程序代写代做代考 go (@problem 1)

(@problem 1)
;; PUT YOUR CS ID HERE ON THIS LINE: ____________________________
(@problem 2)
;; Below are a set of type comments and templates. On the TYPE COMMENTS:
;; – neatly draw reference arrows
;; – neatly label each arrow with R, SR, or MR.
;; – neatly label each arrow with a number 1, 2…
;; On the TEMPLATES:
;; – neatly label each (fn-for-… call with the number indicating the
;; arrow it corresponds to
(define-struct tree (n branches))
(define-struct branch (w tree))
(@htdd Tree)
;; Tree is (make-tree String ListOfBranch)
(@htdd ListOfBranch)
;; ListOfBranch is one of:
;; – empty
;; – (cons Branch ListOfBranch)
(@htdd Branch)
;; Branch is (make-branch Natural Tree)

(define (fn-for-tree t)
(… (tree-n t)
(fn-for-lob (tree-branches t))))

(define (fn-for-lob lob)
(cond [(empty? lob) (…)]
(… (fn-for-branch (first lob))
(fn-for-lob (rest lob)))]))

(define (fn-for-branch b)
(… (branch-w b)
(fn-for-tree (branch-tree b))))
;; The following interpretation and data examples are intended to help you
;; understand how the data definitions work. The examples are also intended
;; to help you save writing time in problem 4.
;; interp. An arbitrary-arity tree, with the extra feature that between a
;; tree node and any subtrees there is a branch with a weight
;; associated with it. So:
;; A Tree has a name and branches,
;; ListOfBranch is a list of branches,
;; a Branch has a weight and the next tree.
;; Together these examples represent a tree that might be drawn as follows:


(define TA (make-tree “A” empty))
(define TC (make-tree “C” empty))
(define TB (make-tree “B” (list (make-branch 32 TC))))
(define TD (make-tree “D” empty))

(define TOP (make-tree “TOP”
(list (make-branch 12 TA)
(make-branch 20 TB)
(make-branch 41 TD))))

(@problem 3)
;; Design a function that consumes a Tree and a String and does a backtracking
;; search for a tree of the given name. If it finds a tree with that name it
;; should produce the actual tree, if not it should produce false to signal
;; failure. Be sure to include all applicable design elements and tags.
;; We have include a set of encapsulated templates on the next page. Do NOT
;; rewrite them entirely. Instead please NEATLY make whatever changes are
;; required. By doing less writing you save yourself time AND you make
;; it easier for the grader to read your solution.

(define (fn-for-tree t)

(local [(define (fn-for-tree t)

(… (tree-n t)

(fn-for-lob (tree-branches t))))

(define (fn-for-lob lob)

(cond [(empty? lob) (…)]


(… (fn-for-branch (first lob))

(fn-for-lob (rest lob)))]))

(define (fn-for-branch b)

(… (branch-w b)

(fn-for-tree (branch-tree b))))]

(fn-for-tree t)))

(@problem 4)
;; Consider the following expression:

(local [(define (foo x)
(local [(define (bar y)
(+ x y))]
(bar x)))]
(map foo (list 4 5 6)))

;; We want you to write two things:
;; (A) What value does the expression produce? Your answer MUST go in the
;; following space:

;; (B) When the expression is evaluated there will some number of lifted
;; definitions. Please write the SECOND lifted function definition.
;; We are not asking for a complete step by step evaluation, just
;; the second lifted definition. Don’t worry about the exact pattern
;; ISL uses to give names to lifted definitions, just use some
;; reasonable naming convention. Your answer MUST go in the following
;; space:

(@problem 5)
;; Write the signature for the following abstract function.
;; Your answer MUST go in the space marked below.

(define (foo p f l)
(cond [(empty? l) empty]
(if (p (first l))
(cons (f (first l)) (foo p f (rest l)))
(foo p f (rest l)))]))


(@problem 6)
;; Write the signature for the following abstract function.
;; Your answer MUST go in the space marked below.

(define (bar f a l)
(cond [(empty? l) a]
(bar f (f (first l) a) (rest l))]))


(@problem 7)
;; Below are the signature and purpose for three simple functions. The
;; definition of each of these functions can use built in abstract functions –
;; either a single abstract function or a composition of abstract functions.
;; For each function check off which abstract functions you would use to
;; implement it.

(@signature (listof String) -> Natural)
;; Produce length of longest string in the list, or 0 if the list is empty
;; [ ] build-list [ ] foldr [ ] andmap
;; [ ] filter [ ] map [ ] ormap

(@signature (listof Image) -> Boolean)
;; Produce true if any image in the list is square
;; [ ] build-list [ ] foldr [ ] andmap
;; [ ] filter [ ] map [ ] ormap

(@signature (listof Ball) -> Image)
;; Render list of balls onto the empty scene.
;; [ ] build-list [ ] foldr [ ] andmap
;; [ ] filter [ ] map [ ] ormap

(@problem 8)
;; Design a function that consumes a natural number and produces a list of
;; strings describing that many seats at a table. For example, (seats 3) should
;; produce the list (list “Seat 1” “Seat 2” “Seat 3”).
;; Include all recipe elements. The body of your function definition MUST
;; USE the build-list built-in abstract function. You may optionally use an
;; additional built-in abstract function.