程序代写代做代考 graph game compiler algorithm Bioinformatics Answer Set Programming asp C Answer Set Programming1 Abdallah Saffidine

Answer Set Programming1 Abdallah Saffidine
1Slides designed by Christoph Schwering

Non-Monotonic Reasoning
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Non-Monotonic Reasoning
∀x (Car(x) → ¬Entry(x))
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Non-Monotonic Reasoning
∀x (Car(x) → ¬Entry(x))
∀x (Car(x) ∧ Auth(x) → Entry(x))
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Non-Monotonic Reasoning
∀x (Car(x) → ¬Entry(x)) 􏱀 ∀x (Car(x) ∧ Auth(x) → Entry(x))
|= Car(C)∧Auth(C) → ¬Entry(C)
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ASP at a Glance
􏱁 ASP=AnswerSetProgramming
􏱂 ASP ̸= Microsoft’s Active Server Pages
􏱁 ASPbelongstologicprogramming
􏱂 Like Prolog: Head ← Body or Head :- Body.
􏱂 Like Prolog: negation as failure
􏱂 Unlike Prolog: Head may be empty ⇒ constraints
􏱁 Declarativeprogramming
􏱂 Unlike Prolog: no procedural control 􏱂 Order has no impact on semantics
􏱁 ASPprogramscomputemodels
􏱂 Unlike Prolog: not query-oriented, no resolution
􏱂 Unlike Prolog: not Turing-complete 􏱂 Tool for problems in NP and NPNP
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Motivation for ASP and this Lecture
􏱁 Veryusefulinpractice!
􏱂 Declarative problem solving
􏱂 Very fast to write 􏱂 Very fast to run 􏱂 Few experts
􏱁 Interestingcasestudy
􏱂 Small, simple core language
􏱂 Great expressivity by reduction to core language
􏱁 Knowingthetheoryisessential
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Example: Graph Colouring
Definition: graph colouring problem
Input: graph with vertices V and edges E ⊆ V × V, set of colors C. Isthereamappingm:V →Cwithm(x)̸=m(y)forall(x,y)∈E?
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Example: Graph Colouring
Definition: graph colouring problem
Input: graph with vertices V and edges E ⊆ V × V, set of colors C. Isthereamappingm:V →Cwithm(x)̸=m(y)forall(x,y)∈E?
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Example: Graph Colouring
Definition: graph colouring problem
Input: graph with vertices V and edges E ⊆ V × V, set of colors C. Isthereamappingm:V →Cwithm(x)̸=m(y)forall(x,y)∈E?
􏱁 GraphCoulouringisNP-complete
􏱂 NP: guess solution, verify in polynomial time 􏱂 NP-complete: among hardest in NP
􏱁 Manyapplications:
􏱂 Mapping (neighbouring countries to different colors)
􏱂 Compilers (register allocation)
􏱂 Scheduling (e.g., conflicting jobs to different time slots) 􏱂 Allocationproblems,Sudoku,…
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Example: Graph Colouring
Definition: graph colouring problem
Input: graph with vertices V and edges E ⊆ V × V, set of colors C. Isthereamappingm:V →Cwithm(x)̸=m(y)forall(x,y)∈E?
c(r). c(g). c(b).
v(1). … v(6). 35 e(1, 2). e(1, 3). e(1, 4). e(2, 4). e(2, 5). e(2, 6). 6 e(3, 1). e(3, 4). e(3, 5).
e(4, 1). e(4, 2).
e(5, 3). e(5, 4). e(5, 6). e(6, 2). e(6, 3). e(6, 5).
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Example: Graph Colouring
Definition: graph colouring problem
Input: graph with vertices V and edges E ⊆ V × V, set of colors C. Isthereamappingm:V →Cwithm(x)̸=m(y)forall(x,y)∈E?
c(r). c(g). c(b).
v(1). … v(6). 35 e(1, 2). e(1, 3). e(1, 4). e(2, 4). e(2, 5). e(2, 6). 6 e(3, 1). e(3, 4). e(3, 5).
e(4, 1). e(4, 2).
e(5, 3). e(5, 4). e(5, 6). e(6, 2). e(6, 3). e(6, 5).
1 {m(X, C) : c(C)} 1 :- v(X). guess mapping m :- e(X, Y), m(X, C), m(Y, C). verify m(X) ̸= m(Y)
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Example: Graph Colouring
Definition: graph colouring problem
Input: graph with vertices V and edges E ⊆ V × V, set of colors C. Isthereamappingm:V →Cwithm(x)̸=m(y)forall(x,y)∈E?
c(r). c(g). c(b).
v(1). … v(6). 35 e(1, 2). e(1, 3). e(1, 4). e(2, 4). e(2, 5). e(2, 6). 6 e(3, 1). e(3, 4). e(3, 5).
e(4, 1). e(4, 2).
e(5, 3). e(5, 4). e(5, 6). e(6, 2). e(6, 3). e(6, 5).
