CS代考 This Python exam will involve implementing a system for managing expenses.

This Python exam will involve implementing a system for managing expenses. You will
download the skeleton of the program, then implement the functions. The design of the
program has been set up for you.

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

In this system, users will be able to add and deduct expenses, update expenses, sort expenses,
and export filtered expenses to a file. The program will initially load a collection of expenses
from 2 different .txt files (in the same format) and store them in a dictionary.

– It is important that you DO NOT edit the expenses.txt file or the expenses_2.txt file. If you do,
you could fail the automated testing.
– DO NOT change the spacing or remove any blank lines.
– DO NOT copy/paste the text from the expenses.txt file or the expenses_2.txt file into another file.

def import_expenses(expenses, file):
“””Reads data from the given file and stores the expenses in the given expenses dictionary,
where the expense type is the key and the total expense amount for that expense is the value.

The same expense type may appear multiple times in the given file.

Ignores expenses with missing amounts. If a line contains both an expense type and an expense amount,
they will be separated by a colon (:).

You can assume that if they exist, expense types are one-word strings and the amounts are numerical.

Strip any whitespace before or after the expense types and amounts.

Blank lines should be ignored.

Expenses are case sensitive. “coffee” is a different expense from “Coffee”

Note: This function will be called twice in main with the same dictionary but different files.

This function doesn’t return anything. Rather, it updates the given expenses dictionary based
on the expenses in the given file.

# TODO insert your code
raise NotImplementedError # remove this line and replace with your code

def get_expense(expenses, expense_type):
“””Prints and returns the value for the given expense type in the given expenses dictionary.

Prints a friendly message and returns None if the expense type doesn’t exist. (Note: Printing a friendly message
means that the program should not raise an error or otherwise terminate. Simply tell the user that the requested
expense type does not exist and continue the program. Also note that None is a specific keyword in Python of
NoneType. You should not return a string “None” from this function.)

# TODO insert your code
raise NotImplementedError # remove this line and replace with your code

def add_expense(expenses, expense_type, value):
“””Adds the given expense type and value to the given expenses dictionary.

If the expense type already exists, add the value to the total amount.

Otherwise, creates a new expense type with the value.

Prints the expense amount.

This function doesn’t return anything.

# TODO insert your code
raise NotImplementedError # remove this line and replace with your code

def deduct_expense(expenses, expense_type, value):
“””Deducts the given value from the given expense type in the given expenses dictionary.

Raises a RuntimeError if the value is greater than the existing total of the expense type. Note: You are not
supposed to use try/except to catch the RuntimeError you raised. We expect the function to raise a RuntimeError
if the value is greater than the existing total of the expense type.

Prints a friendly message if the expense type doesn’t exist. (Note: Printing a friendly message means that the
program should not raise an error or otherwise terminate. Simply tell the user that the requested expense type
does not exist and continue the program.)

Print the updated expense amount if runtime error is not raised.

This function doesn’t return anything.

# TODO insert your code
raise NotImplementedError # remove this line and replace with your code

def update_expense(expenses, expense_type, value):
“””Updates the given expense type with the given value in the given expenses dictionary.

Prints a friendly message if the expense type doesn’t exist. Note: Printing a friendly message means that the program should not raise an error or otherwise terminate. Simply tell the user that the requested expense type does not exist and continue the program.

Prints the updated expense amount if it exists.

This function doesn’t return anything.

# TODO insert your code
raise NotImplementedError # remove this line and replace with your code

def sort_expenses(expenses, sorting):
“””Converts the key:value pairs in the given expenses dictionary to a list of tuples and
sorts based on the given sorting argument.

If the sorting argument is the string ‘expense_type’, sorts the list of tuples based on the
expense type (e.g. ‘rent’) in ascending alphabetical order,
e.g. sorted results: (“coffee”, 5), (“food”, 5000), (“rent”, 1000)

Otherwise, if the sorting argument is ‘amount’, sorts the list of tuples based on the total
expense amount (e.g. 825) in descending order,
e.g. sorted results: (“food”, 5000), (“rent”, 1000), (“coffee”, 5)

Returns the list of sorted items. (Note: If the given sorting argument is not an acceptable value (e.g. ‘expense_type’ or ‘amount’),
this function does nothing except print a friendly message and return None.)

