代写代考 Algorithms for Data Science

Algorithms for Data Science
CSOR W4246

Computer Science Department

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Columbia University
Shortest paths in weighted graphs (Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall)

Shortest paths in graphs with non-negative edge weights (Dijkstra’s algorithm)
Graphs with negative edge weights: why Dijkstra fails
Single-source shortest paths (negative edges): Bellman-Ford
A DP solution
An alternative formulation of Bellman-Ford
All-pairs shortest paths (negative edges): Floyd-Warshall

Shortest paths in graphs with non-negative edge weights (Dijkstra’s algorithm)
Graphs with negative edge weights: why Dijkstra fails
Single-source shortest paths (negative edges): Bellman-Ford A DP solution
An alternative formulation of Bellman-Ford
All-pairs shortest paths (negative edges): Floyd-Warshall

Graphs with non-negative weights
􏰉 aweighted,directedgraphG=(V,E,w);function
w : E → R+ assigns non-negative real-valued weights to edges;
􏰉 asource(origin)vertexs∈V.
Output: for every vertex v ∈ V
1. the length of a shortest s-v path; 2. a shortest s-v path.

Dijkstra’s algorithm (Input: G = (V, E, w), s ∈ V )
Output: arrays dist, prev with n entries such that
1. dist(v) stores the length of the shortest s-v path
2. prev(v) stores the node before v in the shortest s-v path
At all times, maintain a set S of nodes for which the distance from s has been determined.
􏰉 Initially,dist(s)=0,S={s}.
􏰉 Eachtime,addtoSthenodev∈V−Sthat
1. has an edge from some node in S;
2. minimizes the following quantity among all nodes v ∈ V − S
d(v) = min {dist(u) + w(u, v)} u∈S:(u,v)∈E
􏰉 Setprev(v)=u.

Dijkstra-v1(G = (V, E, w), s ∈ V ) Initialize(G, s)
while S ̸= V do
Select a node v ∈ V − S with at least one edge from S so that
S = S ∪ {v} dist[v] = d(v) prev[v] = u
Initialize(G, s) forv∈V do
dist[v] = ∞
min {dist[u] + w(u, v)} u∈S,(u,v)∈E
prev[v] = NIL end for
dist[s] = 0

Improved implementation (I)
Idea: Keep a conservative overestimate of the true length of the shortest s-v path in dist[v] as follows: when u is added to S, update dist[v] for all v with (u, v) ∈ E.
Dijkstra-v2(G = (V, E, w), s ∈ V ) Initialize(G, s)
while S ̸= V do
Pick u so that dist[u] is minimum among all nodes in V − S S = S ∪ {u}
for (u, v) ∈ E do
Update(u, v) end for
Update(u, v)
if dist[v] > dist[u] + w(u, v) then
dist[v] = dist[u] + w(u, v)
prev[v] = u end if

Improved implementation (II): binary min-heap
Idea: Use a priority queue implemented as a binary min-heap: store vertex u with key dist[u]. Required operations: Insert, ExtractMin; DecreaseKey for Update; each takes O(log n) time.
Dijkstra-v3(G = (V, E, w), s ∈ V ) Initialize(G, s)
Q = {V ; dist} S=∅
while Q ̸= ∅ do
u = ExtractMin(Q) S = S ∪ {u}
for (u, v) ∈ E do
Update(u, v) end for
Running time: O(nlogn+mlogn)=O(mlogn) When is Dijkstra-v3() better than Dijkstra-v2()?

Example graph with negative edge weights

Dijkstra’s output and correct output for example graph
Dijkstra’s output
Dijkstra’s algorithm will first include a to S and then c, thus missing the shorter path from s to b to c.
Correct shortest paths

Negative edge weights: why Dijkstra’s algorithm fails
􏰉 Intuitively, a path may start on long edges but then compensate along the way with short edges.
􏰉 Formally, in the proof of correctness of the algorithm, the last statement about P does not hold anymore: even if the length of path Pv is smaller than the length of the subpath s → x → y, negative edges on the subpath y → v may now result in P being shorter than Pv.

Bigger problems in graphs with negative edges?
dist(a) =?

Bigger problems in graphs with negative edges?
1. dist(v) goes to −∞ for every v on the cycle (a, b, c, a)
2. no solution to shortest paths when negative cycles ⇒ need to detect negative cycles

Shortest paths in graphs with non-negative edge weights (Dijkstra’s algorithm)
Graphs with negative edge weights: why Dijkstra fails
Single-source shortest paths (negative edges): Bellman-Ford
A DP solution
An alternative formulation of Bellman-Ford
All-pairs shortest paths (negative edges): Floyd-Warshall

Single-source shortest paths, negative edge weights
Input: weighted directed graph G = (V, E, w) with w : E → R; a source (origin) vertex s ∈ V .
1. If G has a negative cycle reachable from s, answer “negative cycle in G”.
2. Else, compute for every v ∈ V
2.1 the length of a shortest s-v path; 2.2 a shortest s-v path.

