程序代写代做代考 ECON 3350/7350

ECON 3350/7350
Single Equation Models of Multiple Time Series
Eric Eisenstat
The University of Queensland
Tutorial 4
Eric Eisenstat (School of Economics) ECON3350/7350 Week 1
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ARMA(p,q) with deterministic trend
yt =a+a2t+a1yt−1+εt;|a1|<1 yt is trend stationary because if we take the trend out the new process is stationary. We return to deterministic and stochastic trends next week. De-trending yt −a2t=a0 +a1yt−1 +εt y􏱀=a+ay +ε y􏱀 is an ARMA(1,0) t t 0 1t−1 t Eric Eisenstat (School of Economics) ECON3350/7350 Week 1 2 / 6 ARDL(p, l, s) with trend For ct, at, and yt we could have an ARDL(p, q, m): θ(L)ct = δ + γ(L)at + λ(L)yt + εt Where, p θ(L)=(1−θ1L−θ2L2 −...−θpLp)= 􏰀θiLi i=0 q γ(L) = (γ0 + γ1L + γ2L2 − ... + γqLq) = 􏰀 γjLj j=0 m λ(L) = (λ0 + λ1L + λ2L2 − ... + λmLm) = 􏰀 λjLj j=0 Adding a deterministic trend θ(L)ct = δ0 + δ1t + γ(L)at + λ(L)yt + εt Eric Eisenstat (School of Economics) ECON3350/7350 Week 1 3 / 6 The ARDL Family of Models Using ARDL(1, 1) yt =δ+a1yt−1 +θ0xt +θ1xt−1 +εt 1. Static Regression: yt = δ + θ0xt + εt; Restrictions: a1 = 0; θ1 = 0 2. First order autoregressive process:yt = δ + a1yt−1 + εt; Restrictions: θ0 = 0; θ1 = 0 3. Leading indicator equation: yt = δ + θ1xt−1 + εt; Restrictions: a1 = 0; θ0 = 0 4. Equation in first differences: ∆yt = δ + θ0∆xt + εt; Restrictions: a1 = 1, θ0 = −θ1 Eric Eisenstat (School of Economics) ECON3350/7350 Week 1 4 / 6 The ARDL Family of Models-II yt =δ+a1yt−1 +θ0xt +θ1xt−1 +εt 5. First order distributed lag model: yt =δ+θ0xt +θ1xt−1 +εt Restrictions: a1 = 0 6. Partial adjustment model: yt =δ+a1yt−1 +θ0xt +εt Restrictions: θ1 = 0 7. Dead Start model (lagged information only): yt =δ+a1yt−1 +θ1xt−1 +εt Restrictions: θ0 = 0 8. Proportional Response Model: yt = δ+a1(yt−1 −xt−1)+θ0xt +εt Restrictions: θ1 = −a1 9. Error Correction Mechanism: ∆yt =δ+α(yt−1 −βxt−1)+θ0∆xt +εt where, β = (θ1 + θ0); α = a1 − 1 (1−a1) This is a re-arrangement of the ARDL equation. Eric Eisenstat (School of Economics) ECON3350/7350 Week 1 5 / 6 Multipliers 1 Immediate Response or Impact Multiplier ∂ct =γ0 ∂at 2 The Effect after one period, two periods, ... ∂ct+1 = θ ∂ct + γ = θ γ + γ ∂a 1∂a 1 10 1 tt ∂ct+2 = θ ∂ct+1 = θ (θ γ + γ ) ∂a 1∂a 110 1 tt 3 Long-run multiplier LRM = γ(1) = (γ0 +γ1 +γ2 +...+γp) θ(1) (1−θ1 −θ2 −...−θp) Eric Eisenstat (School of Economics) ECON3350/7350 Week 1 6 / 6