Coursework 2 – 7CCMBDT – Big Data Technologies (example solutions). There are other possible solutions for each question.
Task 1 1) { $and:[{ displayName: /^A/i}, {displayName: /es$/}, {friendsCount:{$lt: 25}}]}, {displayName:1, followersCount:1, friendsCount:1}).sort({displayName:-1})
2) [{$match: {friendsCount:{$gt:0}}}, { $group :{ _id:null, avgRatio: { $avg: {$divide: [“$followersCount”,”$friendsCount”]}}}} ] )
4){statusesCount:{$gt: 200, $lt:203}},{followersCount:1})
Task 2
This is an example solution. There were other valid solutions by many of you. It is important to utilize the parallelization capabilities of Spark in the operations of sorting, finding the 10 most frequent values, and intersection.
For example, one could do everything (sort, top10, intersection) in Python after applying .collect() on the RDDs. But the program would not be parallel and could not handle data that is larger than the main memory of the computer where the driver runs. See best-practices-and-tuning/content/dont_collect_large_rdds.html to learn more.
Another could apply .collect() to the values of an RDD, then sort and top10 in Python (using dictionaries, for example) and then do intersection in Spark. This is better but not perfect, because still .collect() on an RDD limits the level of parallelization on the program.
from pyspark import SparkContext from operator import add
sc = SparkContext( ‘local’, ‘pyspark’)
def age_group(age): if age < 10 :
return '0-10' elif age < 20:
return '10-20' elif age < 30:
return '20-30' elif age < 40:
return '30-40' elif age < 50:
return '40-50' elif age < 60:
return '50-60' elif age < 70:
return '60-70' elif age < 80:
return '70-80' else:
return '80+'
def parse_with_age_group(data):
userid,age,gender,occupation,zip = data.split("|")
return userid, age_group(int(age)),gender,occupation,zip,int(age)
fs=sc.textFile("file:///home/cloudera/Downloads/u.user") data_with_age_40_50=data_with_age_group.filter(lambda x: '40-50' in x)
#obtain the occupations of the age group [40,50) x: x[3])
#create (occupation, 1) pairs i.e., set count 1 per occupation x:(x,1))
#create (occupation, total_count) pair i.e., sum the counts for each #occupation occupation_total_counts=occupation_count_pairs.reduceByKey(add)
#create tuple (total_count, occupation) so that total_count is the key
#we need this to be able to sort by key in the next step x: (x[1], x[0])) #sort by key (i.e., total_count) in descending order total_sorted=total_counts_occupation.sortByKey(False)
#take top 10 words w.r.t. total_count and print them out top10A=sc.parallelize(total_sorted.take(10))
data_with_age_50_60=data_with_age_group.filter(lambda x: '50-60' in x) x: x[3]) x:(x,1)) occupation_total_counts2=occupation_count_pairs2.reduceByKey(add) x: (x[1], x[0])) total_sorted2=total_counts_occupation2.sortByKey(False)
top10B=sc.parallelize(total_sorted2.take(10)) print(top10A.collect());
print(top10B.collect()); print(top10A.values().intersection(top10B.values()).collect());
Task 3 1)
SELECT MAX(count) as Max FROM (SELECT user,COUNT(time) as count FROM logs GROUP BY user) as tmp;
select count(*) from logs where substr(query,-8)=='business' group by user;
3) Here I provide two solutions.
SOL1: select * from logs where query like '%job%';
SOL2: select * from logs where instr(query,'job')!=0;
4) Here I provide two solutions.
SOL1: select count(distinct user) from logs where query <> ” and (time like ‘%21____’ or time like ‘%22____’);
select count(distinct user) from logs where hour(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(time,’yyMMddHHmmss’),’yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss’))=’22’ or hour(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(time,’yyMMddHHmmss’),’yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss’))=’21’ and query!=”;