程序代写代做代考 chain Haskell algorithm database COMP3141 Assignment 2

COMP3141 Assignment 2
Haskell-Augmented Regular Expressions (H.A.R.E.)
Version 1.3
Liam O’Connor Term 2, 2020
Marking Total of 20 marks (20% of practical component)
Due Date Wednesday, 5th August, 2020, 15:00
Late Penalty The maximum available mark is reduced by 10% if the assignment is one day late, by 25% if it is 2 days late and by 50% if it is 3 days late. Assignments that are late 4 days or more will be awarded zero marks. So if your assignment is worth 88% and you submit it one day late you still get 88%, but if you submit it two days late you get 75%, three days late 50%, and four days late zero.
Submission Instructions The assignment can be submitted using the ‘give’ system. To submit from a CSE terminal, type:
$ give cs3141 Hare Hare.hs
In this assignment, you will refactor a text-matching regular expressions engine to use a more strongly-typed interface. These stronger types not only reduce the possibility for bugs, but also improve the readability and clarity of the code base. On top of the strongly-typed version, you will implement a number of additional convenience combi- nators for working with regular expressions. This assignment will give you experience using Haskell type system extensions (specifically GADTs), experience programming with monads and applicative functors, and introduce you to concepts such as alterna- tives.

Provided Code
The provided code consists of a number of modules:
Hare.hs contains the stubs of the code you should implement.
Untyped.hs contains an untyped, unextended version of the regex engine.
HareMonad.hs contains the monadic type used to write the matching algorithm.
Tests.hs contains the main function for running tests.
Tests/Support.hs contains the support code for running tests.
Tests/UnitTests.hs contains properties for the basic regular expressions.
Tests/Transcript.hs containssomeacceptancetestsforyourcombinators,foranalysing a UNSW transcript.
Tests/Examples.hs contains all examples from this spec, as unit tests.
Note: The only file you can submit is ‘Hare.hs’, so make sure your submission compiles
with the original versions of all other files. Regular Expressions
Regular expressions are a popular way to describe and manipulate patterns of strings. Often they are used to search for a substring that matches a particular pattern, and then extracting information from that substring.
Many languages include regular expressions as a built in feature or in their standard library. If you have done COMP2041, you will have been exposed to several such lan- guages. Unfortunately, Haskell is not such a language. To remedy this, Helen the Hare started to design H.A.R.E, a regular expressions library for Haskell.
She started by encoding the basic building blocks of regular expressions as a Haskell data type.
data RE = Empty — Matches the empty string
| Fail — Matches no strings
| Char [Char] — Matches a single character from the list |SeqRERE — Matches the two expressions in sequence
| Choose RE RE — Matches either the first, or the second
| Star RE — Matches the expression zero or more times
Note: If you have seen regular expressions before, you may be used to more features being available than the ones above. In general, those features can be translated into the features given above.
Some simple examples of these regular expressions are given in the table below.

Regular Expression
Star (Char [‘0’..’9′]) `Seq` Char [‘0’..’9′]
Star (Char [‘a’]) `Choose` Star (Char [‘b’])
— nothing
In order to define a matching algorithm for regular expressions, Helen defined a type called Hare (found in HareMonad.hs), which is similar to State String except that the return type is wrapped in a monad f:
newtype Hare f a = Hare { runHare :: String -> f (String, a) } The hare function can be used to “run” a Hare computation on a string:
hare :: Functor f => Hare f a -> String -> f a
hare a s = fmap snd (runHare a s)
Helen has parameterised the Hare type by f so that it could be instantiated to Maybe if the user only wishes to find the first match for a particular regular expression, or to the list type constructor [] if the user wishes to find all possible matches of the regular expression. This requires us to make use of the Alternative type class, which has two built in methods:
class Applicative f => Alternative f where
empty :: f a
(<|>) :: f a -> f a -> f a
The empty method denotes failure. For the list instance, it is the empty list [], whereas for the Maybe instance it is Nothing. The (<|>) method denotes alternation. For the list instance it is the same as concatentation (++), whereas for the Maybe instance, it is a left-biased choice, like so:
instance Alternative Maybe where
empty = Nothing
Justa <|>b=Justa Nothing <|> b = b

