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12/08/2020 Code (Week 1 Wed)
Code (Week 1 Wed) Functions from the standard library
All of the information about how these functions work is in their type signature.
When reading types in Haskell, names that start with a lowercase letter are type variables and names that start with an uppercase letter are concrete types.
We can’t create values or operate on values of a type variable without restricting the variable in some way. Type classes let us do that by specifying operations must be implemented for the type ( Ord requires a <= a and Eq requires a == a ). Type variables help generic functions express more of their properties in their type signature. For example, you know that a function with the type [a] -> [a] can re- order, duplicate, or remove elements from the list, but without knowing the type of the elements it cannot operate on them or add new elements.
id takes a value and returns it. This is more useful than you might expect.
flip swaps the order of the rst two arguments to a function.
undefined allows your code to compile but will crash if it is ever evaluated. This can be useful to incrementally build out parts of your system.
error will crash your program with a particular error if it is ever evaluated.
id :: a -> a
id a = a
flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a -> c)
flip f left right = f right left
undefined :: a
error :: String -> a
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12/08/2020 Code (Week 1 Wed)
Operators are normal functions in Haskell. An operator is merely a function with a name that consists of non-alphanumeric characters.
An operator can be used as a function by surrounding it with parentheses, so (.) f g is the same as f . g .
A normal function can be used as an inx operator by surrounding it with backtiks, so div a b is the same as a `div` b .
Inx operators have associativity, which determines the order in which different operators implicitly bind and the direction in which multiple uses of the same operator implicitly bind.
The operator on types is right-associative, so a -> b -> c -> d is equivalent to .
Function application in expressions is written as a whitespace between to expressions. It is left-associative so a b c d is equivalent to ((a b) c) d .
The $ reverses the associativity of function application so a $ b $ c $ d is equivalent to a (b (c d)) . This makes it useful to remove trailing parentheses.
Custom Operators
You can also dene your own inx operators. You may want to explicitly specify whether they are right associative with infixr or left associative with infixl
This denition of (.>) is like (.) but with arguments in reverse order.
This denition of (|>) is like ($) but with arguments in reverse order.
a -> (b -> (c -> d))
infixl 0 .>
(.>) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c
a .> b = b . a
oops :: a
oops = error “Oops!”
www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs3141/20T2/Week 01/Wednesday/Code.html

12/08/2020 Code (Week 1 Wed)
append places all the elements in the rst list before all the elements in the second list, appending the two together.
This is equivalent to the inx operator (++) .
Indexing (!!) is a partial function that gets the nth element in the list:
foldl and foldr are two different ways to ‘collapse’ a list into a single value. Both take some operation that will ‘fold’ each value in the list into the working state and some state to start with.
The key difference is that foldl will take elements at the head of the list until none are left and foldr will go to the end of the least and will step backwards from the end taking each element.
append :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
append [] ys = ys
append (x:xs) ys = x : append xs ys
(!!) :: [a] -> Int -> a
(x:_ ) !! 0 = x
(_:xs) !! n = xs !! n – 1
[] !! _ = error “Index too large”
— foldr f base [a, b, c] == a `f` (b `f` (c `f` base)) foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr f base [] = base
foldr f base (x:xs) = x `f` foldr f base xs
— foldl f acc [a, b, c] == ((acc `f` a) `f` b) `f` c foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldl f acc [] = acc
foldl f acc (x:xs) = foldl f (acc `f` x) xs
infixl 0 |>
(|>) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
a |> f = f a
www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs3141/20T2/Week 01/Wednesday/Code.html

12/08/2020 Code (Week 1 Wed)
As lists are constructed by starting at the end and pushing elements onto the start of the list, foldr tends to be more useful in operating on lists in a way that preserves the order. In fact, any basic recursive function on lists can be expressed with foldr .
For map , the ‘base’ is an empty list and the operation is one that maps the value then pushes it on the start of the list.
For append , the ‘base’ is the list that will end up at the end and the operation is (:) which pushes an item onto the front of the list.
For filter , the ‘base’ is an empty list and the operation is one that only includes an element if the predicate p returns true for that item.
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f = foldr (\next mapped -> f next:mapped) []
append :: [a] -> ([a] -> [a])
append front back = foldr’ (:) back front
filter” :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter” p = foldr’ step []
step next filtered
| p next = next:filtered
| otherwise = filtered
Binding and scope
In append below, the rst argument (with type ) is ‘bound’ to the name front and the second argument (with type [a] ) to .
The names and back are only ‘visible’ (i.e. they can only be used) within the denition of , on the right side of = .
The following are equivalent ways of writing the same denition.
concat :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
concat front back = foldr (:) back front
www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs3141/20T2/Week 01/Wednesday/Code.html

12/08/2020 Code (Week 1 Wed)
They show how functions in Haskell fundamentally only take a single argument, even if we can write them as though they take more than one.
append :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
append = \front -> \back -> foldr (:) back front
append = \front back -> foldr (:) back front
append front = \back -> foldr (:) back front
append front back = foldr (:) back front
The two denitions of filter below are equivalent, the choice of which you would want to use is a matter of your personal preference for style.
In each, a helper function called step is dened with the type a -> [a] -> [a] (where a is actually the a from the type of filter rather than ‘any type’.
step is in scope for the entire denition of lter, however and filtered , the two arguments of step are only in scope for the denition of , including its guards.
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter p = foldr step []
step next filtered
| p next = next:filtered
| otherwise = filtered
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter p =
step next filtered
| p next = next:filtered
| otherwise = filtered
foldr step []
Partial application and currying
In the following denition of , the type suggests that it takes 2 arguments but it only binds one to a name. also takes 3 arguments but only two have been applied.
In this case, we have a ‘partially applied’ foldr . As functions in Haskell only take a single argument, multiple arguments are passed by having each argument but the last
www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs3141/20T2/Week 01/Wednesday/Code.html

12/08/2020 Code (Week 1 Wed)
produce a function that accepts the next argument.
This denition of map works as it provides the step function and the ‘base’ state to foldr that will apply the mapping function then push the result onto the start of the
working list.
As the last argument to would also be the last argument to map , map returns the function produced by with only the rst two arguments applied.
The second denition is equivalent to the rst:
— Note: foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f = foldr (\next mapped -> f next:mapped) []
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f xs = foldr (\next mapped -> f next:mapped) [] xs
www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs3141/20T2/Week 01/Wednesday/Code.html