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ELEC 6036 – High Perf. Comp. Architecture
A Motivational Note on : HOW the High Performance
Computing (HPC)
– esp. Cloud Computing
Changes Our Ways of Living ??
ELEC 6036 – HPC Written by Dr. V. Tam 1

HPC / Cloud Computing….
According to the “Inside HPC” website
[URL at : http://insidehpc.com/hpc-basic-training/what-is-hpc/],
“High Performance Computing most generally
refers to the practice of aggregating
computing power in a way that delivers much
higher performance than one could get out of
a typical desktop computer or workstation in
order to solve large problems in science,
engineering, or business.” ELEC 6036 – HPC Written by Dr. V. Tam 2

HOW the HPC is Changing Our World ?
n Various applications / domains of interests for the HCP nowadays :
n Computational Finance – with cloud computing or other high-performance
computer architectures like grid computers, hypercube, FPGA, etc.;
n Scientific Simulations – weather forecast models and simulations, simulations of physical / biological systems in general;
ELEC 6036 – HPC Written by Dr. V. Tam 3

HOW the HPC is Changing Our World ? (2)
n Bioscience: gene and protein annotation; mapping drug therapy to individual’s gene;
n Data Warehousing: data warehousing, SQL interface, data analytics/science/engineering;
n Medical Imaging: CT scan, 3D ultrasound real- time X-ray;
n Oil and Gas: oil/gas reservoir modelling, 3D image processing;
n Other Areas: military, data compression,
search, security, etc.
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Even the World Cup 2014 ?!
World Cup 2014 to be most hi
football event ever !
[ ref: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-27693809 ]
cameras – stadiums;
n TheGermancompany
GoalControl has fitted 14 high-speed 7 per goalmouth – to the roof of each of the 12

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Even the World Cup 2014 ?! (2)
n Thesecamerasareconnectedtohigh-performancecomputers for image processing that filters out non-ball-shaped objects and tracks the ball’s position to within a few milli-metres !
After the images analyzed by the HPCs, when the ball crosses the goal
line, the referee’s watch will buzz and a “GOAL” message will flash up.
ELEC 6036 – HPC Written by Dr. V. Tam 6

URL at : http://www.innovationworldcup.com/cloud/
Cloud Innovation World Cup…
The Cloud Innovation World Cup is part of the world’s leading series of innovation competitions and aims to foster groundbreaking solutions and applications for cloud computing. This year’s Cloud Innovation World Cup is looking for the next most-innovative solutions of cloud computing in the categories:
Ø Mobility
Ø Industry 4.0
Ø Smart Living
Ø Urban Infrastructure
Ø ICT Business Services ELEC 6036 – HPC
Written by Dr. V. Tam 7

Various Popular Cloud Platforms Expanding FAST…
n To continuously affect all walks of life, ranging from mobile advertisements, banking, comm, finance, health monitoring with wearable devices, Internet of Things (IoTs), logistics, smart homes, etc. !!
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About GPU-Accelerated Computing…
n GPU stands for the “Graphics Processing Unit”;
n GPU-accelerated computing refers the use of one or multiple GPUs together with a central processing unit (CPU) to accelerate scientific, analytics, engineering, consumer, and enterprise applications on various platforms
and robots.
mobile phones and tablets
ELEC 6036 – HPC
Written by Dr. V. Tam

CPU versus GPU…
n A CPU consists of a few [say 2 – 8] (processor) cores in which each processor core is a processing unit which reads in instructions to perform specific actions;
n A CPU is optimized for sequential serial processing while a GPU has a massively parallel architecture consisting of thousands of smaller, more efficient cores designed for handling multiple tasks simultaneously.
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Performance Gain by GPU- Accelerated Computing…
n GPU-accelerated computing offers attractive performance gain by offloading compute- intensive portions (ar. 5% on average) of the application to the GPU, while the remainder (~ 95%) of the program code
still runs on the CPU.
Source URL at: http://www.nvidia.com/object/what-is-gpu-computing.html
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Written by Dr. V. Tam 11

Efficiency of GPU and Their Applications…
Ø YouTube Video : Mythbusters
Demo GPU vs CPU URL at : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-P28LKWTzrI
n GPUsareusedextensivelyinmanypopularmicro-controllers, mobile devices such as smartphones, gaming devices, etc. Examples include:
n theVideoCoreIVGPUsusedintheARM-basedRaspberryPi boards (> 5 million copies sold by Feb 17, 2015);
n thelatestVideoCoreVIGPUusedinRaspberryPi4(soldouton the first day of release !!);
n GPUsusediniPhone5/5sorSamsungGalaxyGrand; n GPUsusedinXbox360orSonyPS4,etc.
ELEC 6036 – HPC Written by Dr. V. Tam 12

Latest Development of GPUs and Their Applications…
GPUs used in Nvidia RTX 2080(-ti), 2060 or newer
version for gaming or
Deep Learning / Big Data
Weather Forecasting or Other Scientific Research !!
such as Computational Finance/Biology/Chemistry/Medicine, Smart Cities,
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~~ END of the Motivational Note on HPC ~~
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