程序代写代做代考 html algorithm Introduction to Statistical Programming with R Discussion Section A,B

Introduction to Statistical Programming with R Discussion Section A,B
Time: Tuesday, 8:00 am to 9:50 am
TA: Feng Gao (Pronunciation in English: Fung Gao) Email: f.gao@ucla.edu

Office Hour
Wednesday 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Goal of the Class:
Learn basic R programming ideas and skills for further study in Statistics.
Goal of the Discussion and Office Hour:
Resolve the questions.
¡ñ I am here to help you instead of torturing you.
¡ñ Think beyond the code itself.
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. – Lao Tzu

Programming Language: An Analogy Could you please …..?

Install R and RStudio

Install the Required Packages
Command to run in RStudio Console:

Get Access to the Interactive Notes
Every time you relaunch R:
library(UCLAStats20 )

Code Style https://style.tidyverse.org/index.html

10/13 Discussion
Vectors in R
TA: Feng Gao Email: f.gao@ucla.edu

Clean Up
¡ñ Any questions for the materials in the last homework?
¡ñ Any suggestions?
¡ñ My suggestions:
¡ð Try to code and run it first. Don¡¯t just keep the idea in your mind. Write down the code first and
see what will happen.
¡ð Make sure you leverage all the available materials, e.g. CCLE, interactive notes, Campuswire.
¡ð Ask question after you tried. Don¡¯t be hand-waving.

Vectors in R
Everything in R is vector!

Differences between Vector and Set
Each element is not necessary to be unique.
No order.
Elements have to be unique.

Create Vectors and Mode Hierarchy
Create a Vector:
Mode Hierarchy:
logical < numeric < character More on Mode Hierarchy ¡ñ Combining logical and numeric vectors will result in a numeric vector. ¡ñ Combining numeric and character vectors will result in a character vector. ¡ñ Combining logical and character vectors will result in a character vector. ¡ñ Combining logical, numeric, and character vectors will result in a character vector. Some Examples fib <- c(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13) parks <- c("Leslie", "April", "Ron", "Tom", "Donna", "Jerry") true_dat <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, T, F) ¡ñ mode(c(fib, parks)) ¡ñ mode(c(fib, true_dat)) ¡ñ mode(c(parks, true_dat)) ¡ñ mode(c(fib, parks, true_dat)) Sequences and Repeated Patterns Create a sequence: seq(from, to, by) seq(from, to, length.out) Repeat: rep(x, times = 1, length.out = NA, each = 1) rep(c(1,2,3), 2) The Colon : Functions the same as Seq(): -2:5 # same as seq(-2, 5) pi:10 # same as seq(pi, 10) What are the differences?: 1:n - 1 1:(n - 1) The seq_len() and seq_along() Function seq_len(): The seq_len() function inputs a single length.out argument and generates the sequence of integers seq_along(): The seq_along() function inputs a single along.with argument and generates the sequence of integers 1, 2, ..., length(along.with). In conclusion, it returns index(s). Function rep() The rep() function creates a vector of repeated values. The first argument, generically called x, is the vector of values we want to repeat. The second argument is the times argument that specifies how many times we want to repeat the values in the x vector. What are the returns and why?: rep(seq(2, 20, by = 2), 2) rep(seq(2, 20, by = 2), rep(2, 10)) Extracting and Assigning Vector Elements Extracting, what the the returns?: running_times[5] running_times[c(3, 7)] running_times[4:8] running_times[-4] running_times[-c(1, 5)] running_times[-(1:4)] running_times[c(-1, 3)] running_times[1.9] running_times[-1.9] running_times[0.5] Extracting and Assigning Vector Elements Assigning, what the the returns?: running_times[4] <- 43 running_times[9:10] <- c(42, 37) bad[1:2] <- c(4, 8) Vector Arithmetic What are the values?: x <- c(1, 3, 5) y <- c(2, 4, 3) x+ y x* y x^y Vector Arithmetic Recycling: When applying arithmetic operations to two vectors of different lengths, R will automatically recycle, or repeat, the shorter vector until it is long enough to match the longer vector. c(1, 3, 5) + c(5, 7, 0, 2, 9, 11) c(1, 3, 5) + 5 c(1, 3, 5) + c(5, 7, 0, 2, 9) Vectorization Suppose we have a function that we want to apply to all elements of a vector. In many cases, functions in R are vectorized, which means that applying a function to a vector will automatically apply the function to each individual element in the vector. The vapply() Function Built-in Functions Special Values NA: NULL: NaN: 0/ 0 Inf: 1 /0 running_times <- c(running_times[1:5], NA, running_times[6:10]) mean(running_times) nada <- NULL mode(nada) 10/20 Discussion Logic Expression & Control Flow TA: Feng Gao Email: f.gao@ucla.edu Clean Up ¡ñ Any questions for the materials in the last homework? ¡ñ Any suggestions? ¡ñ I don¡¯t have the solutions either. ¡ñ My suggestions ¡ð Don¡¯t focus on interpreting the hints. It is not helpful beyond the HW. ¡ð Please concentrate on the problem itself. ¡ð Using the learned materials in the class as the building blocks. Relational Operators Binary Operators that returns TRUE or FALSE Cautions on == and != 49 * (4 / 49) == 4 # Is 49 * (4 / 49) exactly equal to 4? Relational Operators: Vectorization c(3, 8) >= 3
c(1, 4, 9) == 9
c(3, 8) < c(1, 4) c(1, 4, 9, 3, 8) > c(5, 6, 7)