Properties of shortest paths
Suppose the problem has a solution for an input graph.
􏰉 Can there be negative cycles in the graph?
􏰉 Can there be positive cycles in the graph?
􏰉 Can the shortest paths contain positive cycles?
􏰉 Consider a shortest s-t path; are its subpaths shortest? In other words, does the problem exhibit optimal substructure?

Towards a DP solution
Key observation: if there are no negative cycles, a path cannot become shorter by traversing a cycle.
If G has no negative cycles, then there is a shortest s-v path that is simple, thus has at most n − 1 edges.
The shortest paths problem exhibits optimal substructure.
Facts 1 and 2 suggest a DP solution.

OP T (i, v) = cost of a shortest s-v path with at most i edges
Consider a shortest s-v path using at most i edges. 􏰉 Ifthepathusesatmosti−1edges,then
OP T (i, v) = OP T (i − 1, v). 􏰉 If the path uses i edges, then
OPT(i,v)= min {OPT(i−1,x)+w(x,v)}. x:(x,v)∈E

OP T (i, v) = cost of a shortest s-v path using at most i edges
OPT(i,v) =
min {OPT(i−1,x)+w(x,v)} x:(x,v)∈E
, if i = 0, v = s , if i = 0, v ̸= s
, if i > 0

Example of Bellman-Ford
Compute shortest s-v paths in the graph below, for all v ∈ V .

n × n dynamic programming table M such that M[i,v] = OPT(i,v).
Bellman-Ford(G = (V, E, w), s ∈ V )
forv∈V do M[0,v] = ∞
M[0,s] = 0
for i = 1, . . . , n − 1 do
for v ∈ V (in any order) do
 M [ i − 1 , v ]
min 􏰇M[i−1,x]+w(x,v)􏰈  x:(x,v)∈E
M[i,v] = min
end for end for

Running time & Space
􏰉 Running time: O(nm)
􏰉 Space: Θ(n2) —can be improved (coming up)
􏰉 To reconstruct actual shortest paths, also keep array prev of size n such that
prev[v] = predecessor of v in current shortest s-v path.

Improving space requirements
Only need two rows of M at all times.
△ Actually, only need one (see Remark 1)! Thus drop the index
i from M[i,v] and only use it as a counter for #repetitions. M[v]=min􏰇M[v], min 􏰔M[x]+w(x,v)􏰕􏰈
Throughout the algorithm, M[v] is the length of some s-v path. After i repetitions, M[v] is no larger than the length of the current shortest s-v path with at most i edges.
Early termination condition: if at some iteration i no value in M changed, then stop (why?)
∗ This allows us to detect negative cycles!

An alternative way to view Bellman-Ford
􏰉 Let P = (s = v0,v1,v2,…,vk = v) be a shortest s-v path. 􏰉 Then P can contain at most n − 1 edges.
􏰉 How can we correctly compute dist(v) on this path?

Key observations about subroutine Update(u, v)
Recall subroutine Update from Dijkstra’s algorithm: Update(u, v) : dist(v) = min{dist(v), dist(u) + w(u, v)}
Suppose u is the last node before v on the shortest s-v path, and suppose dist(u) has been correctly set. The call Update(u,v) returns the correct value for dist(v).
No matter how many times Update(u,v) is performed, it will never make dist(v) too small. That is, Update is a safe operation: performing few extra updates can’t hurt.

Performing the correct sequence of updates
Suppose we update the edges on the shortest path P in the order they appear on the path (though not necessarily consecutively). Hence we update
(s, v1), (v1, v2), (v2, v3), . . . , (vk−1, v).
This sequence of updates correctly computes dist(v1), dist(v2),
. . ., dist(v) (by induction and Fact 3).
How can we guarantee that this specific sequence of updates occurs?

A concrete example
Consider the shortest s-b path, which uses edges (s, a), (a, b).
How can we guarantee that our algorithm will update these two edges in this order? (More updates in between are allowed.)

Bellman-Ford algorithm
Update all m edges in the graph, n − 1 times in a row!
􏰉 By Fact 4, it is ok to update an edge several times in
􏰉 All we need is to update the edges on the path in this particular order. This is guaranteed if we update all edges n−1 times in a row.