1 {m(X, C) : c(C)} 1 :- v(X). guess mapping m :- e(X, Y), m(X, C), m(Y, C). verify m(X) ̸= m(Y)
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Applications of ASP
􏱁 Automatedproductconfiguration
􏱁 Linuxpackagemanager
􏱁 Decision-supportsystemforspaceshuttle
􏱁 Bioinformatics(diagnosis,inconsistencydetection) 􏱁 Generalgameplaying
􏱁 Severalimplementationsareavailable
􏱁 Forthislecture:Clingowww.potassco.org
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Overview of the Lecture
􏱁 SemanticsofASPprograms 􏱁 ExtensionsofASPprograms 􏱁 HandlingofvariablesinASP 􏱁 ASPasmodellinglanguage
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Prolog vs ASP
Consider the following logic program:
􏱁 a.
c ← a, b.
d ← a,notb.
c :- a, b.
d :- a,notb.
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Prolog vs ASP
Consider the following logic program:
􏱁 a.
c ← a, b.
d ← a,notb.
􏱁 PrologprovesbySLDresolution:
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Prolog vs ASP
Consider the following logic program:
􏱁 a.
c ← a, b.
d ← a,notb.
􏱁 PrologprovesbySLDresolution:
􏱂 Provesa(foraisafact)
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Prolog vs ASP
Consider the following logic program:
􏱁 a.
c ← a, b.
d ← a,notb.
􏱁 PrologprovesbySLDresolution:
􏱂 Provesa(foraisafact)
􏱂 Cannot prove b (for b is in no head)
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Prolog vs ASP
Consider the following logic program:
􏱁 a.
c ← a, b.
d ← a,notb.
􏱁 PrologprovesbySLDresolution:
􏱂 Provesa(foraisafact)
􏱂 Cannot prove b (for b is in no head) 􏱂 Cannot prove c (for cannot prove b)
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Prolog vs ASP
Consider the following logic program:
􏱁 a.
c ← a, b.
d ← a,notb.
􏱁 PrologprovesbySLDresolution:
􏱂 Provesa(foraisafact)
􏱂 Cannot prove b (for b is in no head) 􏱂 Cannot prove c (for cannot prove b) 􏱂 Proves d (for prove a but not b)
Algorithm defines what Prolog does
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Prolog vs ASP
Consider the following logic program:
􏱁 a.
c ← a, b.
d ← a,notb.
􏱁 PrologprovesbySLDresolution:
􏱂 Provesa(foraisafact)
􏱂 Cannot prove b (for b is in no head) 􏱂 Cannot prove c (for cannot prove b) 􏱂 Proves d (for prove a but not b)
Algorithm defines what Prolog does
􏱁 Whatisthesemanticsofthislogicprogram?
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Prolog vs ASP
Consider the following logic program:
􏱁 a.
c ← a, b.
a ∧ b → c a ∧ ¬b → d
d ← a, not b.
􏱁 PrologprovesbySLDresolution:
􏱂 Provesa(foraisafact)
􏱂 Cannot prove b (for b is in no head) 􏱂 Cannot prove c (for cannot prove b) 􏱂 Proves d (for prove a but not b)
Algorithm defines what Prolog does
􏱁 Whatisthesemanticsofthislogicprogram?
􏱂 Models: M1 = M2 = …
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Prolog vs ASP
Consider the following logic program:
􏱁 a.
c ← a, b.
a ∧ b → c a ∧ ¬b → d
d ← a, not b.
􏱁 PrologprovesbySLDresolution:
􏱂 Provesa(foraisafact)
􏱂 Cannot prove b (for b is in no head) 􏱂 Cannot prove c (for cannot prove b) 􏱂 Proves d (for prove a but not b)
Algorithm defines what Prolog does
􏱁 Whatisthesemanticsofthislogicprogram?
􏱂 Models: M1 = M2 = … 􏱂 M1 corresponds to Prolog, what is special about M1?
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Prolog vs ASP
Consider the following logic program:
􏱁 a.
c ← a, b.
a ∧ b → c a ∧ ¬b → d
d ← a, not b.
􏱁 PrologprovesbySLDresolution:
􏱂 Provesa(foraisafact)
􏱂 Cannot prove b (for b is in no head) 􏱂 Cannot prove c (for cannot prove b) 􏱂 Proves d (for prove a but not b)
Algorithm defines what Prolog does
􏱁 Whatisthesemanticsofthislogicprogram?
􏱂 Models: M1 = M2 = …
􏱂 M1 corresponds to Prolog, what is special about M1? 􏱂 M1 is a stable model a.k.a. answer set:
M1 only satisfies justified propositions ASP gives semantics to logic programming
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The motivating guidelines behind stable model semantics are:
􏱁 Astablemodelsatisfiesalltherulesofalogicprogram
􏱁 Thereasonershallnotbelieveanythingtheyarenotforcedto believe — the rationality principle
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The motivating guidelines behind stable model semantics are:
􏱁 Astablemodelsatisfiesalltherulesofalogicprogram
􏱁 Thereasonershallnotbelieveanythingtheyarenotforcedto believe — the rationality principle
Next: formalisation of this intuition
For now: only ground programs, i.e., no variables
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Definition: normal logic program (NLP)
A normal logic program P is a set of (normal) rules of the form A ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn.
where A, Bi, Cj are atomic propositions.
