ECON 3350/7350: Applied Econometrics for Macroeconomics and Finance
Tutorial 1: Introduction to Stata
1. Getting Started with Stata1
The point of this discussion section is to get you started using the statistical software
package Stata.
• Starting from the ASCII dataset cps98.csv, load the data into Stata. This file contains the data on average hourly earnings, education, gender and age of in- dividuals for a sample of workers in year 1998.
– A quick way to do this is to save the Excel file and then load it into Stata using the import command.
• Use the sum command to summarize the variables in the dataset. What is the average hourly earnings and their standard deviation in the sample? How many male workers took the survey? What is the average, minimum and maximum age of the respondents?
• Use the tab age command to look at the distribution of age in the sample. What is the mode of this distribution? What is the median (approximately)?
• Use the hist ahe command to plot the histogram of the average hourly earnings (i.e., ahe). What can you say about the shape of its distribution?
• Use the sum ahe if female == 1 command to calculate the average earnings for the females. What is the average earnings for the males? Do you find the difference economically significant?
• Use the sum if ahe > 40 command to see who are the top earners – their age, gender, education level. How about those with hourly earnings less than 3?
• Use the gen ahe2 = ahe*ahe command to generate a new variable ahe2 equal to hourly wages squared.
• Usethescatterahe2ahe,title(”Ahe2”)commandtographtherelationshipbetween ahe and ahe2
– Now try adding the , xlabel(0(2)50) ylabel(0(1000)3000) option to see how to change the axes in your graph
• Use the pwcorr command to calculate the sample correlation between average hourly earnings and age. Does this correlation change for top and bottom earn- ers?
1Questions 1 and 2 are from the Stata tutorial for ECON7310 taught in 2018. 1
2. Statistics using Stata
At the Famous Fulton Fish Market in New York city, sales of whiting (a type of fish) vary from day to day. Over a period of several months, daily quantities sold (in pounds) were observed. These data are in the Stata data file fultonfish.dta.
• LoadthedatatoStata(useusefultonfish,clearcommand),generateadatadescrip- tion (use des command), and obtain summary statistics of variables lprice, quan and lquan (may use codebook command with corresponding variable names).
• Use the sum command to compute the sample mean and standard deviation of quan (the quantity sold).
• Test the null hypothesis that the mean of quan is equal to 7,200 pounds per day at the 5% level of significance. Be sure to state (1) the null and alternative hy- pothesis, (2) the decision rule, (3) the test statistic, (4) the decision, and (5) your statistical conclusion.
• Construct the 95% confidence interval for the test above.
• Plot lprice against lquan (use commands scatter, lfit, and qfit). Comment on the
nature of the relationship between these two variables.
• Use the export excel command to save this data to any folder on any drive as an Excel spreadsheet.
3. Time Series Data
The file gld.csv contains the time series data (daily from November 18, 2004 to November 23, 2018) of gold prices downloaded from Yahoo!Finance, which is an im- portant source of financial and macroeconomic data. This question aims to introduce some Stata commands essential for processing time series data.
• Load the data to Stata using the import command. In what follows, you will only use variables date and adjclose (i.e., adjusted closing prices), so drop all other vari- ables from the dataset using either keep or drop command. Change the variable name of adjclose to goldprice using the rename command.
• The first step of analyzing time series data is often to extract the datetime infor- mation, whose original values are usually stored in a string variable. You can convert the strings into the integers that Stata can understand and store those values in a date variable. One option is to use the date function and the format %td (for daily data) command. Create a date variable t using this method.
• Once you have the date variable that Stata can understand, you will need to declare the data as time series in order to use Stata’s various time series com- mands/functions/operators. This can be done by using the tsset command. With time series set up, you can use two time series commands: tin(t1,t2) (means “times in”, from t1 to t2) and twithin(t1,t2) (means “times within”, between t1 and t2, i.e., excludes t1 and t2). List gold prices from December 1, 2004 to Decem- ber 10, 2004. List gold prices within December 1, 2004 – December 10, 2004.
• One problem of the method proposed above is about the gaps in the time series data, e.g., gold prices are not available in non-trading days (weekends, public holidays, etc.). This may complicate the analysis using lag/lead/difference op- erators (see below) for those missing dates. In this case, it is more convenient to create a continuous time trend using the encode command. Create a date vari- able time using this method and declare time series with variable time. List gold prices from December 1, 2004 to December 10, 2004. List gold prices within De- cember 1, 2004 – December 10, 2004. Hint: The tin and twithin commands are no longer useful, you can consider using the td function, which builds a one-to-one mapping between values of a date variable (no earlier than January 2, 1960) and positive integers. So then, you can use logical operators such as >, <, ≥, and ≤ among others. • In time series analysis, it is common to study the impact of previous values on current ones. For example, you are interested in estimating how the values of variable Y evaluated at time t, denoted as Yt, are affected by Yt−p, p = 1, 2, .... To do this, you will need to generate variables with past values Yt−p, called Y lagged p periods, using the lag (“L”) operator. Generate goldpricet−1 and goldpricet−2. • Similarly, you can also generate future values of Yt, Yt+p, p = 1,2,..., using the lead (“F”) operator. Create new variables goldpricet+1 and goldpricet+2. • In many applications, it is the increments rather than absolute values that are of researchers’ interests (e.g., returns vs. prices). You can use the difference (“D”) operator to calculate the difference between current and past values. For ex- ample, applying D1 to Yt yields ∆Yt = Yt − Yt−1, and applying D2 to Yt leads to ∆2Yt = (Yt − Yt−1) − (Yt−1 − Yt−2). Generate new variables ∆goldpricet and ∆2goldpricet . • Draw the time series plot of goldprice against time using the line command. 3