Midterm Exam
CS131: Programming Languages Monday, February 10, 2014
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
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• The exam is closed-book and closed-notes.
• Please write your answers directly on the exam. Do not turn in anything else.
• Obey our usual OCaml style rules.
• If you have any questions, please ask.
• The exam ends promptly at 1:50pm.
• Read questions carefully. Understand a question before you start writing. Note: Some multiple-choice questions ask for a single answer, while others ask for all appropriate answers.
• Relax! https://www.coursehero.com/file/8981184/midterm-w14-soln/
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1. (5 points each) Recall two of the different implementations from Homework 2 for a dictionary mapping keys of type ’a to values of type ’b:
• an association list of type (’a * ’b) list • a datatype defined as follows:
type (’a,’b) dict2 = Empty | Entry of ’a * ’b * (’a,’b) dict2
(a) Implement an OCaml function d1tod2, of type (’a * ’b) list -> (’a,’b) dict2, which converts a given association list into an equivalent value as a dict2. For example, d1tod2 [(“hi”,1);(“bye”,2)] returns Entry(“hi”, 1, Entry(“bye”, 2, Empty)). Don’t define any helper functions or invoke any functions from the OCaml List module.
let rec d1tod2 l =
match l with
[] -> Empty
| (x,y)::xs -> Entry(x, y, d1tod2 xs)
(b) Implement d1tod2 again, but this time the entire body of the function should be a single call to List.fold right. Recall the type of List.fold right:
(’a -> ’b -> ’b) -> ’a list -> ’b -> ’b
let d1tod2 l =
List.fold_right (fun (k,v) rest -> Entry(k,v,rest)) l Empty
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2. (5 points) Recall the third dictionary implementation from Homework 2: a function of type (’a -> ’b), which maps keys of type ’a to values of type ’b and raises the Not found exception when given a key that is not in the dictionary. Implement a function union3 of type (’a -> ’b) -> (’a -> ’b) -> (’a -> ’b), which takes two dictionaries in this representation and produces a new dictionary representing their union. The second argument to union3 should shadow the first one: if the same key k maps to v1 in the first dictionary and v2 in the second dictionary, then k should map to v2 in their union (similar to what combine envs did in Homework 3).
let union3 d1 d2 =
(function k ->
d2 k
Not_found -> d1 k)
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3. (2 points each) Consider the get1 function for looking up a key in an association list from Homework 2, of type ’a -> (’a * ’b) list -> ’b:
let rec get1 k d =
match d with
[] -> raise Not_found
| (k’,v’)::d’ -> if k=k’ then v’ else get1 k d’
(a) Choose the single best answer. If OCaml did not support parametric polymorphism for functions, then:
i. whenever get1 is given a key of some type T as an argument, both the keys and values in the given association list would also need to have type T
ii. get1 would be just as useful as it is currently
iii. get1 would have to take its two arguments as a pair rather than through currying
iv. none of the above
(b) Choose the single best answer. What happens when this expression is entered into the OCaml interpreter (assuming get1 has already been defined as above)?
get1 “hi” [(“bye”, 34); (“hello”, 2000)]
i. Static typechecking succeeds and gives the expression the type int.
ii. Static typechecking succeeds but the expression’s type is not determined until exe-
cution, when ’a and ’b are respectively instantiated with string and int.
iii. Static typechecking fails with a type error.
iv. Static typechecking fails with a Not found exception.
(c) Choose the single best answer. What happens when this expression is entered into the OCaml interpreter (assuming get1 has already been defined as above)?
get1 56 [(“bye”, 34); (“hello”, 2000)]
i. Static typechecking succeeds but the expression’s execution terminates with a Not found exception.
ii. Static typechecking succeeds but the expression’s execution terminates with a dy- namic type error.
iii. Static typechecking fails with a type error.
iv. Static typechecking fails with a Not found exception.