We will use Initialize and Update from Dijkstra’s algorithm.
Initialize(G, s) forv∈V do
dist[v] = ∞
prev[v] = NIL end for
dist[s] = 0
Update(u, v)
if dist[v] > dist[u] + w(u, v) then
dist[v] = dist[u] + w(u, v)
prev[v] = u end if

Bellman-Ford(G = (V, E, w), s)
Initialize(G, s)
for i = 1, . . . , n − 1 do
for (u, v) ∈ E do Update(u, v)
end for end for
Running time? Space?

Detecting negative cycles

Detecting negative cycles
1. dist(v) goes to −∞ for every v on the cycle.
2. Any shortest s-v path can have at most n − 1 edges.
3. Update all edges n times (instead of n − 1): if dist(v) changes for any v ∈ V , then there is a negative cycle.

Shortest paths in graphs with non-negative edge weights (Dijkstra’s algorithm)
Graphs with negative edge weights: why Dijkstra fails
Single-source shortest paths (negative edges): Bellman-Ford A DP solution
An alternative formulation of Bellman-Ford
All-pairs shortest paths (negative edges): Floyd-Warshall

All pairs shortest-paths
􏰉 Input:adirected,weightedgraphG=(V,E,w)withreal edge weights
􏰉 Output: an n × n matrix D such that
D[i, j] = length of shortest path from i to j

Solving all pairs shortest-paths
1. Straightforward solution: run Bellman–Ford once for every vertex (O(n2m) time).
2. Improved solution: Floyd-Warshall’s dynamic programming algorithm (O(n3) time).

Towards a DP formulation
􏰉 Consider a shortest s-t path P .
􏰉 This path uses some intermediate vertices: that is, if
P = (s,v1,v2,…,vk,t), then v1,…,vk are intermediate vertices.
􏰉 Forsimplicity,relabeltheverticesinV as{1,2,3,…,n} and consider a shortest i-j path where intermediate vertices may only be from {1,2,…,k}.
􏰉 Goal: compute the length of a shortest i-j path for every pair of vertices (i, j), using {1, 2, . . . , n} as intermediate vertices.

Rename {s, a, b, c} as {1, 2, 3, 4}

Examples of shortest paths
Shortest (1, 2)-path using {} or {1} is P. Shortest (1, 2)-path using {1,2,3,4} is P.
Shortest (1, 3)-path using {} or {1} is P′. Shortest (1, 3)-path using {1,2} or {1,2,3} is P1. Shortest (1, 3)-path using {1,2,3,4} is P1 .

A shortest i-j path using nodes from {1, . . . , k}
Consider a shortest i-j path P where intermediate nodes may only be from the set of nodes {1,2,…,k}.
Fact: any subpath of P must be shortest itself.

A useful observation
Focus on the last node k from the set {1,2,…,k}. Either
1. P completely avoids k: then a shortest i-j path with intermediate nodes from {1, . . . , k} is the same as a shortest i-j path with intermediate nodes from {1, . . . , k − 1}.
2. Or, k is an intermediate node of P.
Decompose P into an i-k subpath P1 and a k-j subpath P2.
i. P1 , P2 are shortest subpaths themselves.
ii. AllintermediatenodesofP1,P2 arefrom{1,…,k−1}.

OPTk(i,j) = cost of shortest i−j path P using
{1, . . . , k} as intermediate vertices
1. Either k does not appear in P, hence OPTk(i,j) = OPTk−1(i,j)
2. Or, k appears in P, hence
OPTk(i,j) = OPTk−1(i,k)+OPTk−1(k,j)

OPTk(i,j) =
 min OPTk−1(i,k)+OPTk−1(k,j) We want OPTn(i,j).
Time/space requirements?
 w(i,j) 
,ifk=0 ,ifk≥1
 OPTk−1(i,j)

Floyd-Warshall on example graph
Let Dk[i,j] = OPTk(i,j).

Space requirements
􏰉 Asinglen×ndynamicprogrammingtableD,initialized to w(i,j) (the adjacency matrix of G).
􏰉 Let{1,…,k}bethesetofintermediatenodesthatmaybe used for the shortest i-j path.
􏰉 After the k-th iteration, D[i,j] contains the length of some i-j path that is no larger than the length of the shortest i-j path using {1, . . . , k} as intermediate nodes.

The Floyd-Warshall algorithm
Floyd-Warshall(G = (V, E, w))
for k = 1 to n do for i = 1 to n do
for j = 1 to n do
D[i, j] = min(D[i, j], D[i, k] + D[k, j])
end for end for
􏰉 Running time: O(n3) 􏰉 Space: Θ(n2)

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