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Static Program Analysis
Part 2 – type analysis and unification
Anders Møller & Michael I. Schwartzbach Computer Science, Aarhus University

Type errors
• Reasonable restrictions on operations: – arithmetic operators apply only to integers
– comparisons apply only to like values – only integers can be input and output – conditions must be integers
– only functions can be called
– the * operator applies only to pointers
– field lookup can only be performed on records
• Violationsresultinruntimeerrors

Type checking
• Can type errors occur during runtime?
• This is interesting, hence instantly undecidable
• Instead,weuseconservativeapproximation
– a program is typable if it satisfies some type constraints
– these are systematically derived from the syntax tree – if typable, then no runtime errors occur
– but some programs will be unfairly rejected (slack)
• What we shall see next is the essence of the
Damas–Hindley–Milner type inference technique,
which forms the basis of the type systems of e.g. ML, OCaml, and Haskell

no type errors

Fighting slack
• Make the type checker a bit more clever:
• Aneternalstruggle

Fighting slack
• Make the type checker a bit more clever:
• Aneternalstruggle
• And a great source of publications

Be careful out there
• The type checker may be unsound:
• Example: covariant arrays in Java – a deliberate pragmatic choice

Generating and solving constraints
solver (unification)
⟦p⟧ = &int
⟦q⟧ = &int ⟦alloc 0⟧ = &int ⟦x⟧ = 
⟦foo⟧ = 
⟦&n⟧ = &int ⟦main⟧ = ()->int

• Types describe the possible values:
• These describe integers, pointers, functions, and records
• Typesaretermsgeneratedbythisgrammar – example: (int,&int)->&&int
int | &
| (,…,)-> | {X:,…,X:}

Type constraints
• We generate type constraints from an AST: – all constraints are equalities
– they can be solved using a unification algorithm
• Typevariables:
– for each identifier declaration X we have the variable ⟦X⟧
– for each non-identifier expression E we have the variable ⟦E⟧
• Recall that all identifiers are unique
• The expression E denotes an AST node, not syntax
• (Possible extensions: polymorphism, subtyping, …)

Generating constraints (1/3)
E1 op E2:
E1 == E2:
X = E:
output E:
if (E) {S}:
if (E) {S1} else {S2}: while (E) {S}:
⟦I⟧ = int
⟦E1⟧ = ⟦E2⟧ = ⟦E1 op E2⟧ = int ⟦E1⟧ = ⟦E2⟧  ⟦E1==E2⟧ = int ⟦input⟧ = int
⟦X⟧ = ⟦E⟧
⟦E⟧ = int
⟦E⟧ = int
⟦E⟧ = int
⟦E⟧ = int

Generating constraints (2/3)
X(X1,…,Xn){ … return E; }:
⟦X⟧ = (⟦X1⟧, …, ⟦Xn⟧) -> ⟦E⟧
E(E1, …, En):
⟦E⟧ = (⟦E1⟧, …, ⟦En⟧) -> ⟦E(E1, …, En)⟧
alloc E: &X: null: *E: *X=E:
⟦alloc E⟧ = &⟦E⟧ ⟦&X⟧ = &⟦X⟧ ⟦null⟧ = &
⟦E⟧ = &⟦*E⟧
⟦X⟧ =&⟦E⟧
(each  is a fresh type variable)

Generating constraints (3/3)
{X1:E1, …, Xn:En}:
⟦{X1:E1, …, Xn:En}⟧ = { X1:⟦E1⟧, …, Xn:⟦En⟧ }
E.X: ⟦E⟧={ …,X:⟦E.X⟧,…}
This is the idea, but not directly expressible in our language of types

Generating constraints (3/3)
Let {f1, f2, …, fm} be the set of field names that appear in the program
{X1:E1, …, Xn:En}: ⟦{X1:E1, …, Xn:En}⟧ = { f1:γ1, …, fm: γm }
where γi = E.X:
where γi =
⟦Ej⟧iffi=Xj forsomej αi otherwise
⟦E⟧= { f1:γ1, …, fm: γm }
⟦E.X⟧ if fi = X αi otherwise

main() {
var x, y, z;
x = input;
y = alloc 8;
*y = x;
z = *y;
return x;
• Generate and solve the constraints
• Then try withy = alloc 8 replaced byy = 42
• Also try with the Scala implementation (when it’s completed)

General terms
Ex: int Ex: &
Ex: (1, 2)-> 3
Constructor symbols: • 0-ary: a, b, c
• 1-ary: d, e • 2-ary: f, g, h • 3-ary: i, j, k
Terms: •a
• d(a)
• h(a,g(d(a),b))
Terms with variables: • f(X,b)
• h(X,g(Y,Z))

The unification problem
• An equality between two terms with variables: k(X,b,Y) = k(f(Y,Z),Z,d(Z))
• A solution (a unifier) is an assignment from variables to closed terms that makes both sides equal:
X = f(d(b),b) Y = d(b) Z=b
Implicit constraint for term equality: c(t1,…,tk) = c(t1’,…,tk’)  ti = ti’ for all i

Unification errors
• Constructorerror: d(X) = e(X)
• Arityerror: a = a(X)

