CS代考 INFO20003 Database Systems

School of Computing and Information Systems
INFO20003 Database Systems
Sample exam Reading Time: 15 minutes Writing time: 120 minutes

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INFO20003 Sample Exam Solution
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Section 1 – ER Modelling
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Section 2 – SQL-DDL
Team_Name VARCHAR(25),
Captain_ID CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
Swimmer_ID CHAR(4) NOT NULL, Swimmer_fname VARCHAR(25),
Swimmer_lname VARCHAR(25),
Swimmer_email VARCHAR(35),
It is not necessary to write NOT NULL when defining the Team_ID and Swimmer_ID columns, as MySQL automatically applies a NOT NULL constraint to primary key columns.
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Section 3 – SQL-DML
The relations are repeated here for your convenience.
FK employees (empid, lastname, firstname, hiredate, address, phone, managerid)
orders (orderid, custid, empid, orderdate, shippeddate, freight, shipname)
customers (custid, companyname, contactname, address, phone)
orderdetails (orderid, productid, quantity, discount)
products (productid, productname, unitprice, discontinued)
Q.3A. Write a query that returns customers (company names) and the details of their orders (orderid and orderdate), including customers who placed no orders.
SELECT C.companyname, O.orderid, O.orderdate FROM Customers AS C
LEFT JOIN Orders AS O ON O.custid = C.custid
Note: LEFT JOIN and LEFT OUTER JOIN are equivalent; OUTER JOIN (only) is NOT a correct syntax.
Q.3B. Write a query that returns the first name and last name of employees whose manager was hired prior to 01/01/2002.
SELECT E.firstname, E.lastname FROM Employees AS E
INNER JOIN Employees AS MNGR ON E.managerid = MNGR.empid WHERE MNGR.hiredate < '20020101' Note 1: JOIN and INNER JOIN (as keywords) are equivalent. Note 2: In MySQL, date and time values can be represented in several formats, such as quoted strings or as numbers, depending on the exact type of the value and other factors. For example, in contexts where MySQL expects a date, it interprets any of '2015-07-21', '20150721', and 20150721 as a date. Also for the year part one can use either 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YY-MM-DD' format. A “relaxed” syntax is permitted: Any punctuation character may be used as the delimiter between date parts. For example, '2012-12-31', '2012/12/31', '2012^12^31', and are equivalent. INFO20003 Sample Exam Solution Page 4 of 13 Q.3C. Write a query that returns customers (customer ID) whose company name is ‘Google’, and for each customer return the total number of orders and total quantities for all products that were not discontinued (‘1’ means discontinued, ‘0’ not discontinued). SELECT C.custid, COUNT(DISTINCT O.orderid) AS numorders, SUM(OD.quantity) AS totalqty FROM Customers AS C INNER JOIN Orders AS O ON O.custid = C.custid INNER JOIN OrderDetails AS OD ON OD.orderid = O.orderid INNER JOIN Products AS P ON OD.productid = P.productid WHERE C.company = 'Google' AND P.discontinued = '0' GROUP BY C.custid; Note 1: JOIN and INNER JOIN are equivalent. You may also use NATURAL JOIN here. Note 2: Markers were instructed to accept the zero (0) both with/without quotes for discontinued. Q3D. Write a query that returns the ID and company name of customers who placed orders in 2007 but not in 2008. SELECT custid, companyname FROM Customers WHERE custid IN (SELECT custid FROM Orders WHERE orderdate >= ‘20070101’
AND orderdate < '20080101') AND custid NOT IN (SELECT custid FROM Orders WHERE orderdate >= ‘20080101’
AND orderdate < '20090101'); Note 1: It is possible to solve this query using EXISTS/NOT EXISTS or = ANY/<> ALL.
Note 2: In MySQL, date and time values can be represented in several formats, such as quoted strings or as numbers, depending on the exact type of the value and other factors. For example, in contexts where MySQL expects a date, it interprets any of ‘2015-07-21’, ‘20150721’, and 20150721 as a date. Also for the year part one can use either ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ or ‘YY-MM-DD’ format. A “relaxed” syntax is permitted: Any punctuation character may be used as the delimiter between date parts. For example, ‘2012-12-31’, ‘2012/12/31’, ‘2012^12^31’, and are equivalent.
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Section 4 – Query Processing – Joins
Q4A. What is the cost (in disk I/O’s) of performing this join using the Block-oriented Nested Loops Join algorithm? Provide the formulae you use to calculate your cost estimate.
