程序代写代做代考 C CS 320 Theory Assignment #3 Due: November 4th, 11:59 pm

CS 320 Theory Assignment #3 Due: November 4th, 11:59 pm
Problem 1 : polymorphism and high-order function
let f x = [([x], x)]
let rec foo (g, n) =
match n with
| 0 -> [(g 1, g 0)]
| n -> (g n, g (n – 1)) :: foo (g, n – 1)
let res = foo(f, 2)
What is the type of f ? Please, explain your reasoning.
What is the type of foo ? Please, explain your reasoning.

What is the value of res ? Please, explain your reasoning.

Problem 2 : data type Consider the following program:
type fruit
type veggie
type salad
= Apple | Pear | Grape | Banana
= Carrot | Cucumber | Cabbage
= ____????____
let rec foo (a:salad) c =
match a with
| [] -> c
| s::ss -> let c1, c2 = c in
(match s with
| Apple, _ -> foo ss (c1+1,c2)
| _ , Cabbage -> foo ss (c1, c2+1) | _ -> foo ss c)
What is the definition of the type salad ? Please, explain your reasoning.

Problem 3 : Data type
type symbol = A | B | C type op = ___???___
let apply1 (operation: op) (ls: symbol list) = match operation with
| Un a -> List.map a ls
| Bi b ->
( match ls with
| h1::h2::tl -> b h1 h2 :: tl
| _ -> [A])
let rec apply2 (two_op : op * op ) (ls: symbol list) = match two_op with
| S s , Out o -> o ls s
| Out o, S s -> apply2 (S s, Out o) ls
| S s , Un a -> let _ = a s in 1
Give a definition for the type op that would not generate any type error in the two programs above (hint: this type has 4 constructors). Please, explain your reasoning.

Provide an argument myarg such that given ls, apply2 myarg ls would return an int, indicating the number of occurrences of A in ls.

Problem 4 : Grammar Consider the following grammar:

+ | * |


Draw all the possible parse trees generating the following sentence -2 + 1 * 2+0
Is the grammar ambiguous or unambiguous? Please explain

Please design an equivalent grammar where * has precedence over +.

Problem 5 : Grammar Consider the following grammar:

+ | | |

/ | * |


Can the following sentences be generated by the grammar above? If they can, draw all the possible parse trees of the sentence.
(1). c * d / 1 – 1
(2). 0 + d * c + c

(3). 0 + d * c – c
Is the grammar ambiguous or unambiguous? Please explain.
Please design an equivalent grammar where * has precedence over all the other operations, / have precedence over + and -, and + has precedence over -.