When m = n = 0, we omit the “←” and just write A.
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Definition: normal logic program (NLP)
A normal logic program P is a set of (normal) rules of the form A ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn.
where A, Bi, Cj are atomic propositions.
When m = n = 0, we omit the “←” and just write A.
For such a rule r, we define:
􏱁 Head(r) = {A}
􏱁 Body(r) = {B1,…,Bm,notC1,…,notCn}
In code, r is written as A :- B1, . . . , Bm, not C1, . . . , not Cn.
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Semantics: Interpretation
Definition: interpretation, satisfaction
An interpretation S is a set of atomic propositions.
SsatisfiesA←B1,…,Bm,notC1,…,notCn iff A∈S or someBi ∈/S or someCj ∈S.
In English:
􏱁 S satisfies rule iff S satisfies the head or falsifies the body 􏱁 S falsifies body iff S falsifies some Bi or satisfies some Cj
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Semantics: Interpretation
Definition: interpretation, satisfaction
An interpretation S is a set of atomic propositions.
SsatisfiesA←B1,…,Bm,notC1,…,notCn iff A∈S or someBi ∈/S or someCj ∈S.
In English:
􏱁 S satisfies rule iff S satisfies the head or falsifies the body 􏱁 S falsifies body iff S falsifies some Bi or satisfies some Cj
Ex.: Let P = {a. c ← a, b. d ← a, not b.}
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Semantics: Interpretation
Definition: interpretation, satisfaction
An interpretation S is a set of atomic propositions.
SsatisfiesA←B1,…,Bm,notC1,…,notCn iff A∈S or someBi ∈/S or someCj ∈S.
In English:
􏱁 S satisfies rule iff S satisfies the head or falsifies the body 􏱁 S falsifies body iff S falsifies some Bi or satisfies some Cj
Ex.: Let P = {a. c ← a, b. d ← a, not b.}
S = {a, b, c} satisfies a, but it does not satisfy (not b).
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Semantics: Interpretation
Definition: interpretation, satisfaction
An interpretation S is a set of atomic propositions.
SsatisfiesA←B1,…,Bm,notC1,…,notCn iff A∈S or someBi ∈/S or someCj ∈S.
In English:
􏱁 S satisfies rule iff S satisfies the head or falsifies the body 􏱁 S falsifies body iff S falsifies some Bi or satisfies some Cj
Ex.: Let P = {a. c ← a, b. d ← a, not b.}
S = {a, b, c} satisfies a, but it does not satisfy (not b).
It satisfies c ← a, b because it satisfies the head because c ∈ S
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Semantics: Interpretation
Definition: interpretation, satisfaction
An interpretation S is a set of atomic propositions.
SsatisfiesA←B1,…,Bm,notC1,…,notCn iff A∈S or someBi ∈/S or someCj ∈S.
In English:
􏱁 S satisfies rule iff S satisfies the head or falsifies the body 􏱁 S falsifies body iff S falsifies some Bi or satisfies some Cj
Ex.: Let P = {a. c ← a, b. d ← a, not b.}
S = {a, b, c} satisfies a, but it does not satisfy (not b).
It satisfies c ← a, b because it satisfies the head because c ∈ S
It satisfies d ← a, not b because it falsifies the body because b ∈ S
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Semantics without Negation
Definition: stable model for programs without negation
For P without negated literals: S is a stable model of P iff
S is a minimal set (w.r.t. ⊆) that satisfies all r ∈ P.
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Semantics without Negation
Definition: stable model for programs without negation
For P without negated literals: S is a stable model of P iff
S is a minimal set (w.r.t. ⊆) that satisfies all r ∈ P.
Ex.: P = {a. c ← a, b.}
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Semantics without Negation
Definition: stable model for programs without negation
For P without negated literals: S is a stable model of P iff
S is a minimal set (w.r.t. ⊆) that satisfies all r ∈ P.
Ex.: P = {a. c ← a, b.}
S1 ={a}isastablemodelofP
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Semantics without Negation
Definition: stable model for programs without negation
For P without negated literals: S is a stable model of P iff
S is a minimal set (w.r.t. ⊆) that satisfies all r ∈ P.
Ex.: P = {a. c ← a, b.}
S1 ={a}isastablemodelofP
S2 = {a,b} is not a stable model of P
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Semantics without Negation
Definition: stable model for programs without negation
For P without negated literals: S is a stable model of P iff
S is a minimal set (w.r.t. ⊆) that satisfies all r ∈ P.