To avoid confusing empty with the Empty constructor for regular expressions, Helen also defined an alias for empty, called failure:
failure :: (Alternative f, Monad f) => Hare f a
failure = empty
The readCharacter action is also of note, which removes a character from the String state and returns it. If there are no characters left in the string, it will fail:
readCharacter :: (Alternative f, Monad f) => Hare f Char
readCharacter = Hare $ \s -> case s of
[] -> empty
(x:xs) -> pure (xs,x)
Armed with just readCharacter and the Monad, Applicative and Alternative in- stances for Hare, Helen defines the matching algorithm, in a function called match (found in Untyped.hs):
match :: (Monad f, Alternative f) => RE -> Hare f Results
Here the Results type describes the string that was matched by each part of the regular
data Results = None
| Character Char
| Tuple Results Results
| Repetition [Results]
Seeing as the Empty expression matches any string, Helen simply returns None in that case:
match Empty = pure None
Conversely, because Fail matches no strings at all, Helen always calls failure if at-
tempting to match this expression:
match Fail = failure
To define the case for Char, Helen uses the built-in function guard, which will fail if the
given condition evaluates to false:
match (Char cs) = do
x <- readCharacter guard (x `elem` cs) pure (Character x) To define the case for Seq, Helen makes use of the Monad instance, first matching on the first expression a, then the second b: 4 match (Seq a b) = do ra <- match a rb <- match b pure (Tuple ra rb) Because there is no dependencies between ra and rb, this could also have been defined using the Applicative instance, as follows: match (Seq a b) = Tuple <$> match a <*> match b
For the case for Choose, Helen makes use of the Alternative (<|>) method:
match (Choose a b) =
match a
<|> match b
For Star, Helen observed the following bijection1:
Star r === (r `Seq` Star r) `Choose` Empty
For this reason, Helen implements Star a by first matching the expression a, then matching on Star a recursively. If either match fails, it falls back to returning the empty match:
match (Star a) =
addFront <$> match a <*> match (Star a)
<|> pure (Repetition [])
addFront x (Repetition xs) = Repetition (x:xs)
addFront _ _ = error “(should be) impossible!”
Note that Helen defined Star to choose the longer alternative first so that if used with Maybe, the match function will return the longest match rather than the empty string.
Having defined match, Helen can now define the regex matching operator (=~), which searches through a string for a match to the expression:
(=~) :: (Monad f, Alternative f) => String -> RE -> f Results
str =~ re = hare matchAnywhere str
where matchAnywhere = match re <|> (readCharacter >> matchAnywhere)
If we look at some examples, we can see that invoking it with the Maybe monad returns
just the first result, whereas the list version returns all results:
*> “COMP3141” =~ (Char [‘0’..’9′]) :: Maybe Results
Just (Character ‘3’)
*> “COMP3141” =~ (Char [‘0’..’9′]) :: [Results]
[Character ‘3’,Character ‘1’,Character ‘4’,Character ‘1’]
1While they return different results, there is a bijection between them

A Typed Implementation (12 Marks)
Helen’s untyped implementation works, but it’s not very clean. For example, we know that the Results returned by the regular expression
Char [‘0’..’9′] `Seq` Star (Char [‘0’..’9′]) will be of the format:
Tuple (Character c) (Repetition [Character x, Character y, …])
but any function designed to process the Results from this regular expression would have to be partial, because we did not encode the format of the results returned into the type system.
Instead of having a Results type, your first task will be to define a type-indexed version of the RE type and associated match function, in Hare.hs.
data RE :: * -> * where Empty :: RE ()
Fail :: RE a
— Your constructors here
Each constructor has an additional type argument which specifies the type of the result returned from each expression. We have defined the first two constructors for you. You will have to find appropriate definitions for the rest of them.
For implementing match, feel free to look at Helen’s original implementation in the Untyped.hs module as a guide. The test cases provided may also be instructive in getting your implementation type-checking and correct.
Marking Criteria
2 2 2 2 2 2
Empty type correct; match implementation correct. Fail type correct; match implementation correct. Char type correct; match implementation correct. Seq type correct; match implementation correct. Choose type correct; match implementation correct. Star type correct; match implementation correct.

