12/08/2020 Quiz (Week 3)
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Quiz (Week 3)
Properties for Functions Question 1
The ROT13 Cipher is a simple substitution cipher which rotates the alphabet by thirteen places, that is, A becomes N and Z becomes M . Here is a simple (rather inef cient) Haskell implementation:
rot13 :: String -> String
rot13 = map $ \x ->
case lookup x table of Justy ->y
Nothing -> x
table = table’ ‘A’ ‘Z’ ++ table’ ‘a’ ‘z’
table’ a z = zip [a..z] (drop 13 (cycle [a..z]))
Select all the properties that this function satis es (assuming ASCII strings).
1. ✔
2. ✔
3. ✗
4. ✔
5. ✔
6. ✗
7. ✔ rot13 (rot13 x) == x
length x == length (rot13 x)
rot13 (map toUpper x) == map toUpper (rot13 x)
rot13 (map f x) == map f (rot13 x)
all (not . isAlpha) x ==> rot13 x == x
rot13 (a ++ b) == rot13 a ++ rot13 b
not (null x) ==> ord (head x) + 13 == ord (head (rot13 x))
Famously, the ROT13 cipher is an involution, that is, it is its own inverse. This makes property 7 true.
Property 6 is false, as the difference in ASCII codes can be very different from 13, for example, the space character is left unaltered by ROT13 and so the difference may be zero.
Property 5 is true, as concatenating two ciphered strings is the same as ciphering their concatenation.
Property 4 is true, as rot13 does not affect any characters except alphabetical ones.
2020 Quiz (Week 3)
Property 3 does not hold, for example when is the function.
Property 2 holds as case is preserved across ciphering (capital letters are changed to other capital letters, and lowercase letters are changed to other lowercase letters).
Property 1 is also true, as the ciphertext is always the same length as the plaintext in a substitution cipher.
merge [2,4,6,7] [1,2,3,4] ==
merge :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
merge (x:xs) (y:ys) | x < y = x:merge xs (y:ys)
merge xs [] = xs
merge [] ys = ys
| otherwise = y:merge (x:xs) ys
merge (sort a) (sort b) == sort (merge a b)
merge a b == sort (a ++ b)
length (merge a b) == length a + length b
merge (filter f a) (filter f b) == filter f (merge a b)
merge (map f a) (map f b) == map f (merge a b)
sort (merge a b) == sort (a ++ b)
merge a b
sort a sort b merge
a [3,1] b [2,3] b [2,3]
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Question 2
Here is a function that fairly merges ordered lists, e.g.
Select all the properties that this function satis es.
1. ✔ 2. ✗ 3. ✔ 4. ✗ 5. ✗ 6. ✔
Property 1 is true, as given two sorted lists ( and ),
produce a sorted list containing all of the elements of the original lists. Even if the input lists are not sorted, all elements will still be contained in the output, so
-ing will produce the same result.
Property 2 is false, for example when is and is .
Property 3 is true, as the always contains all elements from the input list.
Property 4 is false, for example when is and is , and is . The two ltered lists are and , resulting in a merge of
whereas merging rst would result in the list .
Property 5 is false, for example if is the absolute value function , then any lists involving both negative and positive numbers will result in different
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2020 Quiz (Week 3)
Question 3
The following code converts Haskell values to and from strings containing their binary representation (as a sequences of and '0' characters).
Select all properties that these functions satisfy.
1. ✔
2. ✗
3. ✗
4. ✔
5. ✔ all (`elem` "01") s ==> fromBinary s == fromBinary (‘0’:s)
toBinary :: Int -> String
toBinary 0 = “”
toBinary n = let (d,r) = n `divMod` 2
in toBinary d
++ if r == 0 then “0”
else “1”
fromBinary :: String -> Int
fromBinary = fst . foldr eachChar (0,1)
eachChar ‘1’ (sum, m) = (sum + m, m*2)
eachChar _ (sum, m) = (sum , m*2)
i >= 0 ==> fromBinary (toBinary i) == i
all (`elem` “01”) s ==> toBinary (fromBinary s) == s
all (`elem` “01”) s ==> read s >= fromBinary s
i > 0 ==> length (toBinary i) >= length (show i)
Property 6 is true, as a merge contains all the elements of both lists, as does a concatenation, and sort canonicalises their order.
