ISIT315- Spring 2020- Minor Assignment (Component 2)
Due: Sep 8, 2020 (by 23:59 pm)
This assignment is worth 7 Marks (7% of the Total)
This assignment uses RDF document “movies.ttl” (attached). Write SPARQL queries for the following semantics, validate your queries in GraphDB, and submit your answers in the table format provided below, as a single Word document (.doc OR .docx).
• Please include your name and student number in your submission.
• Please do not submit screenshots or PDFs (that will receive zero mark).
Your answers will be marked based on their correctness and completeness: Your queries will be evaluated in GraphDB using the provided RDF document (“movies.ttl”). A query that is partially correct (does not return the exact solution) will receive up to half of the allocated mark depending on the level of completeness.
Q1 (1 mark)
The names of the countries with at least 5 movies, where the Average IMDB score of the movies in the country is at least 7.5.
# Write your answer here
Q2 (1 mark)
Names of the movies (except horror movies) and their corresponding IMDB scores, where the score is at least 8.5 based on a minimum of 1,500,000 votes.
# Write your answer here
Q3 (1 mark)
Name, title_year, and imdb_score of the movies with actor “Brad Pitt”. Also, the movie_imdb_link of those movies only if they belong to “Family” or “Drama” genres AND have imdb_score of at least 8.
# Write your answer here
Q4 (1.5 marks)
The Name, country, imdb_score, and budget of the top 10 most expensive color movies with imdb_score of at least 7, where the results are sorted based on budget and then imdb-score.
# Write your answer here
Q5 (1.5 marks)
Check if the most expensive “Animation” movie created between 2016 to 2020 with imdb_score less than the average imdb_score of all movies is created either in the USA or the UK. (hint: the query must return Yes or No).
# Write your answer here
Q6 (1 mark)
Name, title_year, and imdb_score of the movies with actor “Brad Pitt”, which are created after 2015 or have an IMDB score of at least 8.
# Write your answer here