# of blocks = ceil(NPages(outer) / (Number of Buffers – 2)) = ceil(1,000/500) = 2 Total cost = NPages(outer) + (# of blocks × NPages(inner))
= 1,000 + 2 × 50,000 = 101,000 I/O
Q4B. What is the cost (in disk I/O’s) of performing this join using the Hash Join algorithm? Provide the formulae you use to calculate your cost estimate.
Total cost = 3 × (1,000 + 50,000) = 153,000 I/O
Q4C. In comparing the cost of different algorithms, we count I/O (page accesses) and ignore all other costs. What is the reason behind this approach?
Because the I/O cost dominates the overall cost. One I/O corresponds to millions of CPU cycles.
Note: Any discussion that states that I/O is much more expensive than CPU is acceptable. (However we haven’t focused on CPU cost in this semester, so you can ignore this question.)
Q4D. Which approach should be the least expensive for the given buffer size of 502 pages:
1. Simple Nested Loops Join
2. Page-oriented Nested Loops Join
3. Block-oriented Nested Loops Join
4. Hash Join
Please write the number of the correct response. No need to provide formulae for question 4D.
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Section 5 – Query Processing – Indexing
Q5A. Compute the estimated result size of the query, and the reduction factor of each filter.
RFqty = (20 – 15)/20 = 0.25
RFdiscount = (100 – 90)/100 = 0.1
Result size = NTuples(OrderDetails) × RFqty × RFdiscount
= 100,000 × 0.1 × 0.25 = 2,500 tuples
Q5B. Compute the estimated cost of the best plan assuming that a clustered B+ tree index on
quantity is (the only index) available. Suppose there are 200 index pages.
Cost of full scan = NPages(OrderDetails) = 100,000/100 = 1000 I/O Cost of index scan = (NPages(I) + NPages(OrderDetails)) × RFquantity
= (200 + 1000) × 0.25 = 300 I/O
The clustered B+ tree index is the best plan here, with a cost of 300 I/O.
Q5C. Compute the estimated cost of the best plan assuming that an unclustered Hash index on discount is (the only index) available.
Cost of full scan = NPages(OrderDetails) = 100,000/100 = 1000 I/O
Q5D. If you are given complete freedom to create one index to speed up this query, which index would be the best one to answer this query? Please give complete information about the index, e.g. is it clustered or unclustered, is it hash or B+-tree, which attributes will it cover.
Clustered B+ tree index on (qty, discount)
Clustered B+ tree index on (discount, qty)
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Section 6 – Query Optimisation
Q6A. Compute the cost of the plan shown below. NLJ is a Page-oriented Nested Loops Join. Assume that empid is the candidate key of Employees, orderid is the candidate key of Orders, and 100 tuples of a resulting join between Employees and Orders can fit on one page.
Number of resulting tuples for Employees JOIN Orders = (1/100,000) × (100,000 × 500,000) = 500,000 tuples
Number of pages for Employees JOIN Orders = 500,000 / 100 = 5,000 pages
Cost of scanning Employees = 1,000 I/O
Cost to join with Orders = 1,000 × 5,000 = 5,000,000 I/O
Cost to join with OrderDetails = 2 × 5,000 + 3 × 10,000 = 40,000 I/O
Total cost = 1000 + 5,000,000 + 40,000 = 5,041,000 I/O
Q6B. Would the plan presented below be a valid candidate that System R would consider and
compute cost for during query optimisation? Why?
No, cartesian products (cross products) are not considered during query optimization of System R.
Q6C. Consider the query presented below. Does the following equivalence class hold? Yes/No and Why?