Adding Actions (1 Marks)
Next, we will add an additional constructor to RE that does not change the set of strings matched, but allows us to run an arbitrary transformation on the results returned from the match:
Action :: (a -> b) -> RE a -> RE b
Your task in this part is to implement the match function for this constructor. You may
find the Functor instance for Hare useful. Examples
*> “***” =~ Action length (Star (Char [‘*’])) :: [Int]
*> “AXax” =~ Action isUpper (Char [‘a’,’A’]) :: [Bool]
[True, False]
*> let f (x,y) = [x,y]
*> let atoz = Char [‘a’..’z’]
*> “ab01cd20” =~ Action f (atoz `Seq` atoz) :: [String]
Marking Criteria
Action clause in match correct.

Utility Combinators (7 Marks)
Using our newly minted Action constructor, you must now define a series of combinator functions that allow us to define a lot of the features people normally expect to find in a regular expressions system.
cons function
The cons function matches a regular expression for an element of type a, followed by a
regular expression for a list [a], and returns that element prepended to the list.
cons :: RE a -> RE [a] -> RE [a]
*> “10100” =~ cons (Char [‘1’]) (Star (Char [‘0’])) :: [String]
*> “10100” =~ cons (Char [‘1’]) (Action (const []) Empty) :: [String]
plus function
The plus function is like Star, but requires the expression given to occur at least once.
Thus, this function can be defined using Action, Seq and Star.
plus :: RE a -> RE [a]
*> “10100” =~ plus (Char [‘0’]) :: [String]
*> let atoz = Char [‘a’..’z’]
*> let digits = Char [‘0’..’9′]
*> “ab1c3” =~ plus (atoz `Seq` digits) :: [[(Char,Char)]]
string function
The string function produces a regex that only matches the given string, and returns
it. You should be able to implement it using Char, cons, Empty and Action. string :: String -> RE String
*> let comp3141 = string “COMP3141”
*> “My favourite subject is COMP3141” =~ comp3141 :: Maybe String
Just “COMP3141”
*> “My favourite subject is MATH1141” =~ comp3141 :: Maybe String

choose function
The choose function is like the Choose constructor, but generalised to lists. That is,
choose [a, b] is equivalent to a ‘Choose‘ b. What should choose [] be? choose :: [RE a] -> RE a
*> let re = choose [string “COMP”, string “MATH”, string “PHYS”]
*> “COMP3141, MATH1081, PHYS1121, COMP3121” =~ re :: [String]
*> “abc” =~ choose [] :: Maybe String
option function
The option function matches the given expression zero or one times. In other words, if the expression matches, it returns Just that match, otherwise Nothing. You can implement this combinator with Action, Choose and Empty.
option :: RE a -> RE (Maybe a) Examples:
*> let digits = Char [‘0’..’9′]
*> let sign = Action (fromMaybe ‘+’) (option (Char [‘-‘])
*> “-30 5 3” =~ (sign `cons` plus digits) :: [String]
*> “foo” =~ option (Char [‘a’]) :: [Maybe Char]
Note: As with Star, prefer longer matches over shorter ones, so that the results appear as in the above example.
rpt function
The rpt combinator allows a regular expression to be repeated a fixed number of times. The expression rpt n x is equivalent to repeating x in sequence n times, returning the results in a list.
rpt :: Int -> RE a -> RE [a] Examples:

*> let digits = Char [‘0’..’9′]
*> let programs = choose [string “COMP”, string “PHYS”, string “MATH”]
*> let courseCode = programs `Seq` rpt 4 digits
*> “COMP3141, MATH1081, and PHYS1121” =~ courseCode :: [(String,String)]
*> “foo” =~ rpt 0 (Char [‘a’]) :: Maybe [Char]
Just “”
rptRange function
Lastly, the rptRange function takes a range of numbers (x,y). You may assume that
x ≤ y. It will match the given regex at least x times and at most y times.
rptRange :: (Int, Int) -> RE a -> RE [a]
*> “1234” =~ rptRange (2,4) (Char [‘0’..’9′]) :: [String]
*> “1234” =~ rptRange (3,3) (Char [‘0’..’9′]) :: [String]
Note: As with Star and option, prefer longer matches to shorter ones.
Marking Criteria
cons implementation correct.
plus implementation correct.
string implementation correct.
choose implementation correct.
option implementation correct.
rpt implementation correct.
rptRange implementation correct.

