程序代写代做代考 clock mips Penn State University School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Page 1 of 8 Project

Penn State University School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Page 1 of 8 Project
CMPEN 331 – Computer Organization and Design
Late submission is not accepted and will result in not getting any credits for the project
In the project, you just need to implement what was described in the honor option section in lab 5, with the addition of the implementation and generation of the bit stream without errors.
1. Write a report that contains the following: i. Y our V erilog design code. Use:
i. Device: Zyboboard (XC7Z010- -1CLG400C)
ii. Your Verilog® Test Bench design code. Add “`timescale 1ns/1ps” as the first line of your test bench file.
iii. The waveforms resulting as requested from item 9 above.
iv. The design schematics from the Xilinx synthesis of your design. Do not use any area constraints.
v. Snapshot of the I/O Planning and
vi. Snapshot of the floor planning
vii. The design should be free from errors when synthesized, implemented and generated of the bitstream.
The report format will be as follows:
2. REPORT FORMAT: Free form, but it must be:
a. One report per student.
b. Have a cover sheet with identification: Title, Class, Your Name, etc.
c. You have to write an abstract at the beginning of the project report to describe what you are doing in the
d. You should include an introduction for the project explaining with diagrams the connection between all
the stages and what would be the benefit of using that architecture in the computer organization field.
e. Use Microsoft word and your report should be uploaded in word format not PDF. If you know LaTex,
you should upload the Tex file in addition to the PDF file.
f. Single spaced
The following part is not mandatory but any student will choose to do this part in addition to the previous part, will take 5 points extra to the total grade of the course:
In this extra points project, the students are implementing a pipeline CPU using the Xilinx design package for FPGAs. You can use any information available in previous labs if needed.
3. Pipelining
As described in lab 3
4. Circuits of the Instruction Fetch Stage
As described in lab 3
5. Circuits of the Instruction Decode Stage
As described in lab 3
6. Circuits of the Execution Stage

Penn State University School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Page 2 of 8
As described in lab 4
7. Circuits of the Memory Access Stage
As described in lab 4
8. Circuits of the Write Back Stage
As described in lab 5
9. Control Hazards and Delayed Branch
The control hazard occurs when a pipelined CPU executes a branch or jump instruction. The jump target address a jump instruction (jr, j, or jal) can be determined in the ID stage and it will be written into PC at the end of the ID stage. But because the pipelined CPU fetches instruction during every clock cycle, the next instruction is being fetched during the ID stage of the jump instruction. The control hazard caused by a conditional branch instruction (beq or bne) becomes more serious than that of a jump instruction because the condition must be evaluated in addition to the calculation of the branch of the target address. Figure 1 shows an example when we calculate the branch target address in the EXE or the ID stage respectively. There are mainly two methods to deal with the instruction(s) next to branch or jump instruction. One method is to cancel it (them). The other is to let it (them) be executed. The second method is called a delayed branch. The position in between the location of a jump or branch instruction and the jump or branch target address are called delay slots. MIPS (microprocessor without interlocked pipeline stages) ISA (instruction set architecture) adopts a one delay slot mechanism: the instruction located in delay slot is always executed no matter wither the branch is taken or not as shown in figure 2. In figure 2 (a) shows the case where the branch is not taken. Figure 2 (b) shows the case where the branch is taken; t is the branch target address. In both cases, the instruction located in a+4 (delay slot) is always executed no matter whether the branch is taken or not. In order to implement the delayed branch with one delay slot, we must let the conditional branch instructions finish the executions in the ID stage. There should be no problem for calculating the branch target address within the ID stage. For checking the condition, we can perform an exclusive OR (XOR) on the two source operands:
rsrtequ = ~| (da^db); // (da == db)
where the rsrtequ signal indicates where da or db are equal or not. Both da and db should be the state of the art data. Referring to figures 3 and 4, we use the outputs of the multiplexers for internal forwarding as da and db. This is the reason why we put the forwarding to the ID stage instead of to the EXE stage. Because the delayed branch, the return address of the MIPS jal instruction is PC+8. Figure 5 illustrates the execution of the jal instruction. The instruction located in delay slot (PC + 4) was already executed before transferring control to a function (or a subroutine). The return address should be PC+8, which is written into $31 register in the WB stage by the jal instruction. The return form subroutine can be done by the instruction of jr $31. The jr rs instruction reads the content of register rs and writes it into the PC.