(d) Choose the single best answer. OCaml doesn’t support static overloading, so:
i. the get1 function can only be declared if the name get1 is not already in scope
ii. the get1 function can only be declared if it has the same type as all previously declared functions named get1
iii. the get1 function can only be invoked with association lists that map strings to integers
iv. none of the above
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4. (2 points each) Let DOCaml be a dynamically typed version of OCaml, just like MOCaml from Homework 3 (but not limited to the MOCaml subset of OCaml).
(a) Provide an expression that incurs a static type error in OCaml and signals a dynamic type error during execution in DOCaml. Say “none” if no such expression exists.
1 + false
(b) Provide an expression that incurs a static type error in OCaml but executes without signaling any error in DOCaml. Say “none” if no such expression exists.
if true then 0 else false
(c) Provide an expression that typechecks successfully in OCaml but signals a dynamic type error during execution in DOCaml. Say “none” if no such expression exists.
(d) Consider the following declaration:
let f = (function x -> x + true)
Circle all answers that apply.
i. Static typechecking of the declaration incurs a type error in OCaml.
ii. Static typechecking of the declaration succeeds in OCaml, but OCaml will signal a
type error during static typechecking of any call to the function f.
iii. DOCaml signals a dynamic type error when executing the declaration.
iv. DOCaml evaluates the declaration without error, but it will signal a dynamic type
error during the execution of any call to the function f.
i and iv
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5. (3 points each)
(a) Provide an OCaml expression that evaluates to 0 but would evaluate to 1 if OCaml used dynamic scoping. Say “none” if no such expression exists. You may define as many helper declarations before the expression as you need.
let x = 0
let f() = x
let x = 1
(b) Provide an OCaml expression that evaluates to 0 but would have a run-time variable lookup failure if OCaml used dynamic scoping. Say “none” if no such expression exists. You may define as many helper declarations before the expression as you need.
let f x y = x + y let g = f 0
(c) Provide an OCaml expression that incurs a static type error due to an unbound variable but would execute without error and evaluate to 0 if OCaml used dynamic scoping. Say “none” if no such expression exists. You may define as many helper declarations before the expression as you need.
let f() = x
let x = 0
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6. Recall the standard recursive implementation of concatenation for OCaml lists:
let rec concat l1 l2 =
match l1 with
[] -> l2
| x::xs -> x::(concat xs l2)
(a) (5 points) Provide another implementation of concat that is also explicitly recursive, but this time it should be tail recursive. You may define a helper function to do most of the work, as usual for tail recursive functions.
A few acceptable solutions:
let concat l1 l2 =
let rec helper l acc =
match l with
[] -> acc
| x::xs -> helper xs (x::acc)
in helper (List.rev l1) l2
let concat l1 l2 =
let rec helper l acc =
match l with
[] -> acc
| x::xs -> helper xs (acc@[x])
in helper l2 l1
let concat l1 l2 =
let rec helper l k =
match l with
[] -> k l2
| x::xs -> helper xs (function res -> k(x::res))
in helper l1 (function x -> x)
(b) (2 points) Circle the best answer. Every tail recursive function in OCaml is guaran- teed to:
i. take constant time
ii. use linear space for its recursive calls
iii. use constant stack space for its recursive calls
iv. none of the above iii
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7. (3 points) Recall the Env module from Homework 3, which declares the type ’a env for environments as follows:
type ’a env = (string * ’a) list
The Env module is explicitly annotated to have the module type ENV, defined as follows:
module type ENV = sig
type ’a env
exception NotBound
val empty_env: unit -> ’a env
val add_binding: string -> ’a -> ’a env -> ’a env
val combine_envs: ’a env -> ’a env -> ’a env
val lookup: string -> ’a env -> ’a
Circle all answers that apply. Suppose the Env module were not declared to have type ENV but rather had no explicitly declared type. This change would enable which of the following abilities?
(a) A client of the Env module can now pass the empty list [] as the argument to lookup without incurring a static type error.
(b) A client of the Env module can now instantiate ’a with whatever type they want.
(c) A client of the Env module can now pass the value Empty from the dict2 type (see Problem 1 for its definition) as the argument to lookup without incurring a static type error.
(d) A client of the Env module can now change the definition of the type ’a env without having to modify the Env module.
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