Compiling and Building
In addition to the standard library, this project depends on the QuickCheck and HUnit testing libraries and the test framework called tasty. For CSE machines, we have already a configured a package database on the course account that should build the assignment without difficulty using the standard Haskell build tool cabal. For students using their own computer, we instead recommend the alternative build tool stack, available from the Haskell Stack website at https://www.haskellstack.org. We have provided a stack configuration file that fixes the versions of each of our dependencies to known-working ones. If you use stack to set up your toolchain, you should have minimal compatibility difficulties regardless of the platform you are using. If you are using versions of GHC or Haskell build tools supplied by your Linux distribution, these are commonly out of date or incorrectly configured. We cannot provide support for these distributions.
Detailed, assignment-specific instructions for each build tool are presented below.
On CSE Machines
Enter a COMP3141 subshell by typing 3141 into a CSE terminal: $ 3141
newclass starting new subshell for class COMP3141…
From there, if you navigate to the directory containing the assignment code, you can build the assignment by typing:
$ cabal build
To run the program from ‘Tests.hs’, which contains all the unit, acceptance, and prop-
erty tests, type
$ ./dist/build/HareTests/HareTests To start a ghci session, type:
$ cabal repl
Lastly, if for whatever reason you want to remove all build artefacts, type:
$ cabal clean For stack users
Firstly, ensure that GHC has been setup for this project by typing, in the directory that contains the assignment code:
$ stack setup
If stack reports that it has already set up GHC, you should be able to build the assign- ment with:

$ stack build
This build command will, on first run, download and build the library dependencies as well, so be sure to have an internet connection active. To run the program from ‘Tests.hs’, which contains all the unit, acceptance, and property tests, type
$ stack exec HareTests To start a ghci session,type:
$ stack repl
Lastly, if for whatever reason you want to remove all build artefacts, type:
$ stack clean
Marking and Testing
A number of different test suites are provided:
• The Tests/Transcript.hs file contains some high-level acceptance tests that ex- tract various bits of information from an anonymised UNSW student transcript, located in Tests/transcript.txt.
• The Tests/UnitTests.hs file contains some QuickCheck properties that, while not complete specifications, will help you to gain some assurance for your imple- mentation of match for each constructor.
• The Tests/Examples.hs file contains each example presented in this spec docu- ment as a unit test.
• The Tests.hs file contains a tasty test suite containing all of the above tests. Marking
All marks for this assignment are awarded based on automatic marking scripts, which are comprised of QuickCheck properties, acceptance tests, and unit tests. Marks are not awarded subjectively, and are allocated according to the criteria presented in each section.
Barring exceptional circumstances, the marks awarded by the automatic marking script are final. For this reason, please make sure that your submission compiles and runs correctly on CSE machines. We will use similar machines to mark your assignment.
A dry-run script that runs the tests provided in the assignment code will be provided. When you submit the assignment, please make sure the script does not report any problems.

Late Submissions
Unless otherwise stated if you wish to submit an assignment late, you may do so, but a late penalty reducing the maximum available mark applies to every late assignment. The maximum available mark is reduced by 10% if the assignment is one day late, by 25% if it is 2 days late and by 50% if it is 3 days late. Assignments that are late 4 days or more will be awarded zero marks. So if your assignment is worth 88% and you submit it one day late you still get 88%, but if you submit it two days late you get 75%, three days late 50%, and four days late zero.
Assignment extensions are only awarded for serious and unforeseeable events. Having the flu for a few days, deleting your assignment by mistake, going on holiday, work commitments, etc do not qualify. Therefore aim to complete your assignments well before the due date in case of last minute illness, and make regular backups of your work.
Many students do not appear to understand what is regarded as plagiarism. This is no defense. Before submitting any work you should read and understand the UNSW plagiarism policy https://student.unsw.edu.au/plagiarism.
All work submitted for assessment must be entirely your own work. We regard un- acknowledged copying of material, in whole or part, as an extremely serious offence. In this course submission of any work derived from another person, or solely or jointly writ- ten by and or with someone else, without clear and explicit acknowledgement, will be severely punished and may result in automatic failure for the course and a mark of zero for the course. Note this includes including unreferenced work from books, the internet, etc.
Do not provide or show your assessable work to any other person. Allowing another student to copy from you will, at the very least, result in zero for that assessment. If you knowingly provide or show your assessment work to another person for any reason, and work derived from it is subsequently submitted you will be penalized, even if the work was submitted without your knowledge or consent. This will apply even if your work is submitted by a third party unknown to you. You should keep your work private until submissions have closed.
If you are unsure about whether certain activities would constitute plagiarism ask us before engaging in them!