Ex.: P = {a. c ← a, b.}
S1 ={a}isastablemodelofP
S2 = {a,b} is not a stable model of P S3 = {a,b,c} is not a stable model of P
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Semantics without Negation
Definition: stable model for programs without negation
For P without negated literals: S is a stable model of P iff
S is a minimal set (w.r.t. ⊆) that satisfies all r ∈ P.
Ex.: P = {a. c ← a, b.}
S1 ={a}isastablemodelofP
S2 = {a,b} is not a stable model of P S3 = {a,b,c} is not a stable model of P
Theorem: unique-model property
If P is negation-free (i.e., contains no (not C)), then there is exactly one stable model, which can be computed in linear time.
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Semantics without Negation – Examples
Compute stable model of a negation-free P by unit propagation: 􏱁 S0 = {}
􏱁 Si+1 = Si ∪ 􏰿r∈P:S satisfies Body(r) Head(r) until Si+1 = Si
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Semantics without Negation – Examples
Compute stable model of a negation-free P by unit propagation: 􏱁 S0 = {}
􏱁 Si+1 = Si ∪ 􏰿r∈P:S satisfies Body(r) Head(r) until Si+1 = Si
Ex.: P1 = {a. b ← a.}
S0 = {} S1 = {a} S2 = {a,b} Fixpoint
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Semantics without Negation – Examples
Compute stable model of a negation-free P by unit propagation: 􏱁 S0 = {}
􏱁 Si+1 = Si ∪ 􏰿r∈P:S satisfies Body(r) Head(r) until Si+1 = Si
Ex.: P1 = {a. b ← a.}
S0 = {} S1 = {a} S2 = {a,b} Fixpoint
Ex.: P2 = {a ← b. b ← a.} S0 = {} Fixpoint
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Semantics without Negation – Examples
Compute stable model of a negation-free P by unit propagation: 􏱁 S0 = {}
􏱁 Si+1 = Si ∪ 􏰿r∈P:S satisfies Body(r) Head(r) until Si+1 = Si
Ex.: P1 = {a. b ← a.}
S0 = {} S1 = {a} S2 = {a,b}
Ex.: P2 = {a ← b. b ← a.} S0 = {} Fixpoint
Ex.: P3 = {a ← b. b ← a. a.}
S0 = {} S1 = {a} S2 = {a,b}
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Semantics with Negation
Definition: reduct
The reduct PS of P relative to S is the least set such that
if A ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn ∈ P and C1,…,Cn ∈/ S then A ← B1, …,Bm ∈ PS.
In English: for each rule r from P,
􏱁 if(notC)∈Body(r)forsomeC∈S:droptherule 􏱁 else:removeallnegatedliteralsandaddtoPS
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Semantics with Negation
Definition: reduct
The reduct PS of P relative to S is the least set such that
if A ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn ∈ P and C1,…,Cn ∈/ S then A ← B1, …,Bm ∈ PS.
In English: for each rule r from P,
􏱁 if(notC)∈Body(r)forsomeC∈S:droptherule 􏱁 else:removeallnegatedliteralsandaddtoPS
Ex.: P = {a. c ← a, b. d ← a, not b.}
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Semantics with Negation
Definition: reduct
The reduct PS of P relative to S is the least set such that
if A ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn ∈ P and C1,…,Cn ∈/ S then A ← B1, …,Bm ∈ PS.
In English: for each rule r from P,
􏱁 if(notC)∈Body(r)forsomeC∈S:droptherule 􏱁 else:removeallnegatedliteralsandaddtoPS
Ex.: P = {a. c ← a, b. d ← a, not b.}
S1 ={a} ⇒ PS1 ={a. c←a,b. d←a,notb.}
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Semantics with Negation
Definition: reduct
The reduct PS of P relative to S is the least set such that
if A ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn ∈ P and C1,…,Cn ∈/ S then A ← B1, …,Bm ∈ PS.
In English: for each rule r from P,
􏱁 if(notC)∈Body(r)forsomeC∈S:droptherule 􏱁 else:removeallnegatedliteralsandaddtoPS
Ex.: P = {a. c ← a, b. d ← a, not b.}
S1 ={a} ⇒ PS1 ={a. c←a,b. d←a,notb.} S2 ={a,b} ⇒ PS2 ={a. c←a,b. d←a,notb.}
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Semantics with Negation
Definition: reduct
The reduct PS of P relative to S is the least set such that
if A ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn ∈ P and C1,…,Cn ∈/ S then A ← B1, …,Bm ∈ PS.
In English: for each rule r from P,
􏱁 if(notC)∈Body(r)forsomeC∈S:droptherule 􏱁 else:removeallnegatedliteralsandaddtoPS
Ex.: P = {a. c ← a, b. d ← a, not b.}
S1 ={a} ⇒ PS1 ={a. c←a,b. d←a,notb.} S2 ={a,b} ⇒ PS2 ={a. c←a,b. d←a,notb.} S3 ={a,d} ⇒ PS3 ={a. c←a,b. d←a,notb.}
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Semantics with Negation
Definition: reduct
The reduct PS of P relative to S is the least set such that
if A ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn ∈ P and C1,…,Cn ∈/ S then A ← B1, …,Bm ∈ PS.
