代写代考 Beginning Student with List Abbreviations

Beginning Student with List Abbreviations
Remember to use defined constants and helper functions where appropriate.
Follow the full design recipe and the Coding Style in its entirety, with the exceptions of Sections 3.6.3, 3.6.4, and 4.3.

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

define , and , or , not , cond , else , check-expect , check-within , equal?
Any type predicate such as number? , boolean?
Any functions on numbers found in Section 1.5 of the Racket documentation
The string functions string=? , string? , and string>=?
The list functions and values cons , first , second , rest , empty , empty? , length , append and list You must not use boolean=?
All test data for correctness will always meet the stated assumptions for consumed values.
7′.2#)%”*08*9:$%*/;’<. "0*7/$6$MA5,7*-5$(faro-shuffle lst0 lst1)K$2G*,G$,-5+A4/+$72-$(listof *7/4$*5$7G/$0/+A87$*+$7G/$W0+7$*7/4$M0-4$lst0K$7G/$+/,-5H$*+$7G/$W0+7$*7/4$M0-4$lst1K$7G/$7G*0H$*+$7G/$+/,-5H$*7/4$M0-4$lst0K$7G/$M-A07G$*+$7G/$+/,-5H$*7/4$M0-4$lst1K$65H$+-$-5D 1 (check-expect (faro-shuffle (list "a" "b" "c") (list "A" "B" "C")) 2 (list "a" "A" "b" "B" "c" "C")) 3 (check-expect (faro-shuffle (list 1 3 5) (list 2 4 6 8 10)) 4 (list123456810)) &AV4*7$Q-A0$+-8A7*-5$*5$7G/$W8/$a06q1.rktD Y*5-4*68$,-/Z,*/57+$60/$H/W5/H$VQ$7G/$M-88-2*5F$MA5,7*-5# "/$H/W5/$7G*+$-58Q$M-0$0 ≤ 𝑘 ≤ 𝑛$M-0$567A068$5A4V/0+$𝑘$65H$𝑛D [\/,688$7G67$7G/$M6,7-0*68$-M$6$567A068$5A4V/0$*+$𝑛! = 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × ... (𝑛 − 1) × 𝑛K$65H$7G67$0! = 1D] NM$2/$8*+7$-A7$7G/$V*5-4*68$,-/Z,*/57+$*5$7G/$M-04$-M$6$76V8/$+7607*5F$M0-4$𝑛 = 𝑘 = 0K$2/$M-04$!"#$"%&#'()*"+,%-# 𝐶 (𝑛, 𝑘) = 𝑛! 𝑘! (𝑛 − 𝑘)! 𝐶(1,0) 𝐶(1,1) 𝐶(2,0) 𝐶(2,1) 𝐶(2,2) 𝐶(3,0) 𝐶(3,1) 𝐶(3,2) 𝐶(3,3) 𝐶(4,0) 𝐶(4,1) 𝐶(4,2) 𝐶(4,3) 𝐶(4,4) 1 "0*7/$6$MA5,7*-5$(pascal (listof Nat))$,-576*5*5F$7G/$W0+7$n$0-2+$-M$P6+,68+$70*65F8/D$[3G67$*+K$7G/$0-2+$M0-4$9$7-$n-1D] 1 (check-expect (pascal 5) 3 (list 1) 4 (list 1 1) 5 (list121) 6 (list1331) 7 (list14641))) &AV4*7$Q-A0$+-8A7*-5$*5$7G/$W8/$a06q2.rktD 7'.2#)%"*A8*B.$3.*C)(#)%":$).2 ;; A WordList is a (listof Str) ;; Requires: the items are in alphabetic order. ;; That is: if x comes before y, then (string<=? x y) ⇒ true ;; A Pair is a (list Str WordList) ;; A TranslationDict is a (listof Pair) ;; Requires: The items are sorted in alphabetic order. ;; There are no duplicates Str values. "CA poma" "FR pomme" "UK яблуко")$*+$6$WordListK$VA7$(list "FR pomme" "CA poma" "UK яблуко")$*+$5-7$V/,6A+/$"CA "FR pomme"D E8+-K$(list "apple" (list "CA poma" "FR pomme" "UK яблуко"))$*+$6$Pair$7G67$+7-0/+$6$26Q$7-$7065+867/$"apple"$*57-$%676865K$^0/5,GK$65H$!L065*65D$[_6,G$+70*5F$*5$"-0HS*+7$2*88 If the same English word appears in both dictionaries, merge the two lists of translations. If the same English word is translated to different words in the same language, keep both options. (In the example below, notice that "ball" may be translated to either "FR balle" or "FR ballon".) If the same English word is translated to exactly the same non-English word in both dictionaries, do not keep the duplicates. (In the example below, notice that both dictionaries translate "house" to "FR maison", but this value appears only once in the result.) (check-expect (merge-dicts (list (list "ball" (list "FR balle")) (list "house" (list "FR maison" "UK будинок")) (list "resist" (list "CA resistir" "UK оборонятися"))) (list "apple" (list "CA poma" "FR pomme" "UK яблуко")) (list "ball" (list "FR ballon" "UK клубок")) (list "house" (list "DE Haus" "FR maison")))) (list "apple" (list "CA poma" "FR pomme" "UK яблуко")) (list "ball" (list "FR balle" "FR ballon" "UK клубок")) (list "house" (list "DE Haus" "FR maison" "UK будинок")) (list "resist" (list "CA resistir" "UK оборонятися")))) 3/$4'()*.+(50(61/#'++."7()*'()8/(#/"+%9'&($.+)+(,)(&.:'1'")(1,)'+2(;/("/)(9,<'(9%$).6$'(6,++'+(/4'1('.)*'1($.+)2(=(9/&'$(>/1()*.+(,661/,#*(.+()*'(&.+#%++./”(,5/%)(9’17.”7()8/($.+)+
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14
Topic: Assignments / Assignment 6
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