Target address:
Target address:
(a) Branch is determined in EXE stage . (b) Branch is determined in ID stage
Figure 1 Determining whether a branch is taken or not taken

Penn State University
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Page 3 of 8
a: a+4: a+8: a+12:
beq ID IF
a: a+4: t: t+4:
0 1 2 3
a do Inst mem
pcsrc wpcir op func
Control unit
<< << rsrtequ fwdb fwda ID EXE IF ID IF MEM WB EXE MEM ID EXE ID IF EXE ID IF MEM WB EXE MEM ID EXE (a) Branch is not taken (b) Branch is taken op mrn func mm2reg rs mwreg rt ern wpcir em2reg ewreg wreg ewreg mwreg mm2reg mwmem wwreg wm2reg regrt 4 rd0 ern mrn wrn 0 1a 23 aluc a do pc Inst rt 1 rs we rna qa rt rnb Regfile wn d qb Figure 2 Delayed branch bpc jpc da 3 0 d 1db 2 3 ID Figure 3 Implementation with delayed branch with one delay slot 4 pc clk dpc4 equ 4 epc8 EXE CU m2reg wmem ewmem aluc ealuc aluimm ealuimm fwdb fwda we rna qa rs rt 1 rnb Regfile 2 wn qb rsrtequ em2reg 0 mem 01 0 we 1 imm rs rt ALU 23 1b ado Data mem e di clk IF ID EXE MEM WB 0 Penn State University School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Page 4 of 8 Figure 4 Mechanism of internal forwarding and pipeline stall PC: PC + 4 (delay slot): PC + 8 (return address): Subroutine entry address: Figure 5 Return address of the function call instruction For your reference, figure 6 illustrate the detailed circuit of the pipelined CPU, plus instruction memory and data memory. The PC can be considered as the first pipeline located in front of the IF stage, and a register of the register file can be considered as the sixth (last) pipeline register at the end of the WB stage. In the IF stage, an instruction is fetched from instruction memory, and the PC is incremented by 4 if the instruction in the ID stage is neither a branch nor a jump instruction, and there is no pipeline stall. There are four sources for the next PC: pc4: PC+4 bpc: branch target address of a beq or bne instruction da: target address in register of a jr instruction jpc: jump target address of a j or jal instruction The selection of the next PC (npc) is done by a 32-bit 4-to-1 multiplexer whose selection signal is pcsrc (PC source), generated by the control unit in the ID stage. In the ID stage, two register operands are read from the register file based on rs and rt; the immediate (imm) is extended and the instruction is decoded based on op (and func) by the control unit. The selection signal of the multiplexer for ALU’s input e.g. A is named fwda (forward A) and the other for ALU’s input B, is named fwdb (forward B). if there is no data hazard, the multiplexer selects the data read from the register file. The inverse of the stall signal is used as the write enable for the PC and the IF/ID pipeline register (wpcir). The stall signal becomes true when an instruction in the ID stage uses the result of an lw instruction which is in the EXE stage. Thus, the stall signal can be generated by the following Verilog HDL code. stall = ewreg & em2reg & (ern!=0) & (i_rs & (ern== rs) | i_rt & (ern == rt)); where i_rs and i_rt indicate that an instruction uses the contents of the rs register and the rt register respectively. There is an important thing we must not to forget. The pipeline stall is implemented by prohibiting the updates of the PC and the IF/ID pipeline register. But the instruction that is already in the IF/ID register will be decoded and fed to the next pipeline stage. This will result in an instruction being executed twice. To prvent an instruction from being executed twice, we must cancel the first instruction. Canceling an instruction is easy: prevent it from updating the states of the cpu and memory. All the control signals that will be used in the following stages are saved into the ID/EXE registers. In the EXE stage, in addition to the operation performed by the ALU, the PC+8 operation is carried out by an adder for generating the return address for the jal instruction. The shift amount (sa) for a shift jal ID WB IF ID EXE MEM WB IF ID IF