In English: for each rule r from P,
􏱁 if(notC)∈Body(r)forsomeC∈S:droptherule 􏱁 else:removeallnegatedliteralsandaddtoPS
Ex.: P = {a. c ← a, b. d ← a, not b.}
S1 ={a} ⇒ PS1 ={a. c←a,b. d←a.} S2 ={a,b} ⇒ PS2 ={a. c←a,b.}
S3 ={a,d} ⇒ PS3 ={a. c←a,b. d←a.}
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Semantics with Negation
Definition: reduct
The reduct PS of P relative to S is the least set such that
if A ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn ∈ P and C1,…,Cn ∈/ S then A ← B1, …,Bm ∈ PS.
In English: for each rule r from P,
􏱁 if(notC)∈Body(r)forsomeC∈S:droptherule 􏱁 else:removeallnegatedliteralsandaddtoPS
Ex.: P = {a. c ← a, b. d ← a, not b.}
S1 ={a} ⇒ PS1 ={a. c←a,b. d←a.} S2 ={a,b} ⇒ PS2 ={a. c←a,b.}
S3 ={a,d} ⇒ PS3 ={a. c←a,b. d←a.}
Definition: stable model for programs with negation
For P with negated literals:
SisastablemodelofP iff SisastablemodelofPS.
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Semantics with Negation
Definition: reduct
The reduct PS of P relative to S is the least set such that
if A ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn ∈ P and C1,…,Cn ∈/ S then A ← B1, …,Bm ∈ PS.
In English: for each rule r from P,
􏱁 if(notC)∈Body(r)forsomeC∈S:droptherule 􏱁 else:removeallnegatedliteralsandaddtoPS
Ex.: P = {a. c ← a, b. d ← a, not b.}
S1 ={a} ⇒ PS1 ={a. c←a,b. d←a.} # S2 ={a,b} ⇒ PS2 ={a. c←a,b.}
S3 ={a,d} ⇒ PS3 ={a. c←a,b. d←a.}
Definition: stable model for programs with negation
For P with negated literals:
SisastablemodelofP iff SisastablemodelofPS.
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Semantics with Negation
Definition: reduct
The reduct PS of P relative to S is the least set such that
if A ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn ∈ P and C1,…,Cn ∈/ S then A ← B1, …,Bm ∈ PS.
In English: for each rule r from P,
􏱁 if(notC)∈Body(r)forsomeC∈S:droptherule 􏱁 else:removeallnegatedliteralsandaddtoPS
Ex.: P = {a. c ← a, b. d ← a, not b.}
S1 ={a} ⇒ PS1 ={a. c←a,b. d←a.} # S2 ={a,b} ⇒ PS2 ={a. c←a,b.} # S3 ={a,d} ⇒ PS3 ={a. c←a,b. d←a.}
Definition: stable model for programs with negation
For P with negated literals:
SisastablemodelofP iff SisastablemodelofPS.
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Semantics with Negation
Definition: reduct
The reduct PS of P relative to S is the least set such that
if A ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn ∈ P and C1,…,Cn ∈/ S then A ← B1, …,Bm ∈ PS.
In English: for each rule r from P,
􏱁 if(notC)∈Body(r)forsomeC∈S:droptherule 􏱁 else:removeallnegatedliteralsandaddtoPS
Ex.: P = {a. c ← a, b. d ← a, not b.}
S1 ={a} ⇒ PS1 ={a. c←a,b. d←a.} # S2 ={a,b} ⇒ PS2 ={a. c←a,b.} # S3 ={a,d} ⇒ PS3 ={a. c←a,b. d←a.} 
Definition: stable model for programs with negation
For P with negated literals:
SisastablemodelofP iff SisastablemodelofPS.
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b. b ← not a.}
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b. b ← not a.} S1 = {} ⇒ PS1 =
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b. b ← not a.}
S1 ={} ⇒ PS1 ={a←notb. b←nota.}
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b. b ← not a.}
S1 ={} ⇒ PS1 ={a←notb. b←nota.} S2 = {a} ⇒ PS2 =
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b. b ← not a.}
S1 ={} ⇒ PS1 ={a←notb. b←nota.} S2 ={a} ⇒ PS2 ={a←notb. b←nota.}
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b. b ← not a.}
S1 ={} S2 ={a} S3 = {b}
⇒ PS1 ={a←notb. b←nota.}
⇒ PS2 ={a←notb. b←nota.} ⇒ PS3 =
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b. b ← not a.}
S1 ={} S2 ={a} S3 ={b}
⇒ PS1 ={a←notb. b←nota.} ⇒ PS2 ={a←notb. b←nota.} ⇒ PS3 ={a←notb. b←nota.}
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b.
