程序代写 Part J: Assembly Language, part 1 (12 marks)

Part J: Assembly Language, part 1 (12 marks)
In the spaces provided below, write the assembly language instruction(s) that perform the following tasks. Full marks will only be given for one-instruction answers. Do not use pseudo- instructions in your solutions.
a) Set $v0 to half of the value that is stored in $a0. (3 marks)
b) Set $v0 to the blue component of the pixel colour stored in $a0. (3 marks)

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c) Pop an integer from the top of the stack, but don¡¯t store it anywhere. (3 marks)
d) Create an infinite loop. (3 marks)
Student Number: __________________ 14 (continued)

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com