编程代考 4. Instructions

4. Instructions

Machine Code
• A machine code instruction must specify some operation (such as ADD or JUMP) but also any necessary auxiliary information (where to get the operands, store results, where to jump to etc.).

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

– Each instruction is held as one or more words in memory (consecutive addresses).
– The first word of an instruction is called the operation word (OW). Some instructions have only an operation word but others require additional words.
– Part of the OW is an op-code, a subset of bits which tells the CU which operation this is.
– Once the operation is known, the CU must be told where to get operands & where to place the result. This info is stored in the rest of the OW and/or any auxiliary words.
• In principle operands may be located in any memory location or register file register, likewise for results, but to prevent instructions becoming too long, restrictions may be imposed on where a particular instruction can access.
• For example, some instructions may be restricted to use CPU registers only.
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Addressing Modes
• In any CPU design there are different ways, called addressing modes, of specifying where an operand for an instruction is to be found or a result to be stored.
– A source or destination will either be a memory location or CPU register.
– The addressing modes available vary between designs. Mode names may also vary.
– Some addressing modes that reference memory require the CPU to compute the actual or effective address (EA) of a data item.
• Common examples of addressing modes are as follows:
– Immediate: the value of the operand is given directly in the instruction (makes no sense for a result
though). E.g. ADD 2 to (something): the constant 2 is specified in the instruction.
– Register direct: names the CPU register involved.
– Absolute: give the numeric address of the memory location involved.
– Register indirect: gives number of register where address of memory loc can be found.
– Indexed: gives a numeric base address and the number of a register containing an index address. The EA is the sum of the two. The register with the index address is an index register. In some designs any general register can be an index; in others only certain ones.
• Different CPU designs have different modes.
• Not all modes make sense in all situations. They are used not only in instructions involving calculations but also in those transferring program control (e.g. jumps).
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• Sigma16 (S16) programmer’s model consists of:
– Sixteen 16-bit registers R0..R15 (R0 always 0)
– A 16-bit Program Counter (PC).
– 65,536 16-bit memory locations with addresses 000016 to ffff16.
• There is no status register. Sigma16 has no overflow or other flags.
– a shortcoming in a CPU for real-world use, but not here, for our purposes.
• Sigma16 machine code instructions consist of either one or two 16-bit values stored in consecutive memory locations.
• The most significant 4-bits of the operation word constitute the op-field. There are 16 possible op-codes that can be held in the op-field.
• Sigma 16 has only two addressing modes.
– Register addressing gives a register file register as source or destination
– Indexed addressing gives a register and a 16-bit number; these are added to get the effective address.
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Sigma16: the software
• Sigma16 is not a physical machine but implemented in software.
• It is deliberately simplified so as to help teach basic principles.
• Designed by ’ Donnell; still being developed.
• Software we will use is Sigma16-0.1.7. This is an early version but its stripped down nature is actually ideal for learning assembly programming.
• You can download a zip file from Moodle, with the fully formed Sigma16 folder inside it, unzip it and run it from your own (Windows) computer, or using the Glasgow Anywhere Desktop.
– NoWindowsinstallationisneeded(justunziptheSigma16-0.1.7 folder wherever you want).
– Run by executing Sigma16-0.1.7\Sigma16.exe.
– Instruction set summary separately downloadable from Moodle.
– Some documentation at Sigma16-0.1.7\Sigma16-0.1.7\index.htm.
– Tutorialonusewillfollow.
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Sigma16 RRR Instructions
• Most S16 op-codes, those from 0 to D16 are in the RRR family. All RRR instructions are one word long. All share the same operation word format.
– First 4 RRR instructions (op-codes 0-3) are arithmetic: ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV
– Next 3 are compare instructions: CMPLT, CMPEQ, CMPGT.
– Next 4 are bitwise Boolean: INV, AND, OR, XOR.
– Next two are logic shifts: SHIFTL, SHIFTR
– Last (op-code D16)is a special instruction called TRAP
• MUL, DIV and compare instructions work only with 2’s complement values.
– For this reason S16 is good at handling 16-bit two’s complement codes; using anything else is much more awkward!
– Unless otherwise stated all numbers here can be assumed to be 16-bit two’s complement.
• RRR instructions only use register addressing (values and results in the reg. file).
• Each RRR instruction specifies 3 regs: first stores result, the next two the operands.
– E.g. ADD Rx,Ry,Rz means add Ry and Rz, result in Rx
– Note assembly language syntax of ADD statement: this is typical of all RRR instructions
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RRR Instruction Format
4 bit “op”
Operation code
Destination register
First operand register
Second operand register
Each RRR OW consists of four 4-bit fields: op, d, a, b.
– op contains the op-code
– d contains the destination register number (N.B. R0 cannot be written to as it is always 0)
– a and b contain the operand register numbers (b is ignored in the INV instruction)
TRAP instructions are used to request service from the operating system. In this course TRAP is only used to terminate a program gracefully and return control to the OS. In this role the d, a and b fields are all set to 0.
The “opcode” says what kind of instruction this is
Specifies where the result goes