b ← not a.} ={a←notb. b←nota.}
={a←notb. b←nota.} ={a←notb. b←nota.} =
S1 ={}
S2 ={a}
S3 ={b}
S4 ={a,b} ⇒ PS4
⇒ PS1 ⇒ PS2 ⇒ PS3
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b.
b ← not a.} ={a←notb. b←nota.}
={a←notb. b←nota.} ={a←notb. b←nota.} ={a←notb. b←nota.}
S1 ={}
S2 ={a}
S3 ={b}
S4 ={a,b} ⇒ PS4
⇒ PS1 ⇒ PS2 ⇒ PS3
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b.
b ← not a.} = {a. b}
={a.} ={b.} ={}
S1 = {}
S4 ={a,b} ⇒ PS4
⇒ PS1 ⇒ PS2 ⇒ PS3
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b.
b ← not a.}
= {a. b} #
={a.} ={b.} ={}
S1 = {}
S4 ={a,b} ⇒ PS4
⇒ PS1 ⇒ PS2 ⇒ PS3
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b.
b ← not a.}
= {a. b} #
={a.}  ={b.}
S1 = {}
S4 ={a,b} ⇒ PS4
⇒ PS1 ⇒ PS2 ⇒ PS3
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b.
b ← not a.}
= {a. b} #
={a.}  ={b.}  ={}
S1 = {}
S4 ={a,b} ⇒ PS4
⇒ PS1 ⇒ PS2 ⇒ PS3
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b.
b ← not a.}
= {a. b} #
={a.}  ={b.}  ={} #
S1 = {}
S4 ={a,b} ⇒ PS4 Two stable models!
⇒ PS1 ⇒ PS2 ⇒ PS3
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b.
b ← not a.}
= {a. b} #
={a.}  ={b.}  ={} #
S1 = {}
S4 ={a,b} ⇒ PS4 Two stable models!
Ex.: P = {a ← not a.}
⇒ PS1 ⇒ PS2 ⇒ PS3
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b.
b ← not a.}
= {a. b} #
={a.}  ={b.}  ={} #
S1 = {}
S4 ={a,b} ⇒ PS4 Two stable models!
Ex.: P = {a ← not a.} S1={} ⇒PS1=
⇒ PS1 ⇒ PS2 ⇒ PS3
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b.
b ← not a.}
= {a. b} #
={a.}  ={b.}  ={} #
S1 = {}
S4 ={a,b} ⇒ PS4 Two stable models!
⇒ PS1 ⇒ PS2 ⇒ PS3
Ex.: P = {a ← not a.}
S1 ={} ⇒ PS1 ={a←nota.}
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b.
b ← not a.}
= {a. b} #
={a.}  ={b.}  ={} #
S1 = {}
S4 ={a,b} ⇒ PS4 Two stable models!
⇒ PS1 ⇒ PS2 ⇒ PS3
Ex.: P = {a ← not a.}
S1 ={} ⇒ PS1 ={a←nota.} S2 = {a} ⇒ PS2 =
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b.
b ← not a.}
= {a. b} #
={a.}  ={b.}  ={} #
S1 = {}
S4 ={a,b} ⇒ PS4 Two stable models!
⇒ PS1 ⇒ PS2 ⇒ PS3
Ex.: P = {a ← not a.}
S1 ={} ⇒ PS1 ={a←nota.} S2 ={a} ⇒ PS2 ={a←nota.}
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b.
b ← not a.}
= {a. b} #
={a.}  ={b.}  ={} #
S1 = {}
S4 ={a,b} ⇒ PS4 Two stable models!
Ex.: P = {a ← not a.}
S1={} ⇒ PS1 ={a.} S2 ={a} ⇒ PS2 ={}
⇒ PS1 ⇒ PS2 ⇒ PS3
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b.
b ← not a.}
= {a. b} #
={a.}  ={b.}  ={} #
S1 = {}
S4 ={a,b} ⇒ PS4 Two stable models!
⇒ PS1 ⇒ PS2 ⇒ PS3
Ex.: P = {a ← not a.}
S1={} ⇒PS1={a.} # S2 ={a} ⇒ PS2 ={}
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Semantics with Negation – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← not b.
b ← not a.}
= {a. b} #
={a.}  ={b.}  ={} #
S1 = {}
S4 ={a,b} ⇒ PS4 Two stable models!
⇒ PS1 ⇒ PS2 ⇒ PS3
Ex.: P = {a ← not a.}
S1={} ⇒PS1={a.} # S2={a} ⇒ PS2 ={} # No stable model!
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Semantics: Overview
Definition: reduct
The reduct PS of P relative to S is the least set such that
if A ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn ∈ P and C1,…,Cn ∈/ S then A ← B1, …,Bm ∈ PS.
Definition: stable model
If P contains no (not C):
S is a stable model of P iff
S is a minimal set (w.r.t. ⊆) that satisfies all r ∈ P.
