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COMP1521 20T3
Assignment 2: blobby, Blobby
version: 1.4 last updated: 2020-11-10 15:30:00
• building a concrete understanding of file system objects
• practising C including byte-level operations
• understanding file operations, including I/O of binary data and robust error-handling
A file archive is a single file which can contain the contents, names and other metadata of multiple files. 
File archives make backups and transport of files more convenient, and make compression more efficient.
The some common archive formats are:
• tar for linux. (uses external compression tools)
• zip for windows. (with inbuilt compression)
Wikipedia’s list of common file archive formats.
Your Task
Your task in this assignment is to write a C program blobby.c, a file archiver.
The file archives in this assignment are called blobs.
Each blob contains one or more blobettes.
Each blobette records one file system object.
Their format is described below.
blobby.c should be able to:
• list the contents of a blob (subset 0),
• list the permissions of files in a blob (subset 0),
• list the size (number of bytes) of files in a blob (subset 0),
• check the blobette magic number (subset 0),
• extract files from a blob (subset 1),
• check blobette integrity (hashes) (subset 1),
• set the file permissions of files extracted from a blob (subset 1),
• create a blob from a list of files (subset 2),
• list, extract, and create blobs that include directories (subset 3),
• list, extract, and create blobs that are compressed (subset 4).
Subset 0
Given the -l command line argument blobby.c should for each file in the specified blob print:
1. The file/directory permissions in octal
2. The file/directory size in bytes
3. The file/directory pathname
It should check blob magic number on each blobette, and emit an error if it is incorrect.

List the details of each item in the blob called text_file.blob, which is in the examples directory
./blobby -l examples/text_file.blob
100644 56 hello.txt
List the details of each item in the blob called 4_files.blob, which is in the examples directory
./blobby -l examples/4_files.blob
100644 256 256.bin
100644 56 hello.txt
100404 166 last_goodbye.txt
100464 148 these_days.txt
List the details of each item in the blob called hello_world.blob, which is in the examples directory
./blobby -l examples/hello_world.blob
100644 87 hello.c
100644 82 hello.cpp
100644 65 hello.d
100644 77 hello.go
100644 32 hello.hs
100644 117 hello.java
100644 30 hello.js
100755 47 hello.pl
100755 97 hello.py
100644 45 hello.rs
100644 107 hello.s
100755 41 hello.sh
100644 24 hello.sql

Use fopen to open the blob file.
Use fgetc to read bytes.
Use C bitwise operations such as << & and | to combine bytes into integers. Think carefully about the functions you can construct to avoid repeated code. For example, for every byte you read with fgetc you need to call blobby_hash to calculate a new hash value, so write a function that does both. Hint: have the function take a pointer to a hash value which it can update. Review print_borts_file.c, from our week 8 tutorial and print_bytes.c from our week 8 lab. fseek can be used to skip over parts of the blob file, but you can also use a loop and fgetc The order you list files is the order they appear in the blob. blob files do not necessarily end with .blob.
This has been done with the provided example files purely as a convenience. The starting code contains a suitable printf to match the required format. The correct format string for this output "%06lo %5lu %s\n" is provided in the given blobby.c file. Subset 1 Given the -x command line argument blobby.c should: Extract the files in the specified blob. It should set file permissions for extracted files to the permissions specified in the blob. It should check blob integrity by checking each blobette hash, and emit an error if any are incorrect. Your program extracts the files into the current working directory. So we will run your program from a temporary directory (tmp) as to not clutter the base directory. Once in the tmp directory your program and examples/ will be in the parent directory. Hence the use of .. in pathnames. Make a directory called tmp. mkdir -p tmp/ Change into the tmp directory. cd tmp/ Forcibly remove all files inside the tmp directory. rm -f * .* Use your program to extract the contents of text_file.blob. ../blobby -x ../examples/text_file.blob Extracting: hello.txt Show the contents of hello.txt in the terminal. You can manually open it in your text editor too, if you like. cat hello.txt Hello COMP1521 I hope you are enjoying this assignment. Forcibly remove all files inside the tmp directory. rm -f * .* Use your program to extract the contents of hello_world.blob. ../blobby -x ../examples/hello_world.blob Extracting: hello.c Extracting: hello.cpp Extracting: hello.d Extracting: hello.go Extracting: hello.hs Extracting: hello.java Extracting: hello.js Extracting: hello.pl Extracting: hello.py Extracting: hello.rs Extracting: hello.s Extracting: hello.sh Extracting: hello.sql Show the first 25 lines from the extracted files to confirm the extraction was successful. cat $(echo * | sort) | head -n 25 extern int puts(const char *s); int main(void) { puts("Hello, World!"); return 0; } #include