EXE WB ID MEM EXE Penn State University School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Page 5 of 8 instruction can be extracted from the immediate field (eimm). If the instruction in the EXE stage is a jal, PC+8 is selected and the destination register number (ern) is set to 31 (done by f component). Otherwise, the ALU output is selected and let ern=ern0 (rd or rt in the EXE stage). In the MEM stage, if the instruction is an sw, the data mb will be written into the data memory addressed by malu. If the instruction is an lw, the memory data addressed by malu is read out. Other instructions do nothing in this stage. In the WB stage, an instruction is graduated by writing the result, either the ALU result or memory data, into a register file. The destination register number is wrn (register number in the WB stage). And the write enable signal is wwreg (register write enable in WB stage) 10. Test Program and Simulation Waveform Write a Verilog code that implement the following instructions to verify the correctness of your pipelined CPU design. The code should be used to initialize the instruction memory block. The register file should be all initialized to zeros. In the test program, it is aimed to check the 20 instructions. The main part of the test program is a subroutine in which four 32-bit memory words are summed by a for loop. After returning from the subroutine, the sum is stored in the data memory by a sw instruction. A code pattern that causes pipeline stall is also prepared within the loop. Word address is used to assign the content of each word (a 32-bit instruction). The parenthesized hexadecimal number in the center of each line is the byte address (PC). Module instruction_memory (a,inst); input [31:0] a; output [31:0] inst; wire [31:0] rom [0:63]; // rom[word_addr] = instruction assign rom[6'h00] = 32'h3c010000; assign rom[6'h01] = 32'h34240050; assign rom[6'h02] = 32'h0c00001b; assign rom[6'h03] = 32'h20050004; assign rom[6'h04] = 32'hac820000; assign rom[6'h05] = 32'h8c890000; assign rom[6'h06] = 32'h01244022; assign rom[6'h07] = 32'h20050003; assign rom[6'h08] = 32'h20a5ffff; assign rom[6'h09] = 32'h34a8ffff; assign rom[6'h0a] = 32'h39085555; assign rom[6'h0b] = 32'h2009ffff; assign rom[6'h0c] = 32'h312affff; assign rom[6'h0d] = 32'h01493025; assign rom[6'h0e] = 32'h01494026; assign rom[6'h0f] = 32'h01463824; assign rom[6'h10] = 32'h10a00003; assign rom[6'h11] = 32'h00000000; assign rom[6'h12] = 32'h08000008; assign rom[6'h13] = 32'h00000000; assign rom[6'h14] = 32'h2005ffff; assign rom[6'h15] = 32'h000543c0; assign rom[6'h16] = 32'h00084400; assign rom[6'h17] = 32'h00084403; assign rom[6'h18] = 32'h000843c2; assign rom[6'h19] = 32'h08000019; assign rom[6'h1a] = 32'h00000000; // instruction memory, rom // rom address // rom content = rom[a] // rom cells: 64 words * 32 bits // (pc) // (00) // (04) // (08) // (0c) // (10) // (14) // (18) // (1c) // (20) // (24) // (28) // (2c) // (30) // (34) // (38) // (3c) // (40) // (44) // (48) // (4c) // (50) // (54) // (58) // (5c) // (60) // (64) // (68) label instruction main: call: dslot1: return: loop2: lui $1, ori $4, jal sum addi $5, sw $2, lw $9, sub $8, addi $5, addi $5, ori $8, xori $8, addi $9, andi $10,$9,0xffff or $6, $10, $9 xor $8, $10, $9 and $7, $10, $6 beq $5, $0, shift dslot2: nop j loop2 dslot3: nop shift: addi $5, $0, -1 sll $8, $5, 15 sll $8, $8, 16 sra $8, $8, 16 srl $8, $8, 15 j finish finish: dslot4: nop 0 $1, 80 $0, 4 0($4) 0($4) $9, $4 $0, 3 $5, -1 $5, 0xffff $8, 0x5555 $0, -1 Penn State University School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science // (6c) // (70) // (74) // (78) // (7c) // (80) // (84) // (88) // use 6-bit word address to read rom assign rom[6'h1b] = assign rom[6'h1c] = assign rom[6'h1d] = assign rom[6'h1e] = assign rom[6'h1f] = assign rom[6'h20] = assign rom[6'h21] = assign rom[6'h22] = assign inst = rom[a[7:2]]; sum: loop: stall: add $8, lw $9, add $8, addi $5, bne $5, addi $4, jr $31 sll $2, 0($4) $8, $9 $5, -1 $0, loop $4, 4 endmodule 32'h00004020; 32'h8c890000; 32'h01094020; 32'h20a5ffff; 32'h14a0fffc; 32'h20840004; 32'h03e00008; 32'h00081000; Page 6 of 8 $0, $0 below is the test data that should be stored in the data memory. Four 32-bit words in the memory will be read by lw instructions. The test program will store a word in the location next to the four words. module data_memory (clk,dataout,datain,addr,we); // data memory, ram input input input input output reg assign always if clk; [31:0] addr; [31:0] datain; we; [31:0] dataout; [31:0] ram [0:31]; dataout = ram[addr[6:2]]; @ (posedge clk) begin (we) ram[addr[6:2]] = datain; // clock // ram address // data in (to memory) // write enable // data out (from memory) // ram cells: 32 words * 32 bits // use 5-bit word address // write ram // ram initialization end integer i; initial begin for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i + 1) ram[i] = 0; end endmodule // ram[word_addr] = data ram[5'h14] = 32'h000000a3; ram[5'h15] = 32'h00000027; ram[5'h16] = 32'h00000079; ram[5'h17] = 32'h00000115; // ram[5'h18] should be 0x00000258, the sum stored by sw instruction dslot5: dslot6: $8, 0 // (byte_addr) item in data array // (50) data[0] 0 + a3 = a3 // (54) data[1] a3 + 27 = ca // (58) data[2] ca + 79 = 143 // (5c) data[3] 143 + 115 = 258 Penn State University School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Page 7 of 8 addr wwreg wm2reg inst Control unit 0 1 2 npc 3 pc4 pcsrc mrn wpcir mm2reg mwreg ern em2reg ewreg wreg m2reg wmem jal ewreg em2reg ewmem ejal ealuc ealuimm eshift 4 epc4 op regrt func rs rt fwda addr << jpc dpc4 epc8 Regfile rs rnaqa 01 sa aluc aluimm shift rsrtequ sext fwdb 4 pcwe3 ALU0 Inst d 1 Data mem wnqb01 dbeb0b mem imm bpc << da ea 1 aaluc 1ealu malu we artrnb2 0 a do ins imm rd rt 2 3 dimm eimm dido 1 0 e wdi 0 drn 1 ern0 f mrn mmo wrn clk IF ID EXE MEMWB Figure 6 Detailed circuit of the pipelined CPU Figure 7 illustrates an example of waveforms when the pipelined CPU executes the jal instruction (PC = 0x00000008). The instruction in the delay slot (PC = 0x0000000c) is executed also. The taget address of the jal instruction is 0x0000006c, the entry of a subroutine (sum). The result at the EXE stage of the jal instruction is 0x00000010, which is the return address (from the subroutine). IF ID EXE Figure 7 Waveform of the pipelined CPU (call subroutine) 11. Write a Verilog code that implement the instructions shown in item number 8 with the corresponding initialization of data memory using the design shown in Figure 6. You need to show your outputs in a similar way as figure 7 with the same signals when the pipelined CPU execute the lw $9, 0($4) instruction (PC = op rs rt rd sa func op rs rt imm mwreg mm2reg mwmem op MEM WB ern Penn State University School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Page 8 of 8 0x00000070) and its follow up, the add $8, $8, $9 instruction in the fourth (last round) of the for loop. 12. Write a report that contains the following: viii. Y our V erilog design code. Use: i. Device: Zyboboard (XC7Z010- -1CLG400C) ix. Your Verilog® Test Bench design code. Add “`timescale 1ns/1ps” as the first line of your test bench file. x. The waveforms resulting as requested from item 9 above. xi. The design schematics from the Xilinx synthesis of your design. Do not use any area constraints. xii. Snapshot of the I/O Planning and xiii. Snapshot of the floor planning xiv. The design should be free from errors when synthesized. 13. REPORT FORMAT: Free form, but it must be: a. One report per student. b. Have a cover sheet with identification: Title, Class, Your Name, etc. c. You have to write an abstract at the beginning of the project report to describe what you have done in the project. d. Use Microsoft word and it should be uploaded in word format not PDF. If you know LaTex, you should upload the Tex file in addition to the PDF file. e. Single spaced 14. You have to upload the whole project design file zipped with the word or LaTex with PDF file.