The linear unification algorithm
• Paterson and Wegman (1978)
• In time O(n):
– finds a most general unifier – or decides that none exists
• Can be used as a back-end for type checking
• … but only for finite terms

Recursive data structures
The program
var p;
p = alloc null;
*p = p;
creates these constraints
which have this “recursive solution” for p: ⟦p⟧= where=&
⟦null⟧ = &
⟦alloc null⟧ = &⟦null⟧ ⟦p⟧ = &⟦alloc null⟧
⟦p⟧ = &⟦p⟧

Regular terms
• Infinitebut(eventually)repeating:
– e(e(e(e(e(e(…))))))
– d(a,d(a,d(a, …)))
– f(f(f(f(…),f(…)),f(f(…),f(…))),f(f(f(…),f(…)),f(f(…),f(…))))
• Onlyfinitelymanydifferentsubtrees • A non-regular term:
– f(a,f(d(a),f(d(d(a)),f(d(d(d(a))),…))))

Regular unification
• Huet(1976)
• The unification problem for regular terms can be solved in O(n⋅ A(n))
using a union-find algorithm
• A(n) is the inverse Ackermann function:
– smallest k such that n  Ack(k,k)
– this is never bigger than 5 for any real value of n
• See the TIP implementation…

union(x, y) { xr := find(x) yr := find(y) if xr = yr
if xr.rank < yr.rank xr.parent := yr else yr.parent := xr if xr.rank = yr.rank xr.rank := xr.rank + 1 } makeset(x) { x.parent := x x.rank := 0 } find(x) { if x.parent != x x.parent := find(x.parent) return x.parent } 23 Union-Find (simplified) makeset(x) { x.parent := x } union(x, y) { xr := find(x) yr := find(y) if xr = yr return xr.parent := yr } find(x) { if x.parent != x x.parent := find(x.parent) return x.parent } Implement ‘unify’ procedure using union and find to unify terms... 24 Implementation strategy • Representation of the different kinds of types (including type variables) • Map from AST nodes to types • Union-Find • Traverse AST, generate constraints, unify on the fly – report type error if unification fails – when unifying a type variable with e.g. a function type, it is useful to pick the function type as representative – for outputting solution, assign names to type variables (that are roots), and be careful about recursive types 25 The complicated function foo(p,x) { var f,q; if (*p==0) { f=1; } else { q = alloc 0; *q = (*p)-1; f=(*p)*(x(q,x)); } return f; } main() { var n; n = input; return foo(&n,foo); } 26 Generated constraints ⟦*p==0⟧ = int ⟦f⟧ = ⟦1⟧ ⟦0⟧ = int ⟦q⟧ = ⟦alloc 0⟧ ⟦q⟧ = &⟦(*p)-1⟧ ⟦*p⟧ = int ⟦(*p)*(x(q,x))⟧ = int ⟦x⟧ = (⟦q⟧,⟦x⟧)->⟦x(q,x)⟧ ⟦main⟧ = ()->⟦foo(&n,foo)⟧ ⟦&n⟧ = &⟦n⟧
⟦(*p)-1⟧ = int ⟦*p⟧ = ⟦0⟧
⟦foo⟧ = (⟦p⟧,⟦x⟧)->⟦f⟧ ⟦*p⟧ = int
⟦1⟧ = int
⟦p⟧ = &⟦*p⟧
⟦alloc 0⟧ = &⟦0⟧
⟦q⟧ = &⟦*q⟧
⟦f⟧ = ⟦(*p)*(x(q,x))⟧
⟦x(q,x)⟧ = int
⟦input⟧ = int
⟦n⟧ = ⟦input⟧
⟦foo⟧ =(⟦&n⟧,⟦foo⟧)->⟦foo(&n,foo)⟧

Here,  is the regular type that is the unfolding of  = (&int,)->int
which can also be written  = μ α.(&int,α)->int All other variables are assigned int
⟦p⟧ = &int
⟦q⟧ = &int ⟦alloc 0⟧ = &int ⟦x⟧ = 
⟦foo⟧ = 
⟦&n⟧ = &int ⟦main⟧ = ()->int

Infinitely many solutions
The function
poly(x) {
return *x;
has type (&)-> for any type 
(which is not expressible in our current type language)

Recursive and polymorphic types
• Extra notation for recursive and polymorphic types:
(not very useful unless we also add polymorphic expansion at calls,
but that makes complexity exponential, or even undecidable…)
| μα.

• Types are (finite) terms generated by this grammar
• μ α.  is the (potentially recursive) type  where
occurrences of α represent  itself
• α is a type variable (implicitly universally quantified
if not bound by an enclosing μ) 30

main() {
return bar(null,1)
This never has a type error at runtime – but it is not typable: int= ⟦r⟧ = ⟦g⟧ =&
bar(g,x) {
var r;
if (x==0) {
} else { r=bar(2,0);
return r+1; }

• Not all errors are type errors: – dereference of null pointers
– reading of uninitialized variables – division by zero
– escaping stack cells
(why not?)
baz() { var x;
return &x; }
main() { var p;
return *p;
Other errors
• Other kinds of static analysis may catch these