The any(), all(), and identical() Functions
any() all()
identical(c(1,2,3,4), 1:4)

Special Values
NA: Not Available
c(7, NA, 4) > 6
NULL: Nothing
NaN: Not a Number (implies an illegal math expression)
c(1, 4, 9) <= NaN Inf: everything larger than a large enough threshold c(TRUE, FALSE) > NULL
c(1,2) > NULL
c(1, 4, Inf) < Inf exp(1000) == Inf Logical Indexing Expression: logical_index <- (running_times %% 2) == 0 Extracting elements: running_times[running_times > 40]
which() function: returns indices whose corresponding logical expression is TRUE
which(running_times >= 50)

Boolean Operators
&: AND
some_nums > 3 & some_nums < 7 |: OR some_nums < 3 | some_nums > 7
!: NOT
!(some_nums < 3) The && and || Operators x <- -5 x < 0 | is.na(sqrt(x) > 2)
x < 0 || is.na(sqrt(x) > 2)
x < 0 && is.na(sqrt(x) > 2)
x < 0 & is.na(sqrt(x) > 2)
From left to right. Not necessary to compute all of them

Control Flow
Condition Statement:

Some Questions
Can you implement:
max() and min() with if{}else{}
When to use:

10/27 Discussion
Review Section
TA: Feng Gao Email: f.gao@ucla.edu

Chapter 1 Key Points:
Basic Arithmetic: +, -, *, /, ^
Modular Arithmetic: %%, %/%
Order of Operations: See HW3, Question 6
Object Assignment: What is a legal name of an object?; Masking; Built-in Objects
Function: Syntax; What will a function return by default?; How to create/call a function?; local environment, global environment, parent environment, mask?

HW1 Intermediate Questions

Chapter 2 Key Points:
Vector: Basic data types; Mode hierarchy and Coercion; Length; c() function Import functions: seq() function, rep() function, seq_len() function, seq_along()
Extract, Assign Vector Elements: Negative index; Multiple indices; Fractional index; Blank index;
Vector Arithmetic: Recycling; Vectorization; vapply() function Built-in Functions: Chapter 2 notes, Section 6.
Special Values: See discussion slides; Floating point representation

HW2 Intermediate Questions

Chapter 3 Key Points:
Relational Operators: <, <=, >, >=, ==, != ; See notes for detail. Vectorized; Recycling; any(), all, identical() function; Special values Logical Indexing: Syntax; Extract elements; which() function
Boolean Operators: &, |, !, &&, || ; Differences between &, | and &&, ||

Chapter 4 Key Points
Syntax of Loops. for, while, repeat. How to write loops?
When to use?

HW3 Intermediate Questions

Chapter 5 Key Points:
Matrix: matrix() function; Matrix indexing; Dimension;
cbind() function;rbind() function
Naming row and columns: colnames(), rownames() function; dimnames() function
Extracting data from 2-D matrix: Single element; Entire row; Entire column; Remove element, row, column
Logical Indices
Entrywise Arithmetic; Matrix Arithmetic
Diagonal matrix:diag() function; Inverse matrix solve() function; apply() function

Tips: How to write/implement a function
1. Clarify the INPUT and the OUTPUT.
2. Think through the algorithm.
2.1. Any Constraints?
2.2. What is the Time Complexity? (How many times of loops) 2.3. Logic
2.4 Corner Cases
3. Design TEST CASES (Very important).