Property 1 is true as converting to a binary string and then back should result in the same number.
Property 2 is false as while toBinary is injective (there is a unique string for every number), fromBinary is not, even if the strings are restricted to binary digits. For example, adding any number of leading zeroes onto the binary string will result in the same number from , so a counterexample to this property can easily be found with .
Property 3 is false as read will throw an exception when given the empty list for s.
s = “01”
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2020 Quiz (Week 3)
Question 4
The following function removes adjacent duplicates from a list.
Assume the presence of the following sorted predicate:
Select all properties that dedup satis es.
1. ✔
2. ✔
3. ✔
4. ✗
5. ✗
6. ✔ (x `elem` xs) == (x `elem` dedup xs)
dedup :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
dedup (x:y:xs) | x == y = dedup (y:xs)
dedup xs = xs
| otherwise = x : dedup (y:xs)
sorted :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Bool
sorted (x:y:xs) = x <= y && sorted (y:xs)
sorted xs = True
sorted xs ==> sorted (dedup xs)
sorted xs ==> dedup xs == nub xs
sorted xs ==> dedup (dedup xs) == dedup xs
sorted xs && sorted ys ==> dedup xs ++ dedup ys == dedup (xs ++ ys)
sorted xs ==> length (dedup xs) < length xs
Property 4 is true, as for positive (i.e. nonzero) integers the
representation will always be longer than the decimal string representation.
Property 5 is true, as adding leading zeroes to a binary number does not change its value.
All of these properties are true except 4, as can be seen when both xs and ys are just the singleton list [1] .
Property 1 is true as removing adjacent duplicates from a sorted list does not ruin the sorted ordering.
Property 2 is true as for sorted lists, removing adjacent duplicates and removing all duplicates are identical.
Property 3 is true as removing adjacent duplicates shouldn't nd any more adjacent duplicates the second time around.
Property 5 is false as a list that already has no duplicates will not get any shorter.
2020 Quiz (Week 3)
Property 6 is true as will not remove the last of any given value in the list.
Functions for Properties Question 5
Here are a set of properties that the function foo must satisfy:
foo :: [a] -> (a -> b) -> [b] foo = undefined — see below
prop_1 :: [Int] -> Bool
prop_1 xs = foo xs id == xs
prop_2 :: [Int] -> (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int) -> Bool
prop_2 xs f g = foo (foo xs f) g == foo xs (g . f)
Choose an implementation for foo that satis es the above properties, and type- checks:
1. ✗ 2. ✗ 3. ✗
4. ✔
5. ✗
foo xs f = []
foo xs f = xs
foo [] f = []
foo (x:xs) f = x : foo xs f
foo [] f = []
foo (x:xs) f = f x : foo xs f
foo [] f = []
foo (x:xs) f = foo xs f
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12/08/2020 Quiz (Week 3)
Question 6
bar :: [Int] -> [Int]
bar = undefined
prop_1 :: [Int] -> Bool
prop_1 xs = bar (bar xs) == xs
prop_2 :: [Int] -> Bool
prop_2 xs = length xs == length (bar xs)
prop_3 :: [Int] -> (Int -> Int) -> Bool
prop_3 xs f = bar (map f xs) == map f (bar xs)
Choose all implementations for bar that satisfy the above properties, and type- check:
1. ✗
2. ✔
3. ✗
bar [] = []
bar (x:xs) = bar (filter (<=x) xs)
++ x : bar (filter (> x) xs)
bar xs = go xs []
where go [] acc = acc
go (x:xs) acc = go xs (x:acc)
bar [] = []
bar (x:xs) = xs ++ [x]
4. ✔
These are the standard laws (functor laws) that map has to obey. And, indeed, the correct answer is a map implementation.