Πfirstname, lastname(σquantity> 5 ۸ freight <100(Employees Orders OrderDetails)) ↔ σquantity> 5 ۸ freight <100(Πfirstname, lastname(Employees Orders OrderDetails)) No, if we project only firstname and lastname, we cannot filter over quantity and freight later on, as these attributes were lost in the projection. INFO20003 Sample Exam Solution Page 8 of 13 Section 7 – Normalisation 4011 5 ft desk MK Marketing 5 200 1000 4020 File cabinet 4005 Executive chair 4036 5 ft desk 1NF: There are no multivalued attributes, so this table is in 1NF. 2NF: There are no partial functional dependencies, so the table is in 2NF. 3NF: The determinant of the FD: Dept → Dept Name, Dept Head The final table structure looks like: Inventory (Item ID, Description, Dept, Quan, Cost/Unit) Department (Dept, Dept Name, Dept Head) Description Inventory Value MK Marketing MK Marketing ENG Engineering 7 200 1400 is not a key attribute. This transitive FD violates 3NF. Additionally, another transitive FD (not stated in the question) exists: 10 75 750 5 100 500 Quan, Cost/Unit → Inventory Value Because there is a simple arithmetic correspondence between these columns (Quan × Cost/Unit = Inventory Value), this FD can be resolved by removing the redundant Inventory Value column. Since this FD hasn’t been stated, both solutions (with and without Inventory value in the Inventory table) were accepted. INFO20003 Sample Exam Solution Page 9 of 13 Section 8 – Data Warehousing Q8A. Draw a star schema to support the design of this data warehouse. Q8B. Why are star schemas preferred over relational database designs to support decision making? Star schemas are organized around facts (business measures) and dimensions that help with managerial decision making. What’s more, they are denormalised, making it faster to aggregate and query data. INFO20003 Sample Exam Solution Page 10 of 13 Section 9 – NoSQL and Database Administration Q9A. There are trade-offs between the principles of ACID and BASE. Discuss the trade-off between availability and consistency for relational and NoSQL databases. Illustrate your answer using either the example of Facebook or the example of Twitter. NoSQL databases need to be available all the time. Facebook (or Twitter) needs to ensure that users can access and post to its site and app all the time, even if the data is not consistent. For example, users expect to always see the number of likes on a post (or retweet count on a tweet); they do not mind if that number is slightly outdated. Relational databases sacrifice availability for consistency. This means the database needs to be consistent all the time for all the users. If there is potential for inconsistencies (such as two people booking the same seats to watch a movie), the database will sometimes be unavailable. Q9B. Estimate the disk space requirements only for the Video table at go-live and after one month of operation. First, calculate the row width or row size (in bytes) for each table. Row width is the sum of size of the attribute stored in that row. • For video table, row size will be 4 + 4 + 20,000 + 8 = 20,016 bytes • At go live, disk space requirement for Video table will be: 20,016 × 0 = 0 bytes 20,016 × 5 × 1,000,000 = 1.0008 × 10 • After one month, disk space requirement for Video table will be: INFO20003 Sample Exam Solution Page 11 of 13 Section 10 – Multiple Choice Questions There are fifteen multiple choice questions. Each question is worth 1 Mark. There is only one correct answer per question. Write the question number and your answer in the script book. Q10A. Which of the following is NOT part of the database development lifecycle? A) Implementation B) Maintenance C) Requirement analysis D) First-level support Q10B. A relation which is NOT in the conceptual and logical models but is made available to users is a: A) Datatype C) Revoke D) 10C. Which of the following is NOT a valid join? A) Sort-merge C) Nested loop Q10D. Which of the following is NOT a true statement about data and information? A) Datesandaudioaretwoexamplesofdata B) Informationhasbeenprocessedsothatitincreasestheaudience’sknowledge C) Information is used to create data D) The term “data” refers to raw facts Q10E. Which of the following is NOT true about normal forms? A) Atablein1NFmusthavenomultivaluedattributes B) Atablein2NFmusthavenomultivaluedattributes C) A table in 2NF must have no transitive functional dependencies D) A table in 3NF must have no transitive functional dependencies Q10F. Which of the following is NOT one of the basic operations of Relational Algebra? A) Set-difference B) Cross-product C) Equality Q10G. The structure of a Clustered B+ tree Index does NOT contain: A) Datapages B) Leafnodes C) Internal nodes D) Root node INFO20003 Sample Exam Solution Page 12 of 13 Q10H. Which of the following is NOT a true statement about projection? A) Projectioncanbeaccomplishedbyhashing B) Thecostofprojectionbyexternalmergesortdependsonthereductionfactor C) Projection algorithms are designed to remove duplicates from the result set D) Projection by external merge sort uses the same sorting approach as sort-merge join Q10I. Which of the following is NOT a commonly-used level of lock granularity? A) Field-levellocking B) Row-levellocking C) Table-level locking D) Database-level locking Q10J. Which of the following is NOT a valid type of logical database backup? A) Incrementalbackup B) Onlinebackup C) Onsite backup D) Offline backup Q10K. Which of the following is NOT a normalization concept? A) A.C.I.D. B) Partialfunctionaldependency C) Candidate key D) Determinants Q10L. Which of the following is NOT a file organisation type? A) Hashfileorganisation B) Indexfileorganisation C) Heap file organisation D) Sorted file organisation Q10M. Which of the following is NOT a SQL Command category? A) DDL B) DML C) DCL D) DSL Q10N. Which of the following is NOT a part of query optimisation? A) Planenumeration B) Costing C) Building a new index D) Result size estimation Q10O. Which of the following is NOT true about choosing data types? A) Mayhelpimprovequeryoptimisation B) HelpDBMSstoreanduseinformationefficiently C) Help minimise storage space D) May help improve data integrity END OF THE EXAM INFO20003 Sample Exam Solution Page 13 of 13 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com