Specifies which registers contain the two operands
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Sigma16 Assembly Language I
• A Sigma16 assembly language program consists of a list of assembly language statements and assembler directives, one to each line.
• An assembly language statement specifies exactly one machine code instruction and consists of 4 fields separated by at least one space and formatted as follows:
Label Mnemonic Operands ;Comment
– The Label can be any name chosen by the programmer. A line is normally only labelled if it will be referenced by another instruction. A label always begins in the first column.
– The Mnemonic is a short name for the instruction (e.g. ADD, SUB etc)
– The Operand field lists the other information needed by the instruction (where
are the operands, where will the result be)
– The optional comment field always begins with a “;” character
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Sigma16 Assembly Language II
• For an RRR, the operand field always lists the 3 registers Rd,Ra,Rb (in that order) separated by commas. This form is used even when 3 registers are not needed. E.g.
INV R3,R1,R0
– This reads R1, inverts its bits and stores the result in R3. R0 is ignored.
• In the S16 assembly language numbers preceded by a “$” are hexadecimal;
without this they are decimal. Thus $100 is 10016 which is 25610.
• An assembler directive is not translated to machine code but is an instruction to the assembler program to do something. Commonest example is the DATA directive which allows data to be preset in specific memory. This has the format.
x DATA $3000 ;Comment
– which gives the label x to the next available memory location and initialises it to $3000 (what is this in decimal?)
– x can now be treated as the name of a (16-bit) variable.
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Example: A Simple Program
• An assembly language program is just a list of assembler statements.
• Suppose that we have some integer (two’s complement) variables in registers: x is in R1, y is in R2, z is in R3.
• We want to compute x+yz, and leave the result in R4.
• Solution:
MUL R5,R2,R3 ; R5 = y*z
ADD R4,R1,R5 ; R4 = x+(y*z)
• The machine code (in hex) for this program would be as follows: 2523 (Op-code for MUL is 2)
0415 (Op-code for ADD is 0) • Exercise: Write this out in binary.
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Sigma16: RX Instructions
• An instruction with an op-code of F16 is called an RX instruction.
• An RX instruction has an auxiliary word in addition to the OW. Like RRR the OW is divided into op, d, a, and b fields. d and a are still needed to specify registers but b is used to hold an extension of the op-code.
• This technique, called expanding op-code, provides more instructions than the basic op-code allows.
• There are 6 RX instructions: LEA, LOAD, STORE, JUMPF, JUMPT, JAL.
• Each such instruction takes two parameters:
– The first parameter is specified using indexed addressing, adding the content of an index register, specified in the a field and a 16-bit constant called the displacement in the auxiliary word. The index register can be any from the register file. The EA, Ra+x, is an indexed address.
– The second parameter also needs a destination register number, in the d field
• The assembler form for such an instruction is as follows:
LOAD Rd,x[Ra]
– This computes an address by adding the content of Ra to x. It then reads from the memory location with that address and copies the content into Rd.
– Note the assembler syntax which is typical of all RX instructions
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Sigma16: X Instructions
• An X format instruction has an op-field value of E16 and the OW format is almost identical to RX. However:
– There is only one X format instruction, JUMP, with b=3
– The destination register is not needed and the d field can be set to 0.
– The assembly format is:
JUMP x[Ra]
– AfteraJUMPtheCPUtransferscontroltotheaddressRa+xtofetch the next instruction.
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• RRR instructions must use CPU register file registers for operands and results. Fast but few.
• To get operands from memory LOAD instruction is used.
LOAD R1,1024[R0]
– loads the binary data contained in the memory location with address 1024 into R1 (recall that R0 is always set to 0)
• To store results in memory STORE instruction is used.
STORE R1,1024[R0]
– stores content of R1 into memory location with address 1024
• To load a register with a constant, LEA (Load Effective Address), is used. This works out the effective address in its second operand and loads that address (not its content) into the register named as its first. Thus:
LEA R1,1024[R0]
– loadsthevalue1024intoR1.
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Some Examples
• Example: Add the (decimal) numbers 30 and 31. Store the result in loc 100.
– Solution: Lots of options but here we use registers R1 and R2 to do the adding.
– We could use a third register for the result or just overwrite R1 or R2. Here we use R3.
– Note use of LEA instructions to create constants.
LEA R1,30[R0]
LEA R2,31[R0]
ADD R3,R1,R2
STORE R3,100[R0]
;Load R1 with the constant 30
;Load R2 with the constant 31
;Add R1 and R2; result in R3
;Store R3 in location 100 ($64)
• Example: Add the content of loc 30 and loc 31. Store result in loc 100.
– Solution: As above but now we are adding variables stored in memory. Values are
variables loaded using LOAD instruction. R0 (=0) allows us to set addresses as constant.
LOAD R1,30[R0] LOAD R2,31[R0] ADD R3,R1,R2 STORE R3,100[R0] TRAP R0,R0,R0
• Exercise: Add comments to the second program!
Note that in a HLL we would not worry about the addresses of our variables: we let the compiler choose. The same can be done in assembler using the DATA directive!
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Booleans, Compares and Jumps
• The compare instructions, CMPLT, CMPEQ and CMPGT generate a Boolean result. In S16, FALSE is coded as 0 and TRUE as anything else. The compare instructions use 1 for TRUE.
• For example:
– will set R1 to 1 if R2CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com