代写代考 INFO20003 Tutorial – Week 9 Solutions

This tutorial will cover:
INFO20003 Tutorial – Week 9 Solutions
(Tutorial: Normalisation)

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I. Review of normalisation concepts – 15 mins
II. Normalisation exercises – 35 mins
III. Break – 5 mins
IV. Normalisation exercises, continued – 50 mins
Key Concepts:
NOTE for students: This is a brief summary of some of the concepts taught in lecture 15. The lectures contain detailed content related to these and many more concepts. These notes should be considered quick revision instead of a sole resource for the course material.
• Anomalies
Consider the following instance of the relation Allocation (CourseNumber, Tutor, Room,
INFO20003 COMP10001 INFO30005 COMP20005
Farah Seats
Alice Hoy 109 30 EDS 6 25 G09 20 G09 20
• An update anomaly is a data inconsistency that results from data redundancy and partial update when one or more instances of duplicated data are updated but not all. For example, suppose the room G09 has been improved, and there are now 30 seats. In this single entity, we will have to update all other rows where room = G09.
• A deletion anomaly is an unintentional loss of certain attribute values due to the deletion of other data for other attributes. If we remove COMP10001 from the above table, the details of room EDS 6 are also deleted.
• An insertion anomaly is the inability to add certain attributes to a database due to absence of other attributes. For example, a new room “NewAlice109” has been built but has not yet been timetabled for any course or members of staff.
If the relation is in denormalised form, it can lead to the above-mentioned anomalies. Normalisation helps us remove such anomalies and get rid of redundant data by iteratively improving relations. This requires understanding of the functional dependencies of the attributes of a given relation and resolving transitive and partial dependencies to achieve normal forms.
INFO20003 Tutorial – Week 9 Solutions 1

• Functional dependency
For a particular relation R, a functional dependency occurs when a subset of R’s attributes {A1, A2, …, An} determine attributes {B1, B2, …, Bn}. If several tuples agree on the values of A1, A2, …, An, they must agree on the values of B1, B2, …, Bn – that is, if two records have the same A1, A2, …, An then they have the same B1, B2, …, Bn. Therefore A1, A2, …, An “functionally determine” B1, B2, …, Bn. This is written as:
A1, A2, …, An → B1, B2, …, Bn
A relation R satisfies a functional dependency (FD) if and only if the FD is true for every
instance of R.
• Determinants
The attributes that determine the value of other attributes are called determinants. For example,
consider the relation below:
Person (ssn, name, birthdate, address, age)
birthdate → age
ssn → name, birthdate, age, address
In this example, birthdate and ssn are determinants, as birthdate determines age and ssn determines the rest of the attributes.
• Key and non-key attributes
A key is a set of attributes {A1, A2, …, An} for a relation R, such that {A1, A2, …, An} functionally determines all other attributes of R and no subset of {A1, A2, …, An} functionally determines all other attributes of R. The key must be minimal.
In the relation Person (ssn, name, birthdate, address, age), ssn is the minimal key of the Person relation, but {ssn, name} is not (it is a “super key”).
• Partial functional dependency
A partial functional dependency arises when one or more non-key attributes are functionally
determined by a subset of the primary key. This is shown in Figure 1.
Non-key attributes
A4 Composite key
Subset of key
Figure 1: A partial functional dependency (subset of composite key determining some non-key attributes)
Consider a relation R (A, B, C, D) with a composite primary key of (A, D), satisfying the functional dependencies A → B, D → C. For this relation, AD determines BC (AD → BC: AD can uniquely identify BC). However, to identify B, attribute A is enough and similarly D can
INFO20003 Tutorial – Week 9 Solutions 2