int main () {
std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl; } import std.stdio; void main() { writeln("Hello, world!"); } package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, World!") } main = putStrLn "Hello, World!" Forcibly remove all files inside the tmp directory rm -f * .* Use your program to extract the contents of meta.blob. ../blobby -x ../examples/meta.blob Extracting: 1_file.subdirectory.blob Extracting: 1_file.subdirectory.compressed.blob Extracting: 2_files.blob Extracting: 2_files.compressed.blob Extracting: 3_files.bad_hash.blob Extracting: 3_files.bad_magic.blob Extracting: 3_files.blob Extracting: 3_files.compressed.blob Extracting: 3_files.subdirectory.bad_hash.blob Extracting: 3_files.subdirectory.bad_magic.blob Extracting: 3_files.subdirectory.blob Extracting: 3_files.subdirectory.compressed.blob Extracting: 4_files.blob Extracting: 4_files.compressed.blob Extracting: all_the_modes.subdirectory.blob Extracting: all_the_modes.subdirectory.compressed.blob Extracting: binary_file.blob Extracting: binary_file.compressed.blob Extracting: hello_world.bad_hash.blob Extracting: hello_world.bad_magic.blob Extracting: hello_world.blob Extracting: hello_world.compressed.blob Extracting: lecture_code.subdirectory.blob Extracting: lecture_code.subdirectory.compressed.blob Extracting: text_file.bad_hash.blob Extracting: text_file.bad_magic.blob Extracting: text_file.blob Extracting: text_file.compressed.blob Show the first 10 items in this directory alphabetically to check extraction was successful. ls -1 $(echo * | sort) | head 1_file.subdirectory.blob 1_file.subdirectory.compressed.blob 2_files.blob 2_files.compressed.blob 3_files.bad_hash.blob 3_files.bad_magic.blob 3_files.blob 3_files.compressed.blob 3_files.subdirectory.bad_hash.blob 3_files.subdirectory.bad_magic.blob Go back into the directory with your code. cd ../ Remove the tmp directory and everything inside it. rm -rf tmp/ Use fopen to open each file you are extracting. Use fputc to write bytes to each file.. In our lectures on files we covered copying bytes to a file in the cp_fgetc.c example and setting the permisisons of a file in the chmod.c example. blobby should overwrite an files that already exist. blobby can leave already extracted/partially extracted files in the event of an error. Subset 2 Given the -c command line argument blobby.c should: Create a blob containing the specified files. These "echo" lines show you how to create these test files and what their contents are. Create a file called hello.txt with the contents "hello". echo hello > hello.txt
Create a file called hola.txt with the contents “hola”.
echo hola > hola.txt
Create a file called hi.txt with the contents “hi”.
echo hi > hi.txt
Set the permissions of these files to 644 (octal permission string (equivalent to rw-r–r–)).
When you list the contents of the blob, the permissions should match this.
chmod 644 hello.txt hola.txt hi.txt
Create a blob called selamat.blob with the files hello.txt, hola.txt, and hi.txt.
./blobby -c selamat.blob hello.txt hola.txt hi.txt
Adding: hello.txt
Adding: hola.txt
Adding: hi.txt
List the contents of selamat.blob.
./blobby -l selamat.blob
100644 6 hello.txt
100644 5 hola.txt
100644 3 hi.txt
Make a directory called tmp.
mkdir -p tmp/
Change into the tmp directory.
cd tmp/
Forcibly remove all files inside the tmp directory.
rm -f * .*
Use your program to extract the contents of selamat.blob.
../blobby -x ../selamat.blob
Extracting: hello.txt
Extracting: hola.txt
Extracting: hi.txt
Check that the extracted file hello.txt is the same as the source file ../hello.txt.
diff -s ../hello.txt hello.txt
Files ../hello.txt and hello.txt are identical
Check that the extracted file hola.txt is the same as the source file ../hola.txt.
diff -s ../hola.txt hola.txt
Files ../hola.txt and hola.txt are identical
Check that the extracted file hi.txt is the same as the source file ../hi.txt.
diff -s ../hi.txt hi.txt
Files ../hi.txt and hi.txt are identical
Go back into the directory with your code.
cd ../
Remove the tmp directory and everything inside it.
rm -rf tmp/
Use fopen and fputc to create the new blob.
In our lectures on files we covered obtaining file metadata including its size and mode (permissions) in the stat.c example.
You must add/store files in the order they are given.
Subset 3
Given the -c command line argument blobby.c should:
Be able to add files in sub-directories, for examples:

Create a blob called a.blob with the file “hello.txt” that is contained within 2 levels of directories.
./blobby -c a.blob examples/2_files.d/hello.txt
Adding: examples
Adding: examples/2_files.d
Adding: examples/2_files.d/hello.txt
If a directory is specified when creating a blob blobby.c should add the entire directory tree to the blob.

Create a blob called a.blob with *all* the contents within the directory “3_files.subdirectory.d”
which is in the “examples” directory.
./blobby -c a.blob examples/3_files.subdirectory.d
Adding: examples
Adding: examples/3_files.subdirectory.d
Adding: examples/3_files.subdirectory.d/goodbye
Adding: examples/3_files.subdirectory.d/goodbye/last_goodbye.txt
Adding: examples/3_files.subdirectory.d/hello
Adding: examples/3_files.subdirectory.d/hello/hello.txt
Adding: examples/3_files.subdirectory.d/these_days.txt
Given the -l command line argument and a blob containing directories, blobby.c should:
Be able to list files and directories, for example:

./blobby -l examples/1_file.subdirectory.blob
040755 0 hello
100644 56 hello/hello.txt
Given the -x command line argument and a blob containing directories, blobby.c should:
Be able to extract files and directories, for example:

./blobby -x examples/3_files.subdirectory.blob
Creating directory: goodbye
Extracting: goodbye/last_goodbye.txt
Creating directory: hello
Extracting: hello/hello.txt
Extracting: these_days.txt

In our lectures on files we covered creating a directory in the mkdir.c example and listing a directories contents in the list_directory.c example.
Traversing a directory tree is challenging and can be done in several ways.
The blobby reference implementation will add subdirectories in alphabetical order
This behaviour doesn’t need to be matched.
Your implementation can add subdirectories in any order.
If a file in a different directory is added to a blob, then the directories in the path need to be added to the blob.
When extracting a blob with directories, the directory needs to be created if it does not already exist and the directories permissions need to be set to those specified in blob

Subset 4
Given the -c and the -z command line argument blobby.c should:
Compress all bytes of the blob using the external program xz.
The function posix_spawn or posix_spawnp must be used to run xz.

Create a blob called h.blob with the file selamat.txt.
Using the “xz” program for compression.
./blobby -z -c h.blob selamat.txt
Adding: selamat.txt
Show the file type of h.blob to confirm it was compressed using “xz”.
file h.blob
h.blob: XZ compressed data
The -z option does not need to be specified when extracting (-x) or listing (-l) compressed blobs and is ignored if it is specified.
blobby.c should automatically recognize blobs created with -z when extracting (-x) or listing (-l)