# TODO insert your code
raise NotImplementedError # remove this line and replace with your code

def export_expenses(expenses, expense_types, file):
“””Exports the given expense types from the given expenses dictionary to the given file.

Do not append to the file. If the function is called again, make sure it overwrites what was previously on the
file instead of appending to it.

Iterates over the given expenses dictionary, filters based on the given expense types (a list of strings),
and exports to a file. Skips any expense type in the given list of expense types that doesn’t exist.

If the expenses argument is the dictionary {“food”: 5000, “rent”: 1000, “coffee”: 5, “clothes”: 58.92}
and the expense_types argument is the list of strings ‘coffee, clothes, rent’, exports a file containing:
clothes: 58.92
rent: 1000

If the expenses argument is the dictionary {“food”: 5000, “rent”: 1000, “coffee”: 5, “clothes”: 58.92}
and the expense_types argument is the list of strings ‘coffee, clothes, sports’, exports a file containing:
clothes: 58.92

Note, the specified expense type ‘sports’ does not exist in the expenses dictionary, so it is ignored.

If an item is duplicated in the given expense types, don’t worry about it, just export the data as is.
You should not deduplicate the expense types.

This function doesn’t return anything.

# TODO insert your code
raise NotImplementedError # remove this line and replace with your code

def main():
# import expense files and store in dictionary
expenses = {}
import_expenses(expenses, ‘expenses.txt’)
import_expenses(expenses, ‘expenses_2.txt’)

# for testing purposes, uncomment the following line
# print(expenses)

while True:

# print welcome and options
print(‘\nWelcome to the expense management system! What would you like to do?’)
print(‘1: Get expense info’)
print(‘2: Add an expense’)
print(‘3: Deduct an expense’)
print(‘4: Update an expense’)
print(‘5: Sort expenses’)
print(‘6: Export expenses’)
print(‘0: Exit the system’)

# get user input
option_input = input(‘\n’)

# try and cast to int
option = int(option_input)

# catch ValueError
except ValueError:
print(“Invalid option.”)

# check options
if option == 1:

# get expense type and print expense info
expense_type = input(‘Expense type? ‘)
print(get_expense(expenses, expense_type))

elif option == 2:

# get expense type
expense_type = input(‘Expense type? ‘)

# try and get amount to add and cast to float
amount = float(input(‘Amount to add? ‘))

# catch ValueError
except ValueError:
print(“Invalid amount.”)

# add expense
add_expense(expenses, expense_type, amount)

elif option == 3:

# get expense type
expense_type = input(‘Expense type? ‘)

# try and get amount to deduct and cast to float
amount = float(input(‘Amount to deduct? ‘))

# catch ValueError
except ValueError:
print(“Invalid amount.”)

# deduct expense
deduct_expense(expenses, expense_type, amount)

elif option == 4:

# get expense type
expense_type = input(‘Expense type? ‘)

# try and get amount to update expense to
amount = float(input(‘Amount to update expense to? ‘))

# catch ValueError
except ValueError:
print(“Invalid amount.”)

# update expense
update_expense(expenses, expense_type, amount)

elif option == 5:

# get sort type
sort_type = input(‘What type of sort? (\’expense_type\’ or \’amount\’) ‘)

# sort expenses
print(sort_expenses(expenses, sort_type))

elif option == 6:

# get filename to export to
file_name = input(‘Name of file to export to?’)

# get expense types to export
expense_types = []

while True:
expense_type = input(“What expense type you want to export? Input N to quit: “)
if expense_type == “N”:


# export expenses
export_expenses(expenses, expense_types, file_name)

elif option == 0:

# exit expense system
print(‘Good bye!’)

# corner case
print(“Invalid option.”)

if __name__ == ‘__main__’:

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com