identify C. Functional dependencies like A → B and D → C are called partial functional dependencies. For example, in the relation Order (Order#, Item#, Desc, Qty) from the lecture, Order# and Item# are the keys. Nonetheless, the item description, Desc, can be determined by Item# alone.
• Transitive functional dependency
When a non-key attribute is determined by another non-key attribute (or by a subset of PK and non-key attributes), such a dependency is called a transitive functional dependency. This is shown in Figure 2.
B3 Non-key attributes
Non-key attributes
Figure 2: A transitive functional dependency (non-key attributes determining other non-key attributes)
• Armstrong’s Axioms
Given a relation and a set of functional dependencies (FDs), we can discover new functional dependencies using some rules generally known as Armstrong’s Axioms. Three important axioms required to determine FDs are Reflexivity (also known as “trivial FDs”), Augmentation and Transitivity.
Reflexivity: Suppose A = {A1, A2, …, An} is a subset of attributes of R, and B = {B1, B2, …, Bn} is also a subset of attributes of R such that B is a subset of A. Reflexivity implies that
For example, in the case of Person (ssn, name, birthdate, address, age),
ssn, name → name
Augmentation: Consider another subset of attributes C = {C1, C2, …, Cn}. Augmentation
implies that
A → B ⟹ AC → BC
In the case of Person (ssn, name, birthdate, address, age), we can take the above FD and write ssn, name, age → name, age
A → B and B → C ⟹ A → C
For our relation Person, we can say ssn → birthdate, birthdate → age ⟹ ssn → age.
INFO20003 Tutorial – Week 9 Solutions 3

• Normalisation and normal forms
Normalisation is a technique used to iteratively improve relations to remove undesired redundancy by decomposing relations and eliminating anomalies. The process is iterative and can be performed in stages generally referred to as Normal Forms. In First Normal Form (1NF), the relation is analysed and all repeating groups are identified to be decomposed into new relations. In Second Normal Form (2NF), all the partial dependencies are resolved/removed. The next stage is Third Normal Form (3NF) where all the transitive dependencies are removed.
1. Consider the relation Diagnosis with the schema Diagnosis (DoctorID, DocName, PatientID, DiagnosisClass) and the following functional dependencies:
DoctorID → DocName
DoctorID, PatientID → DiagnosisClass
Consider the following instance of Diagnosis:
DoctorID DocName PatientID
Lactose intolerance Flu
Identify different anomalies that can arise from this schema using the above instance.
From the two given FDs, we can infer that the key for Diagnosis is (DoctorID, PatientID) since together they are sufficient to uniquely identify each record. The following anomalies can arise from the given schema:
Insertion anomaly: If we require inserting data for a new doctor like DoctorID and DocName, we must insert data of at least one patient associated with the doctor. This inability to insert records of particular fields is insertion anomaly.
Deletion anomaly: Deleting patient’s data can result in the loss of doctor’s data as well resulting in deletion anomaly. For example, if we delete P888 data from the table we lose record for the doctor named Alicia as well.
Update anomaly: One doctor may be associated with more than one patient. In such case, an update anomaly may result if a doctor’s name is changed for only one patient. For example, if we want to change the doctor’s name from “John” to “ ”, we have to do it for two records. Failing to do so will result in an update anomaly.
2. Consider a relation R (A, B, C, D) with the following FDs:
AB → C, AC → B, BC → A, B → D
The possible candidate keys of R are AB, AC, and BC, since each of those combinations is sufficient to uniquely identify each record. Let’s consider AB for instance. From AB → C we see that AB uniquely identifies C, and since B alone uniquely identifies D, AB together have covered CD, i.e. the entire set of attributes.
INFO20003 Tutorial – Week 9 Solutions 4

List all the functional dependencies that violate 3NF. If any, decompose R accordingly. After decomposition, check if the resulting relations are in 3NF, if not decompose further.
To be in 3NF, a relation should be in 2NF and all the transitive functional dependencies should be removed. The relation is not in 2NF as there is a partial functional dependency B → D. B is part of a composite candidate key (AB and BC) and does not require any other key attribute to determine D. Hence, we need to decompose R into following relations: R1 (A, B, C) and R2 (B, D).
R1 and R2 don’t have any partial or transitive functional dependencies hence both are in 3NF.
3. Consider the following relation StaffPropertyInspection:
StaffPropertyInspection (propertyNo, pAddress, iDate, iTime, comments, staffNo, sName)
The FDs stated below hold for this relation:
propertyNo, iDate → iTime, comments, staffNo, sName propertyNo → pAddress
staffNo → sName
From these FDs, it is safe to assume that propertyNo and iDate can serve as a primary key. Your task is to normalise this relation to 3NF. Remember in order to achieve 3NF, you first need to achieve 1NF and 2NF.
As the relation is already in 1NF, because there are no repeating groups, we can directly check if it is in 2NF or not.
Second Normal Form: The functional dependency propertyNo → pAddress shows that pAddress is determined by part of the key. Hence, the relation is not in 2NF. It can be decomposed as:
Property (propertyNo, pAddress)
PropertyInspection (propertyNo, iDate, iTime, comments, staffNo, sName)
Third Normal Form: Now out of the two relations, Property is already in 3NF since there is no transitive dependency in this relation. Regarding PropertyInspection, we can observe that the FD staffNo → sName violates 3NF, as it is a transitive dependency. We further decompose this relation to:
Property (propertyNo, pAddress) Staff (staffNo, sName)
FK FK PropertyInspection (propertyNo, iDate, iTime, comments, staffNo)
Break – 5 mins
INFO20003 Tutorial – Week 9 Solutions 5

Exercises continued:
4. The following Report table is used by a publishing house to keep track of the editing and design of books by a number of authors:
report_no editor
dept_no dept_name dept_addr author_id auth_name
cs-tor mathrev mathrev folkstone prise mathrev
4216 woolf 15 4216 woolf 15 4216 woolf 15 5789 koenig 27 5789 koenig 27 5789 koenig 27
design design design analysis analysis analysis
argus1 53 argus1 44 argus1 71 argus2 26 argus2 38 argus2 71
mantel bolton koenig fry umar koenig
By looking at the data, we see that functional dependencies in the Report table are the following:
report_no → editor, dept_no
dept_no → dept_name, dept_addr author_id → auth_name, author_addr
The candidate key for this relation is (report_no, author_id) since we need these two attributes to uniquely identify each record. Thus we have:
Report (report_no, editor, dept_no, dept_name, dept_addr, author_id, auth_name, auth_addr)
a. Is the Report table in 2NF? If not, put the table in 2NF.
It is in 1NF since there are no repeating values within a cell. However, this relation is not in 2NF, since every non-key attribute is not fully dependent on the entire primary key (e.g. auth_name depends only on auth_id).
Hence we need to normalize and make relation attributes be dependent on the entire key. Author (author_id, auth_name, auth_addr)
Report (report_no, dept_no, dept_name, dept_addr, editor)
FK FK ReportAuthor (report_no, author_id)
Note that we got Report and ReportAuthor in two steps. After splitting off the author information from Report into its own Author relation, Report now looks like this:
Report (report_no, dept_no, dept_name, dept_addr, author_id, editor)
This relation is still not in 2NF, since dept_no, dept_name, dept_addr and editor depend only on report_no. Thus we need to split this relation again into Report and ReportAuthor (as above).
b. Are there any insert, update or delete anomalies with these 2NF relations?
Yes there are, because we still have the transitive dependency where: dept_no → dept_name, dept_addr
INFO20003 Tutorial – Week 9 Solutions 6

If we delete a record from the report table we might delete the information about a department. We can’t insert a new department until we have a report for it, etc.
To solve this we will need to normalize to 3NF. Author (author_id, auth_name, auth_addr) Department (dept_no, dept_name, dept_addr)
Report (report_no, dept_no, editor)
FK FK ReportAuthor (report_no, author_id)
It may help to draw the final relations with the data from the original table:
report_no editor 4216 woolf 5789 koenig
dept_no dept_name 15 design
27 analysis
author_id auth_name 53 mantel
report_no author_id 4216 53
Now anomalies are not present any more.
Continued over page…
argus1 argus2
cs_tor mathrev mathrev folkstone prise
INFO20003 Tutorial – Week 9 Solutions 7

5. Consider the following relation:
Class (courseNumber, roomNumber, instructorName, studentNumber, workshopNumber, grade, tutor)
The following functional dependencies hold for this relation:
workshopNumber → tutor
studentNumber, courseNumber → grade, workshopNumber courseNumber → roomNumber, instructorName
Normalise this relation into 3NF.
The relation is already in 1NF. We need to see whether we have a violation of 2NF.
Since courseNumber determines roomNumber, and instructorName, this is a partial dependency that needs to be resolved. Thus, we decompose Class into:
Course (courseNumber, roomNumber, instructorName)
Class (courseNumber, studentNumber, workshopNumber, grade, tutor)
Now the relations are in 2NF, but Class is not in 3NF, since we have a transitive dependency where workshopNumber determines tutor.
Thus, we need to further decompose Class into: Workshop (workshopNumber, tutor)
Class (courseNumber, studentNumber, workshopNumber, grade)
All three relations are now in 3NF, since they are in 2NF and there are no transitive dependencies.
INFO20003 Tutorial – Week 9 Solutions 8

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