CS代考 ÷.ie?:::..:::::-

Time i 9:00 AM (WinnipegTime]
Duration : 2 hours
Format: Remote on UMLearn with lockdown

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

browser.(Thiswillbegivenasa quiz). Technical : we’ll post this in a n announcement
Difficulties la te r • Iti¥
wewillnotbeon theExam?
concentratem o re on the materials after the term test.
The final exam will

ofthequestions on the Fired eg) which af the following mode
Exam : _shurtanswers@ instructions
u s e s register addressing – relative etc
e g) which of the following instruction
are legal he-3 instructions ? instructions such a s
are valid 121,122
add 121,122,#50 are NOT RI,#I not
for example9)take this circuitdiagram and se it to fill in the
truth table (thatis , reverse engineer the circuit ) .

2)Give a state diagram, givethe truth /transition table for the outputs)
3)Given the followingtain ing diagram,
what is the truth table for the circuit th e generated the timing
4) Given this sequential circuit,
given that the input is some value Given) what is the output?
5) Given the hc -3 CPO , show what happens during the fetch stage
for instruction add R1,122,123
;:I%¥Ei→1- coding question.

Coding questions
will e*ea’concentrate
subroutines, and recursion es)writea completeLC- 3program
Sob routine
that contains
a recursive the function
Tcm)= 2in- 1)+Tcu- 2)- for n≥ 2, and 1-(1)=3 T(03=1.
this routine ” computer) which receives one argument, the value of W,
and return Tcu) on thestack .
Assume n is always¥0,
In your main program, use n = 5
fo r calling compute-1 and store the result in memory location
givenbyBelabel “answer”

e.g)write a
contains a subroutine Transform
*2 × + 1 u s i n g t h e s t a c k .
m ain program should call
which takes 1 argument✗ , and returns
with value ✗ = 10 . e.g) Write a complete program that
while take a linked list given memoryandfindthesum ofthe
values stored in the list where
the linked linked it given at memory
location ” linkedList” and has the following f o a m
linked ☐n÷TE→÷☒
endof list

linkedlist: vibe node
addressofnext t-ara
read the question 9arefullyand
com e convert it to LC- 3.
always have some paper with you.
an algorithm. & pencil
figure o u t what is really being asked .
Once you have an algorithm, then

nextso iE?F:¥¥÷
Question : Give the truth/transition the
tableG) and the check for output y answer’
next state
(called next 5, , next FEET FF÷÷::lI÷

following state diagram input: ×
diagram, truth/ transition tables
‘ ° ✗ Voiture) a,d
Also givethesum- ofproductsfor
” +put :& state bitsare

Question : spse w e have the following circuit
:Qr⇒◦T☒ aÉ÷☐→¥-agate
consider the followingtiming diagram clki-fhfhfhfhfh.fr
_1 -‘-# kils.li/I
ABEtween times Tz and Ty, what happens to Q ? Ie , what is its output during
thatperiod & doesitcan in that period.

Exam is open book s o
you can use your UMLearn
b e N O communication
students& others exams

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com