Note that it is actually impossible to write a terminating function that typechecks and obeys those properties without correctly implementing map . Try to write an incorrect, terminating map that is well-typed and obeys those laws! You will nd it is impossible. Later on in the course we will discuss why this is so and how we can exploit it to write better programs.
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12/08/2020 Quiz (Week 3)
5. ✗ 6. ✗
bar xs = nub xs
bar xs = replicate (length xs) (maximum xs)
The rst property says the function has to be an involution, that is, applying it twice should have the same effect as not applying it at all. Property 2 says that the number of elements must remain the same. And property 3 says that bar must commute with map : This effectively means that we cannot act upon the contents of the list, as this would allow the function given to map to be crafted to break this property.
Thus, we must permute the elements of the given list without altering them or changing their quantity, and we must choose the output permutation without inspecting the input values. Thus, the fast reverse implementation in 2, and the identity function in 4 are all correct implementations.
The rotation function in 3 breaks idempotence property 1. The remove duplicates function in 5 breaks the length property in 2. And the replace-with-maximum function in 6 breaks the map-commutation property in 3, for example if f is the absolute value function abs and the list given is [2,-4] . The quicksort function breaks property 3, as the map function could change the relative ordering of the elements.
Question 7
bar = id
baz :: [Integer] -> Integer
baz = undefined
prop_1 :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> Bool
prop_1 xs ys = baz xs + baz ys == baz (xs ++ ys)
prop_2 :: [Integer] -> Bool
prop_2 xs = baz xs == baz (reverse xs)
prop_3 :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Bool
prop_3 x xs = baz (x:xs) – x == baz xs
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12/08/2020 Quiz (Week 3)
Choose a law-abiding de nition for 1. ✔
2. ✗
3. ✗
4. ✗
, that type checks:
baz = foldr (+) 0
baz[] =0
baz (x:xs) = 1 + baz xs
baz[] =1
baz (x:xs) = x + baz xs
baz xs = 0
This has to be a sum function (option 1). The game is almost given away by the rst property alone. However prop_1 by itself allows for a function that merely returns zero (option 4) or a function that returns the length of the list (option 2), however prop_3 rules these out for us. Option 3 includes an off-by-one error, as the additive identity is 0 not 1, and thus would break prop_1 for even empty lists.
The prop_2 property is not really needed here, and is included as a bit of a red herring.
Question 8
Here is a de nition of a function fun , and properties for another function nuf :
fun :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
fun [] = []
fun [x] = []
fun (x:y:xs) = (y-x):fun (y:xs)
nuf :: [Integer] -> Integer -> [Integer]
nuf = undefined
prop_1 :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Bool
prop_1 xs x = nuf (fun (x:xs)) x == (x:xs)
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12/08/2020 Quiz (Week 3)
www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs3141/20T2/Week 03/quiz.html
Choose a de nition for nuf that type checks and satis es the given properties: 1. ✗
2. ✗
3. ✔ 4. ✗
5. ✗
nuf [] i = []
nuf (x:xs) i = (i + x) : nuf xs (i + x)
nuf [] i = [i]
nuf (x:xs) i = (i + x) : nuf xs (i + x)
nuf xs i = scanl (\v x -> v + x) i xs
nuf [] i = []
nuf (x:xs) i = (i + x) : nuf xs i
nuf xs i = i : scanl (\v x -> v + x) i xs
prop_2 :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Bool
prop_2 xs x = fun (nuf xs x) == xs
The fun function is essentially a discrete differentiation function, nding the gradient at each data point. Then, is described by our properties as its inverse operation (given a constant as integration requires).
If we run fun [1,4,6,3,6] we will get the derivative [3,2,-3,3] . Trying each possible implementation:
*> nuf1 [3,2,-3,3] 1
*> nuf2 [3,2,-3,3] 1
*> nuf3 [3,2,-3,3] 1
*> nuf4 [3,2,-3,3] 1
*> nuf5 [3,2,-3,3] 1
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As can be seen, only gives a correct answer that gets us back to our starting point.
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