If P contains (not C):
SisastablemodelofP iffSisastablemodelofPS.
Theorem: necessary satisfaction condition
If S is a stable model and A ∈ S,
then S satisfies some r ∈ P with A ∈ Head(r).
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Semantics – Examples
Ex.: P = {a ← a. b ← not a.} S PS
Stable model?
Ex.: P = {a ← not b. b ← not c.} S PS
Stable model?
Example on paper
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Overview of the Lecture
􏱁 SemanticsofASPprograms
􏱁 ExtensionsofASPprograms 􏱁 HandlingofvariablesinASP 􏱁 ASPasmodellinglanguage
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Integrity Constraints
Definition: integrity constraint
An integrity constraint is a rule r of the form
← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn
Ssatisfiesr iff someBi ∈/S or someCj ∈S. PScontains←B1,…,Bm iffPcontainsrandC1,…,Cn∈/S.
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Integrity Constraints
Definition: integrity constraint
An integrity constraint is a rule r of the form
← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn
Ssatisfiesr iff someBi ∈/S or someCj ∈S. PScontains←B1,…,Bm iffPcontainsrandC1,…,Cn∈/S.
Theorem: reduction to normal rules
Let P′ be like P except that every integrity constraint ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn
is replaced with
dummy ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn,notdummy for some new atom dummy.
Then P and P′ have the same stable models.
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Choice Rules
Definition: choice rule
A choice rule is a rule the form
{A1,…,Ak} ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn
which allows any subset of {A1, . . . , Ak} in a stable model.
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Choice Rules
Definition: choice rule
A choice rule is a rule the form
{A1,…,Ak} ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn
which allows any subset of {A1, . . . , Ak} in a stable model.
Theorem: reduction to normal rules
A choice rule can be encoded by 2k + 1 normal rules using 2k + 1 new atoms.
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Choice Rules
Definition: choice rule
A choice rule is a rule the form
{A1,…,Ak} ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn
which allows any subset of {A1, . . . , Ak} in a stable model.
Theorem: reduction to normal rules
A choice rule can be encoded by 2k + 1 normal rules using 2k + 1 new atoms.
Further extensions:
􏱁 Conditional literals: {A : B}
Ex.: {m(v, C) : c(C)} expands to {m(v, r), m(v, g), m(v, b)}
􏱁 Cardinality constraints: min {A1, . . . , Ak} max Ex.: 1 {m(v, r), m(v, g), m(v, b)} 1
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Negation in the Rule Head
Definition: rules with negated head
A rule with negated head is of the form
notA ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn
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Negation in the Rule Head
Definition: rules with negated head
A rule with negated head is of the form
notA ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn
Theorem: reduction to normal rules
Let P′ be like P except that every rule with negated head notA ← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn
is replaced with
← B1, …,Bm,notC1, …,notCn,notdummy
dummy ← not A for some new atom dummy.
Then P and P′ have the same stable models (modulo dummy propositions).
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Theorem: complexity of NLPs without negations
Is S a stable model of a negation-free P? – Linear time
Does a negation-free P have a stable model? – Constant (yes, one)
Theorem: complexity of NLPs with negations
Is S a stable model of P? – Linear time
Does P have a stable model? – NP-complete
Note: integrity constraints, choice rules, negation in heads preserve complexity (program grows only polynomially)
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Overview of the Lecture
􏱁 SemanticsofASPprograms
􏱁 ExtensionsofASPprograms 􏱁 HandlingofvariablesinASP 􏱁 ASPasmodellinglanguage
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Programs with Variables
􏱁 Atomicpropositionsmaynowcontainvariables,e.g., p(X, Z) ← e(X, Y), p(Y, Z).
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Programs with Variables
􏱁 Atomicpropositionsmaynowcontainvariables,e.g., p(X, Z) ← e(X, Y), p(Y, Z).
􏱁 Herbranduniverse
􏱂 U contains all constants from P
􏱂 U contains all f(t1,…,tk) from P if f is a k-ary function in P
and U contains t1,…,tk
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Programs with Variables
􏱁 Atomicpropositionsmaynowcontainvariables,e.g., p(X, Z) ← e(X, Y), p(Y, Z).
􏱁 Herbranduniverse
􏱂 U contains all constants from P
􏱂 U contains all f(t1,…,tk) from P if f is a k-ary function in P
and U contains t1,…,tk
􏱁 ASPgroundsvariableswithHerbranduniverse
􏱂 Unlike Prolog: instantiation instead of unification
􏱂 Caution: the ground program may grow exponentially
􏱂 Caution: function symbols make grounding Turing-complete 􏱂 If P is finite and mentions only constants, grounding is finite
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Programs with Variables
􏱁 f(X) ← b(X),nota(X). a(X) ← p(X).
􏱁 f(sam)←b(sam),nota(sam).
f (tweety) ← b(tweety), not a(tweety). a(sam) ← p(sam).
a(tweety) ← p(tweety).
