CS代考 Compiler Construction/Spring 2022 Homework 4

Compiler Construction/Spring 2022 Homework 4
1 Bottom-Up Parsing
Question 1.1 (3 points). LR(0) parsers, while too limiting for practical uses, are still more powerful
than LL(0) ones. Where does the difference in power come from?

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Question 1.2 (6 points). Consider the following grammar:
E→F∗E|F F → (E) | n
The first few moves for parsing the string (n ∗ n) ∗ n bottom-up look as follows:
Stack Input
$ (n*n)*n$
$( n*n)*n$
$(n *n)*n$
$(F *n)*n$
$(F* n)*n$
shift reduceF→n shift
Write down the remaining moves.
Question 1.3 (6 points). Using the grammar from the previous question:
• Compute the ITEMS set for each production. • For each item, compute its CLOSURE set.
2 Recursive Schemes
Consider the following grammar for nested lists over numbers:
L → num L | { L } L | ε
Question 2.1 (5 points). Write a syntax-directed recursive scheme that computes the product of all
numbers in a list.
Question 2.2 (5 points). Write a syntax-directed recursive scheme that generates a flattened copy of a nested list with all the same numbers in the same order but with no curly brackets.
Question 2.3 (5 points). Write a syntax-directed recursive scheme that computes the reverse of a nested list and all the contained nested lists. You can flatten the list in the process.
Adapted from CSCI-GA.2130-001 assignments by and . Page 1 of 1

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