Q1. HDFS (15 Marks)
Consider an HDFS using Erasure Coding.
1. Assume that (6,3)-Reed-Solomon coding is used, and each cell or parity is represented by an unsigned integer. Would the following 9 internal blocks (e.g., the first 6 internal blocks are raw data blocks and the last 3 internal blocks are parity blocks) come from the same striped block group? You need to justify your answer.
internal block1: [175, 234, 117, 250, 487, 185],
internal block2: [434, 78, 479, 407, 98, 409],
internal block3: [339, 261, 368, 148, 414, 105],
internal block4: [433, 344, 100, 155, 386, 222],
internal block5: [434, 180, 401, 327, 491, 421],
internal block6: [327, 47, 386, 79, 92, 453],
internal block7: [ 4650, 2265, 4079, 3137, 3946, 3782],
internal block8: [ 6614, 3496, 5095, 4192, 5455, 5607],
internal block9: [11264, 5761, 9174, 7329, 9401, 9389].
2. Assume that (x,y)-Reed-Solomon coding is used (i.e., each stripe contains x cells and y parities). Under what condition (x,y)-Reed-Solomon coding has the same maximum toleration as (6,3)-Reed-Solomon coding?
Q2. Spark and MapReduce (15 Marks)
1. Given an RDD student record containing tuples that are formed as (s id, score) (e.g., (“z3212321”, 66)). We want to get the top-2 high- est scores (higher score comes first) for each student. If a student has only information for one course in student record, then only one score should be output.
Complete three functions createCombiner, mergeValue, and mergeCombiners, such that the output RDD (i.e., student record.combineByKey(createCombiner, mergeValue, mergeCombiners)) serves our purpose. The key value pairs
of the output RDD should be (s id, (score 1, score 2)) (e.g., (“z3212321”, (93,78))) or (s id, (score 1)) (e.g., (“z3212321”, (93,))) if a stu-
dent has only information for one course.
2. Consider the following code which is written by a (virtual) student for Project 1:
def collision_count(a, b, offset):
counter = 0
for i in range(len(a)):
if abs(a[i]-b[i]) <= offset:
counter += 1
return counter
def c2lsh(data_hashes, query_hashes, alpha_m, beta_n):
offset = 0
cand_num = 0
while cand_num < beta_n :
candidates = data_hashes.flatMap(lambda x :
[x[0]] if collision_count(x[1], query_hashes, offset)>=alpha_m else [])
cand_num = candidates.count()
offset += 1
return candidates
Is this implementation correct? You need to justify your answer.
Q3: LSH (15 marks)
LSH uses AND-OR composition to combine hash values and generate nearest neighbor candidates as discussed in this course. Now consider the following OR- AND composition scheme (namely OALSH) with min-hash functions hi,j(·):
• o and q are considered as matching on a super hash function Hi(·) if ∃j ∈ {1,…,R},hi,j(o) = hi,j(q).
• o is q’s candidate if Hi(o) matches Hi(q) for all i ∈ {1,…,S}.
1. Assume the Jaccard similarity between o and q is 0.8, compute the prob-
ability that o is a candidate of q if we use OALSH with R = 4, S = 5.
2. Given a threshold t = 0.5, we want to find the sets that have Jaccard sim-
ilarity to q no less than t (considered as positives). Consider the OALSH
scheme with R = 2, S = 5 and an LSH scheme with k = 5, what is the max-
imum l such that the expected recall (recall = number of returned positives) total number of positives
for LSH scheme is guaranteed to be higher than OALSH scheme?
3. Assume that we want to find the sets that have Jaccard similarity to q no less than a threshold t. Is it possible to have a parameter setting of k,l,R,S for LSH and OALSH scheme, such that OALSH would have a higher expected recall than LSH for any treshold t? You need to justify your answer.
Q4: Spark SQL(12 marks)
Write a PySpark SQL code to output the maximum and minimum scores (i.e., max and min) for each Id in a dataFrame named record, the output should be sorted by Id. Note that:
• You cannot inject SQL statements in your code.
• You cannot use RDD operations in your code.
• The output dataframe (i.e., maxmin) contains only three columns: Id, max and min.
For example,
| 1| 9313| 80|
| 1| 9318| 75|
| 1| 6714| 70|
| 2| 9021| 70|
| 3| 9313| 90|
## your code
| 1| 80| 70|
| 2| 70| 70|
| 3| 90| 50|
Q5: Stacking (15 marks)
Assume that we are applying stacking training mechanism to train a series of models. Suppose we have 3 base classifiers, and 1 meta classifier. We decide to use 5-fold separation (i.e., split the training data into 5 groups as in project 2) on the training set for base classifiers training.
1. Calculate the total number of classifiers trained in this stacking setting. You need to show your steps.
2. Calculate the number of times that an instance in the training set is pro- cessed as a training instance by all the classifiers. If an instance is pro- cessed by one classifier multiple times (e.g., multiple epochs while training the classifier), count it as one time. You need to show your steps.
3. Calculate the number of times an instance in the training set is processed to generate predictions by all the classifiers. You need to show your steps.
Q6: Mining Data Streams (13 marks)
Consider a Bloom filter of size m = 8 (i.e., 8 bits) and 2 hash functions that both take a string (lowercase) as input:
• h1(str) = c∈str (c − ’a’) mod 8
• h2(str) = str.length mod 8
Here, c − ’a’ is used to compute the position of the letter c in the 26 alpha- beticalletters,e.g.,h1(“bd”)=(1+3) mod8=4.
1. Given a set of string S = “hello”,“map”,“reduce”, show the update of the Bloom filter.
2. Given a string “spark”, use the Bloom filter to check whether it is con- tained in S.
3. Given S in the first subquestion and the Bloom filter with 8 bits, what is the percentage of the false positive probability? You need justify your answer.
Q7: Recommender System (15 marks)
Given the following ratings
1. Predict the unknown
2. Predict the unknown
(? represents the unknown rating).
ratings using baseline estimator.
ratings using matrix factorization, where
0.7 1.5 0.4 0.7 Q = 1.5 3.2 0.6 1.7 and P = 0.8
2.8 0.4 0.1 0.4
3. Assume we have the true ratings as below:
0.7 0.7 0.5 0.9 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.1 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.7
2.3 1.2 2.1 1.3
Which of the above two estimations is better based on RMSE? You need to show your steps.