程序代写代做代考 algorithm CSE 404: Introduction to Machine Learning (Fall 2020)

CSE 404: Introduction to Machine Learning (Fall 2020)
Homework #7
Due 11/16/2020 by 11.59pm
Note: (1) Please upload a soft copy of your homework on D2L. Please type your answers. (2) Please upload the your Python code separately, do NOT upload a zip folder.
1. (40 points) Handwritten Digits Data: You should download the data files with handwritten digits data including only 1 and 5: training data (train data.npy), training labels (train labels.npy), test data (test data.npy), and test labels (test labels.npy). You can use np.load() to load the
npy files. Each row of train data and test data represents one data point. train data should
be a 1561 × 256 matrix and test data should be a 424 × 256 matrix. Each data point has 256 gray scale values between -1 and 1. The 256 pixels correspond to a 16×16 image. train labels
and test labels are 1561 and 424 dimensional arrays, respectively and they have label 1 for digit 1 and label -1 for the digit 5.
(a) (10 points) Plot of two of the digit images, one for digit 1 and one for digit 5.
(b) (20 points) Extract the two features discussed in the class (symmetry and average in- tensity) to distinguish 1 and 5.
(c) (10 points) Provide 2-D scatter plots of your features for training and test data (Now your data matrix will be N×2). For each data example, plot the two features with a red × if it is a 5 and a blue ◦ if it is a 1.
2. (60 points) Classifying Handwritten Digits: 1 vs. 5. Implement logistic regression for clas- sification using gradient descent to find the best linear separator you can using the training data only (use your 2 features from the above question as the inputs). The output is +1 if the example is a 1 and -1 for a 5.
(a) (15 points) Give separate plots of the training and test data, together with the separators. (Similar what you did in PLA homework. After you learn the model vector w, you can plot a line. You may want to concatenate 1 to your data for the intercept term.)
(b) (15 points) Compute train Ein and test Etest errors. Use only the training data to compute training error and use only the test data to compute the test error.
(c) (15 points) Logistic regression can also have regularization: minw E(w) + λ∥w∥2, where E(w) is the logistic loss. Change your gradient descent algorithm accordingly and repeat (b). Report the best λ using cross-validation.
(d) (15 points) Now repeat (b) using a 3rd order polynomial transform.
(e) (15 points) As your final deliverable to a customer, would you use the linear model with or without the 3rd order polynomial transform? Explain.