程序代写代做代考 graph html Haskell 12/08/2020 Quiz (Week 4)

12/08/2020 Quiz (Week 4)
Quiz (Week 4)
In a break with tradition, this quiz will involve content from both Week 3 and Week 4 lectures, as there was some stuff we missed last time.
Minimal Specications Question 1
Here is the fair merge function we wrote in last week’s quiz, and a number of QuickCheck properties that specify its correctness.
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Modifiers
merge :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
merge (x:xs) (y:ys) | x < y = x:merge xs (y:ys) | otherwise = y:merge (x:xs) ys merge xs [] = xs merge [] ys = ys sorted :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
sorted (x1 : x2 : xs) = (x1 <= x2) && sorted (x2 : xs) sorted _ = True prop_1 :: OrderedList Int -> OrderedList Int -> Property
prop_1 (Ordered xs) (Ordered ys) = sorted (merge xs ys)
prop_2 :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
prop_2 xs ys = length (merge xs ys) == length xs + length ys
prop_3 :: OrderedList Int -> OrderedList Int -> Property
prop_3 (Ordered xs) (Ordered ys) = merge xs ys == sort (xs ++ ys)
prop_4 :: (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
prop_4 f xs ys = sort (map f (merge xs ys))
== sort (merge (map f xs) (map f ys))
prop_5 :: (Int -> Bool) -> OrderedList Int -> OrderedList Int -> Property
prop_5 f (Ordered xs) (Ordered ys) = filter f (merge xs ys)
== merge (filter f xs) (filter f ys)
However, running tests for all of these properties takes too long for the impatient programmer. This is because many of these properties are logically redundant. If property A
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12/08/2020 Quiz (Week 4)
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implies property B, then testing for property B is not likely to fail if testing for property A passes.
What subset of these properties imply all of the others? That is, which of the above properties are sufcient to establish correctness of merge ?
Hint: Think about possible merge implementations that would fail the above properties. If you can’t write a merge implementation that fails a given property but passes all of the others, it’s a good indication that the property is redundant.
1. ✗ , 2. ✗ , 3. ✗ Just
4. ✔ , 5. ✗ ,
, and ,
and prop_4
, and
, , and prop_5 – there are no redundant
Property 5 is redundant, as we can use property 3 to construct an equational proof of property 5:
— Assuming sorted xs && sorted ys filter f (merge xs ys)
== — prop_3 (as sorted xs && sorted ys) filter f (sort (xs ++ ys))
== — sort/filter interchangeable sort (filter f (xs ++ ys))
== — filter distributes over (++) sort (filter f xs ++ filter f ys)
== — prop_3 [sym] (as sorted (filter f xs) && sorted (filter f ys)) merge (filter f xs) (filter f ys)
Property 1 is also redundant due to property 3:
— Assuming sorted xs && sorted ys sorted (merge xs ys)
== — prop_3 (as sorted xs && sorted ys) sorted (sort (xs ++ ys))
== — sort is sorted True
Property 2 and 4 may at rst seem similarly redundant due to property 3, however these properties do not assume that the input lists are sorted. A function that returns the empty list if the input lists are not sorted could still pass properties 3 and 4 despite not passing property 2. And a function that that replaces all elements with the

12/08/2020 Quiz (Week 4)
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Question 2
Here’s a standard (inefcient) reverse function for lists, and a collection of QuickCheck properties to specify it.
rev :: [Int] -> [Int]
rev (x:xs) = rev xs ++ [x]
rev [] = []
prop_1 :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
prop_1 xs ys = rev (xs ++ ys) == rev ys ++ rev xs
prop_2 :: [Int] -> Bool
prop_2 xs = length xs == length (rev xs)
prop_3 :: [Int] -> Int -> Bool
prop_3 xs x = count x xs == count x (rev xs)
count x xs = length (filter (== x) xs)
Which of the above properties is redundant?
1. ✗
2. ✔
3. ✗ prop_3
4. ✗ None of the above.
Data Invariants
We are representing an undirected graph using an adjacency matrix. For example, a graph of four nodes arranged in a rectangle:
Property 3 essentially says that the output of reverse is a permutation of its input. Given that, we already know that the lengths will be the same. Thus property 2 is redundant.
minimum when the input lists are not sorted could still pass properties 2 and 3 despite not passing 4. Thus the correct answer is option 4.
0 —– 1 || || 2 —– 3

