程序代写代做代考 C algorithm decision tree Question 1 is on Linear Regression and requires you to refer to the following training data:

Question 1 is on Linear Regression and requires you to refer to the following training data:
xy 42 64 12 10 25 23 29 28 46 44 59 60
We wish to fit a linear regression model to this data, i.e. a model of the form: yˆ i = w 0 + w 1 x i .
We consider the Least-Squares loss function:
L ( w 0 , w 1 ) = 􏰁 ( y i − yˆ i ) 2 ,
i=1 where n is the total number of training points.
(a) Derive the least squares estiamtes of w0 and w1, and compute them for the provided data. (b) Based on your linear model, what is the prediction for a test point x⋆ = 50?
(c) Consider a new training point, (xnew,ynew) = (45,0). What are the new least squares parameters if we include all training data (including this new point)?
(d) The new training point in (c) can be considered to be what kind of point? What does such a point mean for your estimated parameters? How could you remedy the situation?
(e) Are you comfortable coding this question up in Numpy? What about using the scikit learn implementation of Linear Regression?
(f) Compute the derivatives of the following functions (SHOW YOUR WORKING): 1. f(x) = x2 ln(x)
2. g(x)=(1+2×4)3
3. h(x) = 2 ln(x)+4x x3
2 Please see over

Question 2 is on Tree Learning and requires you to refer to the following dataset containing a sample S of ten examples. Each example is described using two Boolean attributes A and B. Each is labelled (classified) by the target Boolean function.
A B Class 10+ 01- 11- 10+ 11- 11- 00+ 11+ 00+ 00-
gain splitting criterion? Why?
(e) What are ensembles? Discuss one example in which decision trees are used in an ensemble.
What is the entropy of these examples with respect to the given classification? What is the Information gain of attribute A on sample S above?
What is the information gain of attribute B on sample S above?
What would be chosen as the ‘best’ attribute by a decision tree learner using the ifnromation
3 Please see over

Questions 3 is on Perceptron Training and requires you to refer to the following training data:
x1 x2 y -2 -1 -1 2 -1 1 111 -1 -1 -1 321
(a) Apply the Perceptron Learning Algorithm with starting values w0 = 5, w1 = 1 and w2 = 1, and a learning rate η = 0.4. Be sure to cycle through the training data in the same order that they are presented in the table.
(b) Consider a new point, x⋆ = (−5, 3). What is the predicted value and predicted class based on your learned perceptron for this point?
(c) Consider adding a new point to the data set, x⋆ = (2, 2) and y⋆ = −1. Will your perceptron converge on the new dataset? How might you remedy this?
(d) Consider the following three logical functions:
1. A∧¬B
2. ¬A∨B
3. (A∨B)∧(¬A∨¬B)
Which of these functions can a perceptron learn? Explain. What are two ways that you can extend a perceptron to learn all three functions ?
4 Please see over

Questions 4 covers Unsupervised Learning and require you to refer to the following infor- mation.
In these two questions you will apply the k-means algorithm. You will use a univariate (one- variable) dataset containing the following 12 instances:
Dataset = { 2.01, 3.49, 4.58, 4.91, 4.99, 5.01, 5.32, 5.78, 5.99, 6.21, 7.26, 8.00 }
Use the Manhattan or city-block distance, i.e., the distance between two instances xi and xj is the absolute value of the difference xi − xj . For example, if xi = 2 and xj = 3 then the distance between xi and xj is |2 − 3| = 1. Use the arithmetic mean to compute the centroids.
Apply the k-means algorithm to the above dataset of examples. Let k = 2. Let the two centroids (means) be initialised to {3.33, 6.67}. On each iteration of the algorithm record the centroids.
After two iterations of the algorithm you should have recorded two sets of two centroids.
(a) After applying your algorithm to the dataset for two iterations, which of the sets of centroids in the table above has been learned ?
(select the row of the table with values closest to your centroids)
After 1 iteration After 2 iterations
Centroids 1 Centroids 2 Centroids 3 Centroids 4 Centroids 5
{ 2.75, 5.81 } { 4.00, 6.22 } { 4.51, 6.87 } { 4.67, 7.16 } { 4.83, 7.03 }
{ 3.24, 6.01 } { 4.17, 6.43 } { 4.33, 6.65 } { 4.51, 6.87 } { 4.28, 6.79 }
(a) Centroids 1 (b) Centroids 2 (c) Centroids 3 (d) Centroids 4 (e) Centroids 5
5 Please see over

Now apply the algorithm for one more iteration. Record the new centroids after iteration 3 and answer the following question.
(b) After 3 iterations it is clear that:
(a) due to randomness in the data, the centroids could change on further iterations
(b) due to randomness in the algorithm, the centroids could change on further iterations (c) k-means converges in probability to the true centroids
(d) the algorithm has converged and the clustering will not change on further iterations (e) the algorithm has not converged and the clustering will change on further iterations
6 Please see over

