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CSSE4630 Week 6 Lab: Interval Analysis
Mark Utting Version 1.0
1 Introduction
This workshop is focussed on Interval Analysis, especially understanding and implementing widening of intervals.
2 Review: Widening of Intervals
Widening is a general technique that can be applied to many different kinds of analyses and lattices. However, it is particularly useful and important for interval analysis, where we deduce [min,max] bounds for each integer variable (the same idea can be applied to floating-point variables as well, but that’s another story). Naive interval analysis can go into an infinite loop when it is analysing loops that contain statements like i = i+1, because the lattice of intervals is infinite, so we might keep going up it forever, without reaching a fixpoint! But a widening operator makes larger jumps up the lattice, to ensure that we terminate after a finite number of iterations.
Review pages 80-81 of the textbook, to ensure that you understand the widening operator ∇, which takes two intervals for a variable, from iterations i and i + 1, and decides whether to increase the upper bound or not, and similarly whether to decrease the lower bound or not.
Assuming that the set of integer constants in a program is B = {0,1,10,100}, evaluate the following widening operator expressions:
1. [1,5]∇[1,5]
2. [1,5]∇[1,6]
3. [1,10]∇[1,11]
4. [1,95]∇[1,100]
5. [1,95]∇[1,105]
6. [1,95]∇[0,95]
7. [−1,900]∇[−2,900]
Implementing Interval Analysis
The Live Variables analysis in src/tip/analysis/LiveVarsAnalysis.scala is not fully im- plemented. To see this, run the ‘tip’ script with the -livevars option, on the example program liveness.tip.
tip -interval wlrw examples/interval3.tip
CSSE4630 Week 6 Lab Page 1

You should see an error about unimplemented methods in ValueAnalysis.scala. Fix this prob-
lem by completing the implementation of localTransfer in src/tip/analysis/ValueAnalysis.scala.
You ‘just’ need to implement the missing code (the triple question marks) inside the localTransfer method. This takes the node n as input, plus the state-lattice s, which is the interval analysis state just before this node. There are two cases that you need to complete:
case varr: AVarStmt Here you must extend s by adding (using ++) all of the variables in varr. To do this, use a ‘list comprehension’ (for (v<-varr.declIds) yield ...) to iterate through varr and map each variable to the bottom of the valuelattice. case AAssignStmt(id: AIdentifier, right, ) Here you need to override just the variable id in the map s (using s+( -> )). Since s maps declarations to intervals, make sure you convert id to a declaration using id.declaration. Map it to the abstract evaluation of the right expression in the current state (s).
Note: Don’t spend too much time implementing these localTransfer cases. If you spend more than 10 minutes on them, there are some sample solutions at the end of this document.
4 Implementing Widening of Intervals
After you have implemented the ValueAnalysis.localTransfer function fully, if you run tip again as above, you should get a new exception showing that an implementation is missing in the widenInterval method in src/tip/analysis/IntervalAnalysis.scala.
[error] scala.NotImplementedError: an implementation is missing
at scala.Predef…(Predef.scala:288)
at tip.analysis.IntervalAnalysisWidening.widenInterval(IntervalAnalysis.scala:38)
at tip.analysis.IntervalAnalysisWidening.widenInterval(IntervalAnalysis.scala:34)
You need to implement the main case of (l1,h1)∇(l2,h2), which is when both intervals are non-empty. Implement this in the following stages:
1. None: Just return the right-hand interval (l2,h2) unchanged. This is effectively the base case of implementing no widening at all! (Actually this is not technically a proper widening implementation, since every widening operator should reach the top of the lattice in a finite number of steps). Try analysing the example program again. What happens?
2. Worst-Case: Now implement the worst case widening — always widen to the top interval (MInf, PInf). Try analysing the example program again. What happens? Look at the output file out/interval3.tip normalized.tip and see what intervals it has deduced for each node? You should see that, apart from a few integer constant cases like (0,0), almost all the intervals have ended up as (MInf, PInf). This is not a very useful analysis result!
3. Jump-to-Infinity: Improve the previous analysis by testing to see if the upper bound is staying the same (h1 < h2) or getting worse (h1 < h2). If it is staying the same, then return that bound, but if it is getting worse then return PInf. Similarly for the lower bounds — if l2 < l1 then return MInf. Analyse the example program again and look at the output file (preferably using GraphViz). You should see an output graph like the one shown in Fig. 1. 4. B-Smart: Finally, let’s use the set B of integer constants that appear the program. If you detect an upper bound that is getting worse, then instead of jumping directly to PInf just jump to the next larger value in B. Similarly (but going downwards) for lower bounds that are getting worse. Note that the set B (including MInf and PInf) is already calculated for you in IntervalAnalysis.scala. There is also a helper method minB(a) that CSSE4630 Week 6 Lab Page 2 Figure 1: Results of the simple ‘Jump-to-Infinity’ widening for interval3.tip. returns the minimum value in B that is larger than a, and similarly maxB(a) for the opposite direction. To test your smart implementation, analyse the interval3.tip program again and in- spect the output. It should be the same as the one shown in Fig. 1, because the largest constant in this program is 7, and x is incremented just past 7, so gets widened to PInf! To try a more enlightening example, make a copy of interval3.tip called interval10.tip and change line 3 from x=0 to x=10, then run your interval analysis on this modified program. You should see an output graph like the one shown in Fig. 2, with the final (exit) interval for x of (7,10), instead of (0,PInf). Well done! 5 Narrowing? Finally, after you have implemented the smart widening using B, rerun your analysis of both interval3.tip and interval10.tip using the widening+narrowing solver (wlrwn). That is, use a command line like: tip -interval wlrw examples/interval3.tip What difference do the extra narrowing steps (done after widening) make to these programs? 6 Help! If you get stuck with Scala, Google it, or use the docs: 􏰄 ScalaBook Prelude: https://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/scala-book/prelude-taste-of-scala. html 􏰄 CheatSheet: https://docs.scala-lang.org/cheatsheets/index.html 􏰄 Main Docs page: https://docs.scala-lang.org Note: if you are familiar with Python list comprehensions, the rough equivalent in Scala is to use a ‘yield’ expression with a ‘for’ loop, in order to produce a list of values: CSSE4630 Week 6 Lab Page 3 Figure 2: Results of the smart widening for interval10.tip. scala> for (i <- 0 until 8) yield i*i res0: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49) scala> for (i <- 0 until 3) yield (i, i*i) res1: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[(Int, Int)] = Vector((0,0), (1,1), (2,4)) You can experiment with these kinds of Scala expressions using the IntelliJ Tools / Scala REPL... menu. 6.1 Sample ValueAnalysis.localTransfer answers // var declarations case varr: AVarStmt => s ++ (for (v <- varr.declIds) yield (v,valuelattice.bottom)) // assignments case AAssignStmt(id: AIdentifier, right, _) => s + (id.declaration -> eval(right, s))
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