12/08/2020 Quiz (Week 4)
Would be represented as the matrix:
type Graph = [[Bool]]
m :: Graph
m = [[False, True, True, False],
[True, False, False, True ],
[True, False, False, True ],
[False, True, True, False]]
That is, the value is True iff the node numbered a is connected to the node numbered .
Question 3
Select all data invariants that should apply to our Graph type, assuming g :: Graph :
1. ✔
2. ✗
3. ✔
4. ✗ map reverse g == g
(m !! a) !! b
transpose g == g
all or g
all (\x -> length x == length g) g
In order to be an adjacency matrix, the number of rows and columns must be equal, hence property 3 is needed. To represent an undirected graph, the transpose of the matrix must be equal to the original matrix (it is diagonally symmetrical), hence property 1. The second property is meaningless and not true if you have a node disconnected from all others. The fourth property also holds for our example, but not in general (for example if node 1 is not connected to node 3).
Question 4
We have the following graph operations:
newGraph :: Int — number of nodes -> Graph
newGraph n = replicate n (replicate n False)
connected :: Graph -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
connected g (x, y) | x < length g && y < length g = (g !! x) !! y | otherwise = False connect :: (Int, Int) -> Graph -> Graph
connect (x, y) = modify y (modify x (\_ -> True)) . modify x (modify y (\_ -> True))
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12/08/2020 Quiz (Week 4)
We have dened a wellformedness predicate for our data invariants, called wellformed . 1
Select the properties we should assert about our operations .
1. ✔
2. ✗
3. ✗
4. ✔ wellformed g ==> wellformed (connect x y g)
wellformed (newGraph n)
wellformed (connect x y g) ==> wellformed g
wellformed (connect x y g)
The third property does not necessarily apply, if the input graph is not well formed. The second property may apply in this case, but it is not necessary nor sufcient to show our data invariants are preserved.
The other properties states that outputs are wellformed when inputs are wellformed, which is correct.
Data Renement
For our abstract model, it’s easier to think of our graph as an edge list, along with the overall number of nodes in the graph.
data Model = M Int [(Int, Int)]
newGraphA :: Int -> Model
newGraphA n = M n []
connectedA :: Model -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
connectedA (M n es) (x,y) = (x,y) `elem` es
connectA :: (Int, Int) -> Model -> Model
connectA (x, y) (M n es)
| x < n && y < n = M n ((x,y):(y,x):es) | otherwise = M n es Question 5 What is an appropriate renement relation to connect our abstract model and our matrix implementation? where modify :: Int -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
modify 0 f (x:xs) = f x : xs
modify n f (x:xs) = x : modify (n – 1) f xs
modify n f [] = []
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12/08/2020 Quiz (Week 4)
1. ✗
ref :: Graph -> Model -> Bool
ref g (M n es) = length g == n
&& all (\(x,y) -> (g !! x) !! y) es
2. ✗
3. ✗
4. ✔
ref :: Graph -> Model -> Bool
ref g (M n es) = all (\(x,y) -> ((x,y) `elem` es) == ((g !! x) !! y))
[(x,y) | x <- [0..n-1], y <- [0..n-1]] ref :: Graph -> Model -> Bool
ref g (M n es) = length g == n
&& any (\(x,y) -> ((x,y) `elem` es) == ((g !! x) !! y))
[(x,y) | x <- [0..n], y <- [0..n]] ref :: Graph -> Model -> Bool
ref g (M n es) = length g == n
&& all (\(x,y) -> ((x,y) `elem` es) == ((g !! x) !! y))
[(x,y) | x <- [0..n-1], y <- [0..n-1]] The rst answer only looks at edges that are in the abstract graph. It would allow edges to be present in the matrix but not in the abstract graph. The second answer does not ensure that the number of nodes in the two graphs are the same. The third answer uses any rather than all , and its bounds are off by one. The fourth answer is correct. Question 6 As discussed in lectures, renement relations aren't that useful for QuickCheck, because it's unlikely to generate two related inputs by chance. Which of the following approaches would remedy this? 1. ✗ Use this abstraction function: toAbstract :: Graph -> Model
toAbstract g = let n = length g
in M n $ filter (\(x,y) -> (g !! x ) !! y)
[(x,y) | x <- [0..n-1], y <- [0..n-1]] www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs3141/20T2/Week 04/quiz.html 6/8 12/08/2020 Quiz (Week 4) 2. ✗ Use this abstraction function: 3. ✔ Use a renement function: 4. ✗ None of the above. toAbstract :: Graph -> Model
toAbstract g = let n = length g
in M n $ filter (\(x,y) -> (g !! x ) !! y)
[(x,y) | x <- [0..n], y <- [0..n]] toConcrete :: Model -> Graph
toConcrete (M n es)
= map (\x -> map (\y -> (x,y) `elem` es) [0..n-1]) [0..n-1]
connectA (x,y)
toAbstract (connect (x,y) g) .
(toAbstract g)
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Code Coverage Question 7
What are some examples of test code coverage measures?
1. ✔ Function coverage, statement coverage, branch coverage
2. ✗ Static coverage, dynamic coverage
3. ✗ Memory coverage, execution coverage, control-ow coverage 4. ✗ Condition coverage, program coverage, data coverage
Statement coverage is sometimes called “expression” coverage in a language like Haskell, which has no statements. Branch coverage is sometimes called “decision” coverage, and is closely related to “condition” coverage which checks the results of evaluating conditions in (e.g.) expressions to determine if conditions have evaluated to both True and .
Question 8
Using an abstraction function would mean that the resultant graph
should be equal to This is not the case for either of the provided abstraction functions.
The renement function is correct.

12/08/2020 Quiz (Week 4)
Why is full path coverage generally infeasible?
1. ✗ Loops may lead to innite paths
2. ✗ Full path coverage analysis is undecidable in general
3. ✗ The number of paths grows at least exponentially with the size of the computation. 4. ✗ Full path coverage requires simulating the program for every possible input.
5. ✔ All of the above.
1 : This is not the same as selecting the properties which are true. Which properties are
necessary to maintain our data invariants?
This is not to say that fully checking some properties for some programs is impossible. In general, the eld of Model Checking is devoted to solving this kind of intractable problem for restricted models, properties, or both.
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