Question 5 is on Learning Theory and requires you to apply a mistake-bounded learner to the following dataset.
This dataset has 6 binary features, x1, x2, . . . x6. The class variable y can be either 1, denoting a positive example of the concept to be learned, or 0, denoting a negative example.
Apply the Winnow2 algorithm to the above dataset of examples in the order in which they appear. Use the following values for the Winnow2 parameters: threshold t = 2, α = 2. Initialise all weights to have the value 1.
(a) After one epoch, i.e., one pass through the dataset, which of the above weight configura- tions has been learned ?
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
000011 101101 010101 011001 110000
1 1 0 0 1
Learned Weights
w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6
Weight vector 1 Weight vector 2 Weight vector 3 Weight vector 4 Weight vector 5
2.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 2.000 1.000 3.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 2.000 1.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 2.000 0.500 2.000 0.250 0.500 0.500 4.000 0.125
(a) Weight vector 1 (b) Weight vector 2 (c) Weight vector 3 (d) Weight vector 4 (e) Weight vector 5
7 Please see over

(b) On which of the examples did the algorithm not make a mistake ?
(a) Examples 1), 2) and 5) (b) Example 5)
(c) Example 4)
(d) Examples 4) and 5) (e) None of the above
(c) The algorithm has learned a consistent concept on the training data:
(a) True
(b) False
(c) It is not possible to determine this
(d) Assume the target concept from which this dataset was generated is defined by exactly two features. The worst-case mistake bound for the algorithm on this dataset is approximately:
(a) 1.79 (b) 2.58 (c) 3.58 (d) 4.67 (e) 10.75
8 Please see over

Question 6 is on Boosting Theory and requires you to implement the Adaptive Boosting Algo- rithm from lectures. Use the following code to generate a toy binary classification dataset:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action=’ignore’, category=FutureWarning)
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
n_points = 15
X, y = make_blobs(n_points, 2, centers=[(0,0), (-1,1)]) y[y==0] = -1 # use -1 for negative class instead of 0
plt.scatter(*X[y==1].T, marker=”+”, s=100, color=”red”)
plt.scatter(*X[y==-1].T, marker=”o”, s=100, color=”blue”) plt.show()
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 def plotter(classifier , X, y, title , ax=None):
9 Please see over
Your data should look like:
(a) By now, you should be familiar with the scikitlearn DecisionTreeClassifier class. Fit Decision trees of increasing maximum depth for depths ranging from 1 to 9. Plot the decision boundaries of each of your models in a 3 × 3 grid. You may find the following helper function useful:

# plot decision boundary for given classifier
plot_step = 0.02
x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() – 1, X[:,0].max() + 1 y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() – 1, X[:,1].max() + 1
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, plot_step), np.arange(y_min , y_max , plot_step))
Z = classifier.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(),yy.ravel()]) Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)
if ax:
ax.contourf(xx, yy, Z, cmap = plt.cm.Paired)
ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c = y)
ax.set_title(title) else:
plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z, cmap = plt.cm.Paired) plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c = y) plt.title(title)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
(b) Comment on your results in (a). What do you notice as you increase the depth of the trees? What do we mean when we say that trees have low bias and high variance?
(c) We now restrict attention to trees of depth 1. These are the most basic decision trees and are commonly referred to as decision stumps. Consider the adaptive boosting algorithm presented in the ensemble methods lecture notes on slide 50/70. In adaptive boosting, we build a model composed of T weak learners from a set of weak learners. At step t, we pick a model from the set of weak learners that minimises weighted error:
εt = 􏰁 wt−1,iI{yi ̸= yˆi}
where wt−1,i is the weight at the previous step for observation i, and I{yi ̸= yˆi} is equal to 1 if yi ̸= yˆi and zero otherwise. We do this for a total of T steps, which gives us a boosted model composed of T base classifiers:
M(x) = 􏰁 αtMt(x)
where αt is the weight assigned to the t-th model. Classification is then carried out by assigning a point to the positive class if M(x) > 0 or to the negative class if M(x) < 1. Here we will take the class of weak learners to be the class of Decision stumps. You may make use of the ‘sample weight’ argument in the ‘fit()’ method to assign weights to the individual data points. Write code to build a boosted classifier for T = 15. Demonstrate the performance of your model on the generated dataset by printing out a list of your predictions versus the true class labels. (note: you may be concerned that the decision tree implementation in scikit learn does not actually minimise εt even when weights are assigned, but we will ignore this detail for the current question). 10 Please see over (d) In this question, we will extend our implementation in (c) to be able to use the plotter function in (b). To do this, we need to implement a boosting model class that has a ‘predict’ method. Once you do this, repeat (c) for T = [2, . . . , 17]. Plot the decision boundary of your 16 models in a 4 × 4 grid. The following template may be useful: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 class boosted_model: def __init__(self, T): self.alphas = # YOUR CODE HERE # YOUR CODE HERE def predict(self, x): # YOUR CODE HERE (e) Discuss the differences between bagging and boosting. 11 Please see over Question 7 Some more suggestions - Make sure you are comfortable with the following 1. Naive Bayes Classification example from lectures/tutorials 2. Decision trees 3. Understanding the Bias Variance trade off 4. SVM calculation 5. K Means clustering 6. VC dimension 7. have worked through the labs and are comfortable with scikitlearn/numpy. 12 Please see over