is recommended that all group members participate in the presentation. It is not sufficient to record and upload a video.

The presentation schedule will be announced at a later date. Where possible, the presentations will be scheduled in your regular tutorial class time slot. Some groups comprised of students enrolled in different classes may need to present at other times.
External students:
Please upload your group’s Powerpoint presentation file in PDF format and recording to learnonline.
4. Individual Contributions
Include a summary of the contributions each student has made to this assignment in the design document. Write one short paragraph per student. This will be used for adjusting marks of individual group members based on the extent and quality of their contributions to the overall project. Note that this does not imply that your marks will be determined by only the parts you have contributed to. However, particularly poor contributions may receive a grade that is different from the overall grade awarded to the group’s deliverable.
If you are uncomfortable with including the individual contributions here, please contact your class Tutor or the Course Coordinator to discuss your group’s work.

Marking Scheme
Task 1: Interaction Diagrams
• Uses correct UML notation
• Sufficiently complete to support implementation of each use case
• Matches Design Class Diagram
• Assumptions documented
Task 2: Design Class Diagram
• Uses correct UML notation, appropriate for Design class diagram
• Sufficiently complete to support implementation of each use case
• Matches Interaction Diagrams
• Responsibilities evident and assigned according to principles
• Assumptions documented
Task 3: Presentation in class
• Clear and focused presentation
• Well laid out presentation aids
• Covers all aspects of design and design decisions
• Video recorded and uploaded
• Ability to answer questions
Quality of Design Document Deliverable
• Well laid out design document
• Professionally presented
• Easily legible when printed on A4 paper
Task 4: Individual contributions
• All team members have adequately described their contributions.
• If absent, all members may receive the same grade.
Used to adjust individual marks

Submission Instructions
A separate submission area will be created for each group on LearnOnline.
Please submit only one submission per group. It is okay to update your submission.
Do not include any of the assignment specification in your submission nor a cover sheet.
Submit the following three files and adhere to the file format and naming conventions:
1. Design.pdf
A PDF file containing the following 3 sections listed below. Use the following section headings, in order:
a) Interaction Diagrams: the interaction diagrams (Task 1)
b) Design Class Diagrams: the design class diagram(s) (Task 2)
c) Contributions: a summary of the contributions of each group member (Task 4)
You should create multiple diagrams under each sub-heading if the design does not present well on a single page.
2. Presentation.pdf
A PDF file containing the presentation slides used in Task 3.
3. Video.mov or Video.mp4
A video recording of the presentation in .mov or .mp4 format. The video must include audio and show the speaker (and, if possible, the presentation slides).