程序代写代做代考 Excel case study Aspect of review

Aspect of review
Outstanding (90-100)
Very good (75-89)
Meets Expectations (50-74)
Below Expectations (40-49)
Way Below Expectations (<40) Executive Summary 5% Outstanding summary that provides a comprehensive overview of the report¡¯s essential information in a concise manner. Good summary that mostly provides a complete overview of the report¡¯s essential information. Appropriate summary that is not advanced enough to provide a complete overview of the report¡¯s essential information. Less clear summary and does not provide a complete overview of report¡¯s essential information. Undeveloped summary and inaccurate overview of the report¡¯s essential information. Dimensional Model Design 20% Outstanding application of the dimensional modelling concepts to design a comprehensive dimensional model; relates the concepts to case study by accurate identification and definition of grain, facts, dimensions, keys, and hierarchies. Good application of the dimensional modelling concepts to design a dimensional model; mostly relates the concepts to case study by accurate identification of grain, facts, dimensions, keys, and hierarchies. Appropriate application of the dimensional modelling concepts, not well advanced to relate the concepts with case study for accurate identification of grain, facts, dimensions, keys, and hierarchies. Less clear application of the dimensional modelling concepts. Unclear link of the concepts with case study to identify grain, facts, dimensions, keys, and hierarchies. Undeveloped application of dimensional modelling concepts; no link of the concepts with case study to identify grain, facts, dimensions, keys, and hierarchies. Dimensional Model Implementation 30% Outstanding implementation of dimensional models which (1) effectively utilizes the ETL tool to extract and transform data to create dimension and fact tables, and (2) build dashboards to communicate the decisions with excellent choices of visuals that answer to the specific business decisions, and accurate calculations of metrics. Good implementation of dimensional models which (1) utilizes the ETL tool to extract and transform the data to create dimension and fact tables, and (2) build dashboards with good choices of visuals that relate to business decisions, and most calculations of metrics are accurate. Appropriate implementation of dimensional models which (1) utilizes the ETL tool to extract and combine data from multiple sources to create dimension and fact tables, and (2) build dashboards with various visuals, that sometimes relates to business decisions, and some calculations of metrics are accurate. Partial implementation of dimensional models using the ETL tools, and less effective visuals on the dashboards that mostly do not relate to business decisions, and some calculations of metrics are inaccurate. Undeveloped implementation of dimensional model using ETL tools (e.g. no dimensional models), and either no use or poor choices of visuals with inaccurate calculations. Build Analytical Model 15% Outstanding application of analytics by properly setting and transforming the variables, designing a completely correct analytical process, fully deriving the proper assumptions and conclusions. Good application of analytics with minor errors during the data preparation, as well as application leading to slightly inaccurate results or having drawn slightly inappropriate conclusions. Appropriate application of analytics. Several errors in the data preparation, as well as application of data. Results are not properly interpreted. Partially meaningful application of analytics with considerable errors in the data preparation, as well as application of data or interpretation of results. Undeveloped application of analytics with unreliable and poorly interpreted outcomes. Generating business insights and strategizing 25% Outstanding explanation and analysis of the metrics that will be used to address the six business problems, with high- Good explanation and analysis of how the data warehouse will be used to address the six business problems, with Appropriate explanation and analysis of how the data warehouse will be used to address the business problems, Less clear explanation and analysis of how the data warehouse will be used to address business problems, with less clear actions to take. Undeveloped explanation and analysis of how data warehouse will be used to address business problems, with no proposed action. value actions proposed to address the problems. actions proposed to address the problems. with some actions proposed to address business problems. Data Dictionary 5% Outstanding and comprehensive description of the data definitions and transformations; accurately identified the data sources for facts and dimension attributes. Good description of the data definitions and transformations; accurately identified the data sources for facts and dimension attributes. Appropriate description of the data definitions and transformations; mostly accurate identification of the data sources for facts and dimensions. Less clear description of the data definitions and transformations; does not accurately identified the data sources for facts and dimensions. Undeveloped description of the data definitions and transformations; inaccurate identification of the data sources for facts and dimensions. SSIS (or SQL), PBI, and RapidMiner transformations (mandatory submission, non-graded item) Work Breakdown (mandatory submission, non-graded item) Writing and Referencing Highly accurate, and clear written expression grammar and spelling. Referencing of high standard, fully based on a formal referencing system. Very good written expression, grammar and spelling. Referencing system with some errors and/or inconsistencies. Good written expression, grammar and spelling demonstrated. References with some inconsistencies and errors. Less clear written expression, grammar and spelling demonstrated. Referencing with some consistent referencing errors. Undeveloped expression, poor grammar and/or spelling. Referencing mostly incorrect.