CS代考 module Parser

module Parser

import Text.Parsec hiding (parse)
import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

import Prop

— The string parser we use in this file
type Parser = Parsec String ()

— Variable declaration
var :: Parser (Prop String)
v <- many1 letter return $ Lit v -- Unary symbols (in this case negation) unary :: Parser (Prop String) unary = do _ <- oneOf "~!-¬" p <- factor return $ Neg p -- Parenthesized expression paren :: Parser a -> Parser a
paren p = between (char ‘(‘) (char ‘)’) p

— A factor is either:
— – paren expr
— – unary
factor :: Parser (Prop String)
factor = do
f <- paren expr <|> unary <|> var

— A term, in this case a conjunction
term :: Parser (Prop String)
(t:ts) <- factor `sepBy1` (oneOf "&∧") return $ foldl (:&:) t ts -- An expression, in this case a disjunction expr :: Parser (Prop String) (e:es) <- term `sepBy1` (oneOf "|∨") return $ foldl (:|:) e es -- A full propositional expression, does not -- accept garbage after the expression prop :: Parser (Prop String) parse :: String -> Prop String
parse raw = case Parsec.parse prop “haskell” raw of
Right p -> p
Left x -> error . show $ x

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