Rules of the game:
Midterm Exam
CS131: Programming Languages Wednesday, April 27, 2016
• Write your name and ID number above.
• The exam is closed-book and closed-notes.
• Please write your answers directly on the exam. Do not turn in anything else.
• Obey our usual OCaml style rules.
• Except where explicitly disallowed, you can write any number of helper functions that you need.
• The exam ends promptly at 3:50pm.
• Read questions carefully. Understand a question before you start writing.
• Relax!
1. 2.
3. 4.
1. (5 points each) Recall that in Homework 1 you used a list containing no duplicates to represent a set.
(a) Implement a function diff of type ’a list -> ’a list -> ’a list, which produces the set difference of two given sets. In particular (diff s1 s2) returns a new set containing all elements of s1 that are not in s2. For example, diff [3;1;4] [2;4] returns [1;3] (the order of elements in the returned set is irrelevant). Implement this function recursively; do not write any helper functions or use any functions from the List module. You may assume the existence of a function member of type ’a -> ’a list -> bool that determines whether an item is a member of a given set.
let rec diff s1 s2 =
match s1 with
[] -> []
| h::t -> (if member h s2 then [] else [h]) @ (diff t s2)
(b) Now implement a function cprod of type ’a list -> ’b list -> (’a * ’b) list, which produces the Cartesian product of two given sets. In particular cprod s1 s2 returns a new set containing all pairs (x,y) where x is in s1 and y is in s2. For example, cprod [1;3;4] [2;4] returns [(1,2);(3,2);(4,2);(1,4);(3,4);(4,4)] (the order of elements in the returned set is irrelevant). Implement this function without using recursion. Instead, make good use of higher-order functions from the List module.
let cartesianProduct s1 s2 =
List.fold_right (fun x rest -> ( (fun y -> (x,y)) s2)@rest) s1 []
2. (3 points each) Consider the cprod function from the previous problem, of type ’a list -> ’b list -> (’a * ’b) list.
(a) Choose the single best answer. Consider a version of OCaml that lacks parametric polymorphism but is otherwise unchanged. Then there would be no type that could be given to cprod that would allow:
i. cprod to be called with two argument lists of different lengths. ii. cprod to be called with two argument lists of different types.
iii. cprod to return a list of pairs of integers.
iv. none of the above ANSWER: iv
(b) Choose the single best answer. Consider this OCaml expression: cprod [1;3] [“hello”]
i. The expression is determined to have type (’a * ’b) list at compile time.
ii. The expression is determined to have type (int * string) list at compile time.
iii. The expression is determined to have type (int * string) list at run time. iv. The expression causes a static type error.
v. None of the above. ANSWER: ii
(c) Choose the single best answer. OCaml does not support static overloading of functions. As a consequence:
i. two modules cannot define functions of the same name
ii. a function cannot be passed different types of arguments on different invocations
iii. it is an error to declare a function of the same name as an existing function iv. some function calls must be typechecked at run time
v. none of the above ANSWER: v
3. (5 points each) Instead of representing a set with a list, we can represent a set of elements of type T by its characteristic function, which is just a function of type T -> bool, where the elements of the set are exactly those that cause the function to return true. For example, the set of positive integers can be represented by the characteristic function
(function x -> x > 0).
(a) Implement a function add, of type ’a -> (’a -> bool) -> (’a -> bool), which takes an element x as well as a set s represented as characteristic function and returns a new characteristic function for the set s ∪ {x}. Just as with the implementation for lists from Homework 1, the resulting set should not have duplicates; in other words, if x is already in the set s then the result should be s itself.
let add x s =
if s x
then s
else (fun y -> y=x || (s y))
(b) Implement a function cprod, of type
(’a -> bool) -> (’b -> bool) -> ((’a * ’b) -> bool)
which takes two sets represented as characteristic functions and returns a new charac- teristic function for the set representing their Cartesian product.
let cprod s1 s2 =
fun (x,y) -> (s1 x) && (s2 y)
4. We’ve seen two ways to signal errors in OCaml: by raising an exception and by using the option type. Recall the definition of the latter:
type ’a option = None | Some of ’a
(a) (2 points) Name one advantage of signaling an error in OCaml by raising an exception over doing so by returning None.
Exceptions allow you to separate the code for handling an error from the code for normal execution.
(b) (2 points) Name one advantage of signaling an error in OCaml by returning None over doing so by raising an exception.
Using the option type requires the caller to pattern match on the result, thereby en- couraging the caller to check for the error case (and the typechecker warns you if you forget to check for that case).
(c) (3 points) In different circumstances, each of the above forms of signaling errors might be the right one to use. Fortunately, it is easy to convert a function that uses one form of error signaling into a function that uses the other form. Implement a function opt2exn of type (’a -> ’b option) -> (’a -> ’b), which takes a function that uses the option type to signal errors and returns an equivalent function that instead raises an exception named Error (which you can assume to have already been declared) to signal errors.
let opt2exn f =
fun x ->
match f x with
| None -> raise Error
| Some v -> v
(d) (3points)Nowimplementafunctionexn2optoftype(’a -> ’b) -> (’a -> ’b option), which takes a function that raises an exception named Error (which you can assume
to have already been declared) to signal errors and returns an equivalent function that instead uses the option type to signal errors.
let exn2opt f =
fun x ->
Some (f x)
with Error -> None
5. (2 points each) For each property of OCaml below, say whether it is a consequence of OCaml being statically typed (write “static”), strongly typed (write “strong”), both (write “both”), or neither (write “neither”).
(a) OCaml does not allow the values of variables to be updated after they have been initial- ized.
ANSWER: neither
(b) OCaml determines a type for each program expression at compile time.
ANSWER: static
(c) OCaml prevents out-of-bounds access to lists and other data structures.
ANSWER: strong
(d) OCaml automatically infers the types of expressions without needing type annotations.
ANSWER: neither
(e) OCaml guarantees that a function’s body will never invoke an operation with arguments of the wrong types, for all possible invocations of the function.
ANSWER: both