程序代写代做代考 assembler mips assembly Software

The software we use to run the MIPS assembly program is called MARS (MIPS Assembler and Runtime Simulator). You can download it here.
Program Skeleton
You MUST use the following code to work on your project.
# ELEC2350 (2020/21 Fall) – Introduction to Computer Organization and Design # Midterm Project
# Your Student ID is 12346789. It is randomly stored into array “stdid”
stdid: .word 67891234
msg0: .asciiz”Enterthepatternsize(from1to10):” nline: .asciiz “\n”
spc: .asciiz ” ”
.text main:
# Print the string “Enter the pattern size (from 1 to 10):” to the MARS I/O console
la $a0, msg0 li $v0, 4 syscall
# Read and save user input from the MARS I/O console into register $v0
li $v0, 5
# ——————————————————————– #
# Write your code here #
# ——————————————————————–
# Terminate the program
li $v0, 10 syscall
How to use SYSCALL functions in MARS
SYSCALL (or syscall) allows you to handle inputs and outputs in the MARS I/O console (e.g. read an integer, print an integer, print a string, etc.). Please read this page for details.
Page 1

Your Student ID is 12346789
Size = 1 112
Size = 2
Size = 3
123 1234
46 67 789
Size = 4
Size = 5
12346 123467 7889 9112
23 34 467
Size = 6
Page 2

Size = 7 Size = 8 1234678 12346789 9112 2334 4667 7889
91 12 234
Size = 9
123467891 1234678912 2334 4667 7889 9112 2334 4667
78 89 912
Size = 10
Page 3