./blobby -l examples/text_file.compressed.blob
100644 56 hello.txt
./blobby -l examples/4_files.compressed.blob
100644 256 256.bin
100644 56 hello.txt
100404 166 last_goodbye.txt
100464 148 these_days.txt
./blobby -l examples/hello_world.compressed.blob
100644 87 hello.c
100644 82 hello.cpp
100644 65 hello.d
100644 77 hello.go
100644 32 hello.hs
100644 117 hello.java
100644 30 hello.js
100754 47 hello.pl
100754 97 hello.py
100644 45 hello.rs
100644 107 hello.s
100754 41 hello.sh
100644 24 hello.sql
Subset 4 is highly challenging. The spawn_read_pipe example and the spawn_write_pipe.c example from our lectures on processes show most of the necessary operations but implementing this subset will require research and careful experimentation.
You are not permitted to use: system, popen, fork/execve or any other C functions to run xz.
You must run xz as an external program via posix_spawn(3) or posix_spawnp(3) .
Temporary files are not permitted.
Compressed blob files do not necessarily end with .compressed.blob.
This has been done with the provided example files purely as a convenience.

Reference implementation
A reference implementation is available as 1521 blobby which can use to find the correct output for any input, like this:

1521 blobby -l
[] means “optionally”, … means “repeated”
1521 blobby [-z] -c […]
1521 blobby -x
All the examples in the in the Subsets above are runnable using the reference implementation.
Simply replace ./blobby with 1521 blobby.
Provision of a reference implementation is a common, efficient and effective method to provide or define an operational specification, and it’s something you will likely need to work with after you leave UNSW.
Where any aspect of this assignment is undefined in this specification you should match the reference implementation’s behaviour.
Discovering and matching the reference implementation’s behaviour is deliberately part of the assignment.
If you discover what you believe to be a bug in the reference implementation, report it in the class forum. If it is a bug, we may fix the bug, or indicate that you do not need to match the reference implementation’s behaviour in this case.
Blob Format
blobs must follow exactly the format produced by the reference implementation.
A blob consists of 1 or more blobettes. Each blobette contains the information about one file or directory.

blobette format
Field Length (bytes)
Field Name
Possible Values
byte 0 in every blobette must be 0x42 (ASCII ‘B’)

file type and permissions as returned in st_mode field from lstat(2)
number of bytes in file/directory pathname
number of bytes in file 0 for directories

file/directory pathname

bytes (contents) of file empty for directories
blobby_hash() of all bytes of this blobette except this byte
mode, pathname_length and content_length are always stored in big-endian format. It is recommended you construct their values from their individual bytes using bit-operations.
Side-note: an interesting property of the blob format is the concatenation of 2 or more blobs is a valid blob.
We can use the reference implementation to create simple blobs and inspect their contents.
For example, using the print_bytes.c program written as a lab exercise:

echo hola > hi.txt
chmod 640 hi.txt
1521 blobby -c h.blob hi.txt
Adding: hi.txt
./print_bytes h.blob
byte 0: 66 0x42 ‘B’
byte 1: 0 0x00
byte 2: 129 0x81
byte 3: 160 0xa0
byte 4: 0 0x00
byte 5: 6 0x06
byte 6: 0 0x00
byte 7: 0 0x00
byte 8: 0 0x00
byte 9: 0 0x00
byte 10: 0 0x00
byte 11: 5 0x05
byte 12: 104 0x68 ‘h’
byte 13: 105 0x69 ‘i’
byte 14: 46 0x2e ‘.’
byte 15: 116 0x74 ‘t’
byte 16: 120 0x78 ‘x’
byte 17: 116 0x74 ‘t’
byte 18: 104 0x68 ‘h’
byte 19: 111 0x6f ‘o’
byte 20: 108 0x6c ‘l’
byte 21: 97 0x61 ‘a’
byte 22: 10 0x0a
byte 23: 95 0x5f ‘_’
Note in the above example pathname_length is 6 content_length is 5 and the blobby hash is 0x5f.
The Linux utility xxd(1) is a good way to inspect blobs, for example, here is a blob containing 2 files (2 blobettes).
xxd examples/2_files.blob
00000000: 4200 81a4 0009 0000 0000 0038 6865 6c6c B……….8hell
00000010: 6f2e 7478 7448 656c 6c6f 2043 4f4d 5031 o.txtHello COMP1
00000020: 3532 310a 4920 686f 7065 2079 6f75 2061 521.I hope you a
00000030: 7265 2065 6e6a 6f79 696e 6720 7468 6973 re enjoying this
00000040: 2061 7373 6967 6e6d 656e 742e 0a66 4200 assignment..fB.
00000050: 81a4 0010 0000 0000 00a6 6c61 7374 5f67 ……….last_g
00000060: 6f6f 6462 7965 2e74 7874 5468 6973 2069 oodbye.txtThis i
00000070: 7320 6f75 7220 6c61 7374 2067 6f6f 6462 s our last goodb
00000080: 7965 0a49 2068 6174 6520 746f 2066 6565 ye.I hate to fee
00000090: 6c20 7468 6520 6c6f 7665 2062 6574 7765 l the love betwe
000000a0: 656e 2075 7320 6469 650a 4275 7420 6974 en us die.But it
000000b0: 2773 206f 7665 720a 4a75 7374 2068 6561 ‘s over.Just hea
000000c0: 7220 7468 6973 2061 6e64 2074 6865 6e20 r this and then
000000d0: 4927 6c6c 2067 6f0a 596f 7520 6761 7665 I’ll go.You gave
000000e0: 206d 6520 6d6f 7265 2074 6f20 6c69 7665 me more to live
000000f0: 2066 6f72 0a4d 6f72 6520 7468 616e 2079 for.More than y
00000100: 6f75 276c 6c20 6576 6572 206b 6e6f 770a ou’ll ever know.
00000110: 64 d
In this example the first blobette starts at byte 0x00000000 and has the hash value 0x66 (ASCII ‘f’).
While the second blobette starts at byte 0x0000004E and has the hash value 0x64 (ASCII ‘d’).
Also usable are the od(1)

and hexdump(1) utilities.
Blobby Hash
Each blobette contains a hash value calculated from the other values of the blobette.
This allows us to detect if any bytes of the blob have been changed, for example by disk or network errors.
The hash value is calculated using the blobby_hash() function.
You are given code which already implements blobby_hash().
If we create a tiny blob containing a single 1 byte file like this:

write a single newline (ASCII ‘\n’) to the file “a”
echo > a
1521 blobby -c a.blob a
We can inspect the blob with xxd(1) and see its hash is 0x6d (ASCII ‘m’).

xxd a.blob
00000000: 4200 81a4 0001 0000 0000 0001 610a 6d B………..a.m
These are the calls to blobby_hash() which calculate this value:

blobby_hash(00, 42) = de
blobby_hash(de, 00) = 3f
blobby_hash(3f, 81) = 81
blobby_hash(81, a4) = fc
blobby_hash(fc, 00) = c8
blobby_hash(c8, 01) = 57
blobby_hash(57, 00) = a3
blobby_hash(a3, 00) = ab
blobby_hash(ab, 00) = 69
blobby_hash(69, 00) = 7f
blobby_hash(7f, 00) = 11
blobby_hash(11, 01) = fb
blobby_hash(fb, 61) = 3b
blobby_hash(3b, 0a) = 6d
The inital hash value starts as 0,
But then becomes the resulting hash value of the previos call to blobby_hash()

blobby_hash(, ) =
Getting Started
Create a new directory for this assignment called blobby,
change to this directory, and fetch the provided examples:
by running these commands:

mkdir -m 700 blobby
cd blobby
1521 fetch blobby
unzip examples.zip
Or, if you’re not working on CSE, you can download the examples.zip and starting code
You have been given starting code for this assignment in blobby.c which already implements handling command line arguments.

