Additional Admin
• We have 3 class rep. (in alphabetical order): • Jesse Wright
• Lei Zhang
• Qingtao Yu
• Tutorial: Not all groups have registered their
members to MS Teams.
• So, don’t worry, you’ll be registered before Thursday (the first tutorial day)
Assignment 1
• In all assessments in this class, your explanation is
more important than just the final answer.
• Our marking rubric is always 80% for explanation and 20% for final answer.
• There’s multiple questions on Part A. You can think of each question in Part A as a multiple choice, the same as if the question ask you to choose a / b / c where
(a.) Always True (b.) Sometimes True (c.) Always False
• Sometimes True means under a certain condition the statement is True and under a different condition, the statement is False. For instance, a statement 𝑥! < 10𝑥 without any other information on 𝑥 is Sometimes True, i.e., it’s True when 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 10 but False otherwise.