CSI2120 Programming Paradigms Jochen Lang
Faculté de génie | Faculty of Engineering
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca
Scheme: Functional Programming
• Tree representations
• Binary search trees
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca
List Representation for Trees
• A binary tree can be represented with nested lists
a bc
(a b (c d e))
(a (b () ()) (c (d () ()) (e () ()))
(a b.(c d.e))
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca
Test for Binary Tree
• Test if a list confirms to the tree representation
(define tree?
(lambda (t)
((not (list? t)) #f)
((null? t) #t)
((not (= (length t) 3)) #f) ; node has 3 entries ((not (tree? (cadr t))) #f) ; recurse left subtree ((not (tree? (caddr t))) #f) ; recurse right subtree (else #t)
=> tree?
(tree? ‘(73 (31 (5 () ()) ()) (101 (83 () (97 () ())) ()))) => #t
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca
Inorder Traversal
• Inorder traversal on a binary search tree will produce a sorted list
(define (inorder t)
(define traverse
(lambda (t)
(if (null? t) ‘()
(append (traverse (cadr t)) (cons (car t) (traverse (caddr t))))
))) (if
(not (tree? t))
(list ‘not-a-tree t)
(traverse t)
=> inorder
(inorder ‘(73 (31 (5 () ()) ()) (101 (83 () (97 () ()))
=> (5 31 73 83 97 101)
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca
Count the Type and Number of Elements in a Tree or List
• Tree representation is a list
(define (nsymbols tree)
(if (pair? tree)
(+ (nsymbols (car tree))
(nsymbols (cdr tree)))
(if (symbol? tree) 1 0)))
=> nsymbols
(nsymbols ‘(+ a (* b c)))
=> 5
• Note the use of pair? instead of list?
• We could also use char? or number? for corresponding predicates
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca
Instead with Partial Tail Recursion
(define (nsymbols tree) (nsymbolst tree 0))
=> nsymbols
(define (nsymbolst tree n)
(display tree)(display ” “)
(display n)(newline) ; just to visualize
(if (pair? tree)
(nsymbolst (cdr tree)
(nsymbolst (car tree) n))
(+ n (if (symbol? tree) 1 0)))))
=> nsymbolst
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca
Tail Recursion
(nsymbols ‘(+ a (* b c)))
(+ a (* b c)) 0
(a (* b c)) 1
((* b c)) 2
(* b c) 2
(b c) 3
(c) 4 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 5
The partial tail recursive version needs 6 tail recursive calls and 6 non tail recursive calls (compared to 12 with the double recursion)
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca
Conversion of a Tree into a List
(define (tree->list tree)
(reverse (tree->list2 tree ‘())))
(define (tree->list2 tree lst)
(if (pair? tree)
(tree->list2 (cdr tree)
(tree->list2 (car tree) lst))
(if (null? tree) lst (cons tree lst) )))
=> tree->list
(tree->list ‘(73 (31 (5 () ()) ()) (101 (83 () (97
() ())) ())))
=> (73 31 5 101 83 97)
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca
Searching in a BST
(define search-BST
(lambda (x t)
(define search
(lambda (x t)
((null? t) #f)
((equal? x (car t)) #t)
((precedes? x (car t)) (search x (cadr t))) ((precedes? (car t) x) (search x (caddr t))) (else #f)
(not (tree? t))
(list ‘not-a-tree t)
(search x t)
=> search-BST
(define precedes? (lambda (x y) (< x y)))
=> precedes?
(search-BST 83 ‘(73 (31 (5 () ()) ()) (101 (83 () (97 () ())) ())))
=> #t
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca
Insertion into a BST
(define (insert-BST tree value)
(cond ((null? tree) (list value ‘() ‘()))
((< value (car tree))
(list (car tree) (insert-BST (cadr tree) value)
(caddr tree)))
(else (list (car tree) (cadr tree)
(insert-BST (caddr tree) value)))))
=> insert-BST
(insert -BST ‘(73 (31 (5 () ()) ()) (101 (83 () (97 () ())) ())) 86)
=> (73 (31 (5 () ()) ()) (101 (83 () (97 (86 () ()) ())) ()))
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca
Remove the Maximum from a BST
(define removemax-BST
(lambda (t)
((null? (caddr t)) (cons (cadr t) (car t)))
(let ((r (removemax-BST (caddr t))))
(cons (list (car t) (cadr t) (car r)) (cdr r))
)) )))
=> removemax-BST
(removemax-BST ‘(73 (31 (5 () ()) ()) (101 (83 ()
(97 () ())) ())))
=> ((73 (31 (5 () ()) ()) (83 () (97 () ()))) . 101)
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca
Removal of a Node from a BST
(define delete
(lambda (x t)
((null? t) ())
((and (equal? x (car t)) (null? (cadr t))) (caddr t)) ((and (equal? x (car t)) (null? (caddr t))) (cadr t)) ((equal? x (car t))
(let ((r (removemax-BST (cadr t)))) (list (cdr r) (car r) (caddr t))
((precedes? x (car t)) (list (car t)
(delete x (cadr t)) (caddr t))) ((precedes? (car t) x) (list (car t) (cadr t)
(else t) )))
(delete x (caddr t))))
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca
Main Routine: Removal of a Node
(define delete-BST
(lambda (x t)
(not (tree? t))
(list ‘not-a-tree t)
(delete x t)
=> delete-BST
(delete-BST 101 ‘(73 (31 (5 () ()) ()) (101 (83
() (97 () ())) ())))
=> (73 (31 (5 () ()) ()) (83 () (97 () ())))
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca