程序代做 INFO20003 Database Systems

INFO20003 Database Systems
Dr Renata Borovica-Gajic
Lecture 03 Introduction to Data Modelling (ER)
INFO20003 Database Systems Week 2

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Database Development Lifecycle: Review
Database Planning Systems Definition
Conceptual Design
Logical Design
Requirements Definition and Analysis
Physical Design
Application Design
Operational Maintenance
Data Conversion and Loading
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The Entity-Relationship Model
• Basic ER modeling concepts • Constraints
• Conceptual Design
Readings: Chapter 2, Ramakrishnan & Gehrke, Database Systems
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Conceptual Design: Objectives
• What are the entities and relationships in the enterprise?
• What information about these entities and relationships should
we store in the database?
• What are the integrity constraints that hold?
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ER Model: Entity & its attributes
• Entity: Real-world object distinguishable from other objects. An entity is described (in DB) using a set of attributes.
• Entity Set: A collection of entities of the same type (e.g. all employees)
– All entities in an entity set have the same set of attributes – Each entity has a key (underlined)
SSN Name Age
entity set
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ER Model: Relationship
• Relationship: Association among two or more entities. Relationships can have their own attributes.
– Example: Fred works in the Pharmacy department.
• Relationship Set: Collection of relationships of the same type.
– Example: Employees work in departments. Name since Name
SSN Age ID Budget works in
relationship set
(with a descriptive attribute)
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ER Model: Relationship roles
Same entity set can participate in:
• different relationship sets, or even • different “roles” in the same set
different relationships
subor- dinate
super- visor
reports to
different roles
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The Entity-Relationship Model
• Basic ER modeling concepts • Constraints
• Conceptual Design
Readings: Chapter 2, Ramakrishnan & Gehrke, Database Systems
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Key Constraints: Types
Key constraints determine the number of objects taking part in the relationship set (how many from each side)
Types of key constraints:
Many-to-Many One-to-Many One-to-One (Many-to-One)
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Key Constraints: Many-to-Many
An employee can work in many departments; a department can have many
Many is represented by a line (red is here just to emphasize it – no need to color).
Employee works in Department
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Key Constraints: One-to-Many
One-to-many constrains one entity set to have a single entity per a relationship. An entity of that set can never participate in two relationships of the same relationship set. This is called a key constraint and is represented by an arrow.
Each department has at most one manager. This is the key constraint on Manages.
Age ID Budget
key constraint
Employee manages
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Participation Constraints
Participation constraint explores whether all entities of one entity set take part in a relationship. If yes this is a total participation, otherwise it is partial. Total participation says that each entity takes part in “at least one” relationship, and is represented by a bold line.
Example: Every employee must work in a department. Each department has at least one employee. Each department has to have a manager (but not everyone is a manager).
since manages works in
Total participation
Total participation
Partial participation
Total participation
Employee works in Department
Employee manages Department
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Weak Entities
A weak entity can be identified uniquely only by considering (the primary key of) another (owner) entity. They are represented as a “bold” rectangle.
• Owner entity set and weak entity set must participate in a relationship where each weak entity has one and only one strong entity to depend on (key constraint)
• Weak entity set must have total participation in this relationship set. Such relationship is called identifying and is represented as “bold”.
Weak entities have only a “partial key” (dashed underline) and they are identified uniquely only when considering the primary key of the owner entity
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Ternary Relationships
In general, we can have n-ary relationships, and relationships can have attributes
This is a ternary relationship with one relationship attribute
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Ternary vs. Binary Relationships
Are these two models the same?
can supply Quantity
deals with
Second model:
• S “can supply” P, D “needs” P, and D “deals with” S does not imply that D has agreed to buy P from S. Not the same!
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Special attribute type: Multi-valued attributes
• Multi-valued attributes can have multiple (finite set of) values of the same type.
For employees we need to capture their home phone number and work phone number.
SSN Name Age
Multi-valued attribute
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Special attribute type: Composite attributes
• Composite attributes have a structure hidden inside (each element can be of different type).
For employees we need to capture an address consisting of a postcode,
street name and number.
Street name Street num.
Composite attribute
Postcode Address
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Now you try
University database schema:
• Entities: Courses, Professors • Each course has id, title, time
• Make up suitable attributes for professors
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Now you try
1. Every professor must teach some course.
2. Every professor teaches exactly one course (no more, no less).
3. Every professor teaches exactly one course (no more, no less), and every course must be taught by some professor.
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The Entity-Relationship Model
• Basic ER modeling concepts • Constraints
• Conceptual Design
Readings: Chapter 2, Ramakrishnan & Gehrke, Database Systems
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Conceptual Design Using the ER Model
• Design choices:
– Should a concept be modelled as an entity or an attribute?
– Should a concept be modelled as an entity or a relationship?
– Should we model relationships as binary, ternary, n-ary?
• Constraints in the ER Model:
–A lot of data semantics can (and should) be captured
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Entity vs. Attribute
Should “address” be an attribute of Employees or an entity
(related to Employees)? Answer:
• Depends upon how we want to use address information, and the semantics of the data:
– If we have several addresses per employee, address must be an entity
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Notes on the ER design
• ER design is subjective. There are often many ways to model a given scenario.
• Analyzing alternatives can be tricky, especially for a large enterprise. Common choices include:
–Entity vs. attribute, entity vs. relationship, binary or n-ary relationship.
• There is no standard/notation (we will cover two notations, today we learned Chen’s notation)
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Summary of Conceptual Design
• Conceptual design follows requirements analysis
–Yields a high-level description of data to be stored • ER model popular for conceptual design
–Constructs are expressive, close to the way people think about their applications
–Originally proposed by , 1976
Note: there are many variations on ER model
• Basic constructs: entities, relationships, and attributes (of entities and relationships)
• Some additional constructs: weak entities
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Database Development Lifecycle: Review
Database Planning Systems Definition
Conceptual Design
Logical Design
Requirements Definition and Analysis
Physical Design
Application Design
Operational Maintenance
Data Conversion and Loading
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What’s Examinable
• Need to be able to draw conceptual diagrams on your own ‒ Givenaproblem,determineentities,attributes,relationships
‒ What is key constraint and participation constraint, weak entity?
‒ Determine constraints for the given entities & their relationships
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Next Lecture
• Continue exploring modelling
– From conceptual through to physical – Introducing relational model
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