dcc blobby.c -o blobby
./blobby -l
./blobby -x
./blobby [-z] -c pathnames […]
The supplied code calls:
• the function list_blob() to list the contents of a blob (subset 0)
• the function extract_blob() to extract files from a blob (subset 1)
• the function create_blob() to create a blob (subset 2)
You need to add code to these functions.
You will need to add extra functions and #defines.
You may optionally create extra .c or .h files if you choose.
Error Handling
Error checking is an important part of this assignment and automarking will test error handling.
Error messages should be one line (only) and be written to stderr (not stdout).
blobby.c should exit with status 1 after an error.
blobby.c should check all file operations for errors.
As much as possible match the reference implementation’s error messages exactly.
The reference implementation uses perror(3) to report errors from file operations and other system calls.
It is not necessary to remove files and directories already created or partially created when an error occurs.
You may extract a file or directory from a blobette before determining if the blobette hash is correct.
You may not extract the file or directory from a blobette before determining if the blobette magic number is correct.
You can extract previos file or directory from a blobette.
Where multiple errors messages could be produced, for example, if two non-existent files are specified to be added to a blob, blobby.c may produce any one of the error messages.
Assumptions and Clarifications
• Like all good programmers, you should make as few assumptions as possible.
• If in doubt, match the output of the reference implementation.
• blobby.c only has to handle ordinary files and directories.
blobby.c does not have to handle symbolic links, devices or other special files.
blobby.c will not be given directories containing symbolic links, devices or other special files.
blobby.c does not have to handle hard links.
• If completing a blobby command would produce multiple errors, you may produce any of the errors and stop.
You do not have to prooduce the particular error that the reference implementation does.
• When adding an entire directory (subset 3) to a blob you may add the directory contents in any order to the blob, after the directory blobette.
Your do not have to match the order the reference implementation uses.
• When a blobby command specifies adding files with common sub-directory.
You may add a blobette for the sub-directory multiple times. For example give this command: 
./blobby -c a.blob b/file1 b/file2
You may add two (duplicate) blobettes for b. 

• You may call functions from any C library available by default on CSE Linux systems:
including e.g. stdio.h, stdlib.h, string.h, math.h, assert.h).
• You may not use functions from other libraries; in other words, you cannot use dcc’s -l flag.
• You must submit C code only. You may not submit code in any other language.
• You may not use system(3), popen(3), fork(2), execve(2), posix_spawn(3)>, or any other C functions to run external programs. The only exception is that you are permitted to use posix_spawn(3) or posix_spawnp(3) to run xz(1) (subset 4). 

• If you need clarification on what you can and cannot use or do for this assignment:
ask in the class forum.
• You are not permitted to create or use temporary files.
• You are required to submit intermediate versions of your assignment:
See below for details.
• Your program must not require extra compile options.
It must compile with: dcc *.c -o blobby
It will be run with dcc when marking.
Run-time errors from illegal C will cause your code to fail automarking.
• If your program writes out debugging output, it will fail automarking tests:
make sure you disable debugging output before submission.


When you think your program is working, you can use autotest to run some simple automated tests:

1521 autotest blobby blobby.c [any other .c or .h files]
If you only want to run a subset of the tests avaible with autotest.
You can specify a filter:

1521 autotest blobby subset? blobby.c [any other .c or .h files]
1521 autotest will not test everything.
Always do your own testing.
Automarking will be run by the lecturer after the submission deadline, using a superset of tests to those autotest runs for you.
The errors from 1521 autotest will become less and less useful as you continue into later subsets.
Our ability to show what error has occured becomes substantually harder than our ability to detect errors in subsets 3 and 4.
Thus, 1521 autotest may show a failed test and not give the best explanation as to why the test has failed in later subsets.
When you are finished working on the assignment, you must submit your work by running give:
give cs1521 ass2_blobby blobby.c [other .c or .h files]
You must run give before Sunday November 22 21:00 2020 to obtain the marks for this assignment. Note that this is an individual exercise, the work you submit with give must be entirely your own.
You can run give multiple times.
Only your last submission will be marked.
If you are working at home, you may find it more convenient to upload your work via give’s web interface.
You cannot obtain marks by e-mailing your code to tutors or lecturers.
You can check your latest submission on CSE servers with:
COMP1521 classrun -check ass2_blobby
You can check the files you have submitted here.
Manual marking will be done by your tutor, who will mark for style and readability, as described in the Assessment section below. After your tutor has assessed your work, you can view your results here; The resulting mark will also be available via give’s web interface.
Due Date
This assignment is tentatively due Sunday November 22 21:00 2020.
If your assignment is submitted after this date, each hour it is late reduces the maximum mark it can achieve by 2%. For example, if an assignment worth 74% was submitted 10 hours late, the late submission would have no effect. If the same assignment was submitted 15 hours late, it would be awarded 70%, the maximum mark it can achieve at that time.
Assessment Scheme
This assignment will contribute 15 marks to your final COMP1521 mark.
80% of the marks for assignment 2 will come from the performance of your code on a large series of tests.
20% of the marks for assignment 2 will come from hand marking.
These marks will be awarded on the basis of clarity, commenting, elegance and style.
In other words, you will be assessed on how easy it is for a human to read and understand your program.
An indicative assessment scheme follows.
The lecturer may vary the assessment scheme after inspecting the assignment submissions,
but it is likely to be broadly similar to the following:
HD (95+%)
beautiful documented code,
perfectly readable code,
all subsets (0-4) working for all blobs.
HD (85+%)
well documented code,
very readable code,
subsets 0-3 working for all blobs.
DN (75+%)
some documentation in code,
readable code,
subsets 0-2 working for all blobs.
CR (65%)
some documentation in code,
readable code,
subset 0-1 working for all blobs.
PS (60%)
subset 0 working for all blobs.
knowingly providing your work to anyone;
and it is subsequently submitted (by anyone).
0 FL
for COMP1521
submitting any other person’s work;
this includes joint work.
submitting another person’s work without their consent;
paying another person to do work for you.
Intermediate Versions of Work
You are required to submit intermediate versions of your assignment.
Every time you work on the assignment and make some progress you should copy your work to your CSE account and submit it using the give command below. It is fine if intermediate versions do not compile or otherwise fail submission tests. Only the final submitted version of your assignment will be marked.
All these intermediate versions of your work will be placed in a Git repository and made available to you via a web interface at https://gitlab.cse.unsw.edu.au/z5555555/20T3-comp1521-ass2_blobby (replacing z5555555 with your own zID). This will allow you to retrieve earlier versions of your code if needed.
Attribution of Work
This is an individual assignment.
The work you submit must be entirely your own work, apart from any exceptions explicitly included in the assignment specification above. Submission of work partially or completely derived from any other person or jointly written with any other person is not permitted.
You are only permitted to request help with the assignment in the course forum, help sessions, or from the teaching staff (the lecturer(s) and tutors) of COMP1521.
Do not provide or show your assignment work to any other person (including by posting it on the forum), apart from the teaching staff of COMP1521. If you knowingly provide or show your assignment work to another person for any reason, and work derived from it is submitted, you may be penalized, even if that work was submitted without your knowledge or consent; this may apply even if your work is submitted by a third party unknown to you. You will not be penalized if your work is taken without your consent or knowledge.
Do not place your assignment work in online repositories such as github or any where else that is publically accessible. You may use a private repository.
Submissions that violate these conditions will be penalised. Penalties may include negative marks, automatic failure of the course, and possibly other academic discipline. We are also required to report acts of plagiarism or other student misconduct: if students involved hold scholarships, this may result in a loss of the scholarship. This may also result in the loss of a student visa.
Assignment submissions will be examined, both automatically and manually, for such submissions.
Change Log
Version 1.0
(2020-11-03 13:00:00)
• Initial release.
Version 1.1
(2020-11-06 11:00:00)
• Update subset 3 autotests to ignore order of files in the blob
Version 1.2
(2020-11-07 07:00:00)
• Clean-up the spec html, no changes to the assignment
Version 1.3
(2020-11-09 13:10:00)
• Hints improved – mainly links to relevant lecture examples
Version 1.4
(2020-11-10 15:30:00)
• Bug in reference implementation handling of blobs with invalid content length fixed
COMP1521 20T3: Computer Systems Fundamentals is brought to you by 
the School of Computer Science and Engineering
at the University of New South Wales, Sydney.
For all enquiries, please email the class account at cs1521@cse.unsw.edu.au
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