程序代写代做代考 graph html Common files to be included in HTML files before the project code.

Common files to be included in HTML files before the project code.


Utilities to initialize shaders, including compiling and linking.

loadFile(name, ondone, onerror) – Loads a file asynchronously, calling either ondone or onerror on completion. This function returns immediately. Inside the called functions this is the XMLHttpRequest object (so this.responseText is the file’s contents).

compileShader(gl, type, shader) – Compiles and checks the shader. gl is a WebGL context object, type must be one of the OpenGL constants for shaders (like gl.VERTEX_SHADER or gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER), and shader is the code for the shader.

linkProgram(gl, shaders) – Links several shaders into a WebGL program. gl is a WebGL context object and shaders is an array of shaders returned by compileShader.


Matrix/vector package from glmatrix.net. The documention is available at glmatrix.net/docs and a tutorial at math.hws.edu/graphicsbook/c7/s1.html#webgl3d.1.2.