程序代写代做代考 C go COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions

COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions
COMP0020 Functional Programming Lecture 10
Higher Order Functions (2)
Christopher D. Clack (University College London) COMP0020: Functional Programming Academic Year 2019-2020 1 / 20

COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions
Discussion of solutions to “challenge”
Capturing common forms of recursion on lists
􏰉 The Miranda functions foldr and foldl ⋆ (reduce and accumulate)
􏰉 Examples : summing a list of numbers Combining HOFs
Christopher D. Clack (University College London) COMP0020: Functional Programming Academic Year 2019-2020 2 / 20

COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions
Can you write a function that takes a list of numbers (containing only the values 1, 2 and 0, where at least one 0 must occur) and returns a three-tuple containing :
􏰉 The number of 1s before the first 0
􏰉 The number of 2s before the first 0
􏰉 The length of the longest sequence of 1s before the first 0
Notes :
􏰉 The value of this challenge is NOT in knowing the answer — the value is in the process of finding the answer ! So please don’t “cheat” yourself by searching for the answer or looking at somebody else’s answer.
􏰉 Start by writing down the type of the function (always !)
􏰉 Be prepared to write small “helper” functions, or look in the online manual (Section 28) for built-in
􏰉 If you find this easy, try designing the program a different way so that it makes use of higher order
functions (e.g. filter, dropwhile, takewhile)
Christopher D. Clack (University College London) COMP0020: Functional Programming Academic Year 2019-2020 3 / 20

COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions
Solution 1
challenge :: [num] − > (num, num, num)
challenge any = xchallenge any
xchallenge (0 : xs) (a, b, c, d) xchallenge (1:xs) (a,b,c,d) xchallenge (2 : xs) (a, b, c, d) xchallenge any (a, b, c, d)
(0, 0, 0, 0)
= (a, b, max [c, d])
= xchallengexs(a+1,b,c,d+1)
= xchallenge xs (a, b + 1, max [c, d], 0) = error “bad input format”
Christopher D. Clack (University College London) COMP0020: Functional Programming Academic Year 2019-2020 4 / 20

COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions
Solution 2
challengeany =(a,b,c) where
f []
f (2 : xs) longest f (1 : xs) longest f any longest
segment = takewhile (∼= 0) any a = # (filter (= 1) segment)
b = # (filter (= 2) segment)
c =f segment00
current = max [longest, current]
current = f xs (max [current, longest]) 0 current = f xs longest (current + 1) current = error “bad input format”
Christopher D. Clack (University College London)
COMP0020: Functional Programming
Academic Year 2019-2020
5 / 20

COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions
Solution 3
challengeany =(a,b,c) where
segment a
g 1 (a, b)
g 2 (a, b)
g x (a,b) mymax (a, b)
= takewhile (∼= 0) any
= # (filter (= 1) segment )
= # (filter (= 2) segment )
= mymax (foldr g (0, 0) segment ) = (a, b + 1)
= (max [a,b], 0)
= error “bad input format”
= a, if a > b
= b, otherwise
Christopher D. Clack (University College London)
COMP0020: Functional Programming
Academic Year 2019-2020
6 / 20

COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions
Foldr (sometimes known as “reduce”)
Distributes a dyadic function over the elements of a list foldr ( +) 0 anylist
↑ ↑ replaces “nil” in anylist ↑ replaces “cons” in anylist
Exampl e :
foldr (+) 0 (1: (2 : (3: [])))
→ (1 + (2 + (3 + 0 ))) →6
Christopher D. Clack (University College London) COMP0020: Functional Programming Academic Year 2019-2020 7 / 20

COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions
Foldl (sometimes known as “accumulate”)
Distributes a dyadic function over the elements of a list; associates to the LEFT foldl (+) 0 anylist
↑ ↑ replaces “nil” in anylist (moved to LEFT end) ↑ replaces “cons” in anylist
Exampl e :
foldl (+) 0 (1:(2:(3:[])))
→ (((0 + 1) + 2) + 3 ) →6
Christopher D. Clack (University College London) COMP0020: Functional Programming Academic Year 2019-2020 8 / 20

COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions
Definition of foldr
foldr ::(∗−>∗∗−>∗∗)−>∗∗−>[∗]−>∗∗ foldr f def [] = def
foldrf def (x:xs) = f x(foldrf def xs)
Note “f” is used in PREFIX position
foldr(+)0 (1 : (2 : (3 : [])))
≡ foldr (+) 0 ((:) 1 ((:) 2 ((:) 3 [])))
→ ≡
((+) 1 ((+) 2 ((+) 3 0))) (1 + (2 + (3 + 0)))
Christopher D. Clack (University College London)
COMP0020: Functional Programming
Academic Year 2019-2020
9 / 20

COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions
Definition of foldl
foldl ::(∗∗−>∗−>∗∗)−>∗∗−>[∗]−>∗∗ foldl f def [] = def
foldl f def (x :xs) = foldl f (f def x)xs
Note again “f” is used in PREFIX position
foldl(+)0 (1 : (2 : (3 : [])))
≡ foldl (+) 0 ((:) 1 ((:) 2 ((:) 3 [])))
→ ≡
((+) ((+) ((+) 0 1) 2) 3) (((0 + 1) + 2) + 3)
Christopher D. Clack (University College London)
COMP0020: Functional Programming
Academic Year 2019-2020
10 / 20

COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions
foldr (*) 1 [1,2,3,4] → 24
foldl (+) 0 [1,2,3,4] → 10
foldr ( 🙂 [] [1,2,3,4] → [1,2,3,4]
main = foldr g 0 [1,2,3,4] where
g x y = x, if x > y = y, otherwise
Christopher D. Clack (University College London)
COMP0020: Functional Programming
Academic Year 2019-2020
11 / 20

COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions
“Solution 3″ revisited :
challengeany =(a,b,c) where
segment a
g 1 (a, b)
g 2 (a, b)
g x (a,b) mymax (a, b)
= takewhile ( = 0) any
= # (filter (= 1) segment )
= # (filter (= 2) segment )
= mymax (foldr g (0, 0) segment ) = (a, b + 1)
= (max [a,b], 0)
= error “bad input format”
= a, if a > b
= b, otherwise
Christopher D. Clack (University College London)
COMP0020: Functional Programming
Academic Year 2019-2020
12 / 20

COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions
“Solution 3″ revisited :
g 1 (a, b) g 2 (a, b) g x (a, b)
mymax (foldr g (0,0) [1,2,1,1,1,2,])
→ mymax (g 1 (foldr g (0,0) [2,1,1,1,2,]))
→ mymax (g 1 (g 2 (foldr g (0,0) [1,1,1,2])))
→→ mymax (g 1(g 2(g 1(g 1(g 1(g 2(0,0))))))) → mymax (g 1(g 2(g 1(g 1(g 1(0,0))))))
→ mymax (g 1(g 2(g 1(g 1(0,1)))))
→ mymax (g 1(g 2(g 1(0,2))))
→ mymax (g 1 (g 2 (0,3)))
→ mymax(g1(3,0))
→ mymax (3,1)
Christopher D. Clack (University College London) COMP0020: Functional Programming
= (a, b + 1)
= (max [a, b], 0)
= error “bad input format”
Academic Year 2019-2020
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COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions
Equivalence of foldr and foldl ?
Can foldr be replaced with foldl without changing the result ?
􏰉 foldr (-) 0 [1,2,3]
􏰉 foldl (-) 0 [1,2,3]
Never ?
Always ?
Sometimes? … if so, when?
Christopher D. Clack (University College London)
COMP0020: Functional Programming
Academic Year 2019-2020
14 / 20

COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions
Equivalence of foldr and foldl
They CAN be interchanged whenever the function “f” is :
􏰉 Associative, AND
􏰉 Commutative with the “def” value (often the identity value of the function “f”)
Caveat – they don’t work the same on infinite lists !
􏰉 hd(foldr(:)[]ones)→1
􏰉 hd (foldl (swap ( :)) [] ones) → ?
Christopher D. Clack (University College London) COMP0020: Functional Programming Academic Year 2019-2020 15 / 20

COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions
Combining HOFs
results = [(”fred”,45),(”sally”,79),(”chris”,65)]
f main
= (map fst) . (filter ((< 50).snd)) = f results → ((map fst) . (filter ((< 50).snd))) results → (map fst ) → map fst → map fst → [”fred”] ((filter ((< 50).snd )) results ) (filter ((< 50).snd ) [(”fred ”, 45), (”sally ”, 79), (”chris ”, 65)]) [(”fred ”, 45)] Christopher D. Clack (University College London) COMP0020: Functional Programming Academic Year 2019-2020 16 / 20 COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions Combining HOFs myreverse = foldl (swap (:)) [] main = myreverse[1,2,3,4] → (foldl (swap (:)) []) [1, 2, 3, 4] → foldl (swap (:)) [] [1, 2, 3, 4] → foldl (swap (:)) (swap (:) [] 1) [2, 3, 4] → foldl (swap (:)) (swap (:) (swap (:) [] 1) 2) [3, 4] → foldl (swap (:)) (swap (:) (swap (:)(swap (:) [] 1) 2) 3) [4] → foldl (swap (:)) (swap (:) (swap (:) (swap (:)(swap (:) [] 1) 2) 3) 4) [] → (swap (:) (swap (:) (swap (:)(swap (:) [] 1) 2) 3) 4) → (:) 4 (swap (:) (swap (:)(swap (:) [] 1) 2) 3) →→ (:)4((:)3((:)2((:)1[]) →→ (4 :(3 : (2 : (1 : [])))) ≡ [4,3,2,1] Christopher D. Clack (University College London) COMP0020: Functional Programming Academic Year 2019-2020 17 / 20 COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions Combining HOFs Don’t go overboard : things can get silly ! What does this do ? g=(foldr(+)0).(foldr ((:).((#).(:[]))) []) Christopher D. Clack (University College London) COMP0020: Functional Programming Academic Year 2019-2020 18 / 20 COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions Summary Summary Discussion of solutions to “challenge" Capturing common forms of recursion on lists 􏰉 The Miranda functions foldr and foldl ⋆ (reduce and accumulate) 􏰉 Examples Combining HOFs Christopher D. Clack (University College London) COMP0020: Functional Programming Academic Year 2019-2020 19 / 20 COMP0020: Functional Programming Higher Order Functions Summary END OF LECTURE Christopher D. Clack (University College London) COMP0020: Functional Programming Academic Year 2019-2020 20 / 20