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Overview of the Lecture
􏱁 SemanticsofASPprograms 􏱁 ExtensionsofASPprograms 􏱁 HandlingofvariablesinASP 􏱁 ASPasmodellinglanguage
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ASP Modelling
Typical ASP structure:
􏱁 Probleminstance:asetoffacts 􏱁 Problemclass:asetofrules
􏱂 Generator rules: often choice rules 􏱂 Test rules: often integrity constraints
Ideal modeling is uniform: problem class encoding fits all instances
Semantically equivalent encodings may differ immensely in performance!
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c(r). c(g). c(b).
v(1). … v(6).
e(1, 2). e(1, 3). e(1, 4). e(2, 4). e(2, 5). e(2, 6). e(3, 1). e(3, 4). e(3, 5). e(4, 1). e(4, 2).
e(5, 3). e(5, 4). e(5, 6). e(6, 2). e(6, 3). e(6, 5).
1 {m(X, C) : c(C)} 1 :- v(X). :- e(X, Y), m(X, C), m(Y, C).

Example: Non-monotonic Reasoning
Tweety the penguin:
􏱁 (Normal)Birdsfly.
􏱁 Penguinsareabnormal.
􏱁 Tweetyisabird.SoTweetyflies.
􏱁 Tweetyisapenguin.SoTweetydoesn’tfly.
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Example: Non-monotonic Reasoning
Tweety the penguin:
􏱁 (Normal)Birdsfly.
􏱁 Penguinsareabnormal.
􏱁 Tweetyisabird.SoTweetyflies.
􏱁 Tweetyisapenguin.SoTweetydoesn’tfly.
U = {f(X) ← b(X),nota(X). a(X) ← p(X). b(t).} P = {f (t) ← b(t), not a(t). a(t) ← p(t). b(t).}
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Example: Non-monotonic Reasoning
Tweety the penguin:
􏱁 (Normal)Birdsfly.
􏱁 Penguinsareabnormal.
􏱁 Tweetyisabird.SoTweetyflies.
􏱁 Tweetyisapenguin.SoTweetydoesn’tfly.
U = {f(X) ← b(X),nota(X). a(X) ← p(X). b(t).} P = {f (t) ← b(t), not a(t). a(t) ← p(t). b(t).}
S1 = {b(t), f (t)} ⇒ PS1 = {f (t) ← b(t), not a(t). S2 = {a(t), b(t), p(t)} ⇒ PS2 = {f (t) ← b(t), not a(t). Tweety flies!
a(t) ← p(t). a(t) ← p(t).
b(t).}  b(t).} #
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Example: Non-monotonic Reasoning
Tweety the penguin:
􏱁 (Normal)Birdsfly.
􏱁 Penguinsareabnormal.
􏱁 Tweetyisabird.SoTweetyflies.
􏱁 Tweetyisapenguin.SoTweetydoesn’tfly.
U = {f(X) ← b(X),nota(X). a(X) ← p(X). b(t).} P = {f (t) ← b(t), not a(t). a(t) ← p(t). b(t).}
S1 = {b(t), f (t)}
S2 = {a(t), b(t), p(t)} Tweety flies!
S1 = {b(t), f (t)}
⇒ PS1 = {f (t) ← b(t), not a(t). ⇒ PS2 = {f (t) ← b(t), not a(t).
a(t) ← p(t). a(t) ← p(t).
b(t).}  b(t).} #
⇒ (P ∪ {p(t).})S1 = PS1 ∪ {p(t).} # 2
S2 = {a(t), b(t), p(t)} ⇒ (P ∪ {p(t).})S2 = PS1 ∪ {p(t).}  2
Tweety doesn’t fly.
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Example: Hamilton Cycle
Definition: Hamilton cycle problem
Input: graph with vertex set V and edges E ⊆ V × V. Is there a cycle that visits every vertex exactly once?
35 6 12
{p(X, Y)} ← e(X, Y). r(X) ← p(1, X).
r(Y) ← r(X), p(X, Y). ← 2 {p(X, Y)} , v(X). ← 2 {p(X, Y)} , v(Y). ← not r(X), v(X).
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Example: Hamilton Cycle
Definition: Hamilton cycle problem
Input: graph with vertex set V and edges E ⊆ V × V. Is there a cycle that visits every vertex exactly once?
35 6 12
{p(X, Y)} ← e(X, Y). r(X) ← p(1, X).
r(Y) ← r(X), p(X, Y). ← 2 {p(X, Y)} , v(X). ← 2 {p(X, Y)} , v(Y). ← not r(X), v(X).
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Example: N-Queens
Definition: N-queens problem
Place N queens on a N × N chessboard so that they do not attack each other, i.e., share no row, column, or diagonal.
Program on paper
4 3 2 1
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Example: N-Queens
Definition: N-queens problem
Place N queens on a N × N chessboard so that they do not attack each other, i.e., share no row, column, or diagonal.
Program on paper
4 3 2 1
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