程序代写代做代考 Bayesian School of Computing and Information Systems

School of Computing and Information Systems
The University of Melbourne
Sample solutions: Week 11
1. What is Question Answering?
• QA is the task of using knowledge — either in terms of raw documents, or in relations that we’ve already extracted from the documents — to answer questions (perhaps implicitly) posed by a user.
(a) What is semantic parsing, and why might it be desirable for QA? Why might approaches like NER be more desirable?
• As opposed to syntactic parsing — which attempts to define the struc- tural relationship between elements of a sentence — we instead want to define the (meaning–based) relations between those elements.
• For example, in the sentence Donald Trump is president of the United States. we can deduce that Donald Trump is the subject of the verb is, and so on, but in semantic parsing, we might be trying to gen- eratealogicalrelationshiplikeis(Donald Trump, president(United States)).
• This format allows us to answer questions like “Who is president of the United States?” by generating an equivalent representation like: is(?,president(United States))
(b) What are the main steps for answering a question for a QA system? • Knowledge-based QA:
– Offline, we process our document collection to generate a list of rela- tions (our knowledge base)
– When we receive a (textual) query, we transform it into the same struc- tural representation, with some known field(s) and some missing field(s)
– We examine our knowledge base for facts that match the known fields
– We rephrase the query as an answer with the missing field(s) filled in
from the matching facts from the knowledge base • IR-based QA:
– Offline, we process our document collection into a suitable format for IR querying (e.g. inverted index)
– When we receive a (textual) query, we remove irrelevant terms, and (possibly) expand the query with related terms
– We select the best document(s) from the collection based on our query- ing model (e.g. TF-IDF with cosine similarity)
– We identify one or more snippets from the best document(s) that match the query terms, to form an answer

2. What is a Topic Model?
• A topic model is an unsupervised model that discovers latent thematic struc-
ture in document collections.
(a) What is the Latent Dirichlet Allocation, and what are its strengths?
• LDA is a particular implementation of topic model. LDA is a probabilistic model that assumes each document has a mixture of topics (in the form of a probability distribution), and each topic has a mixture of words (also a probability distribution). Due to its Bayesian formulation (by giving priors to the two aforementioned distributions), LDA is able to infer topics for unseen documents, a capability that its predecessors do not have.
(b) What are the different approaches to evaluating a topic model?
• As topic models are unsupervised models, there is no task-based metrics such as accuracy to evaluate them. The best way is to look at the perfor- mance of downstream tasks or applications of interest (extrinsic evalua- tion).
• Other intrinsic evaluation approaches include:
– Perplexity: a normalised model logprobability metric over test data.
– Topic coherence: assess how coherent or interpretable the extracted
topics are. We can do this manually with word intrusion (injecting random a word into topic and try to guess which is the injected word) or automatically with PMI measures.
1. In the iPython notebook 12-topic-model, we build a topic model on the Reuters news corpus.
• Explore different number of topics: qualitatively how does it change the top- ics?
• Explore different values of the document-topic α and topic-word η (β in lec- ture) priors: qualitatively how does it change the topics? What values work best for the downstream document classification task? (Note: you can also try ’auto’ where the model will try to learn these hyper-parameters automat- ically)
• Modify the classification task such that it uses bag-of-word and the topic dis- tribution as input features to the classifiers. Do you see a performance gain?