CS代写 COMP9334 2

Capacity Planning of Computer Systems and Networks
Week 1A: Introduction to Capacity Planning

About your lecturer

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

• Research in Computer Networks and Embedded Systems • Example research projects
• Deriveefficientalgorithmsforembeddeddevices
• Enablingbiologicalcomputerstotalktoeachother
• Tools I use in my research • Measurements
• Mathematicalanalysis • Simulation
• Programandtest
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Course organisation
• Course web site: www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs9334 • Email:
• Read the course outline
• Lectures: Tue 12-2, Thur 12-2, live online
• 2×50-minute.10minutebreak.
• Youcanaskquestionsviachat
• Iwillaskquestions.Youcananswerthemviachat.
• Participantsaremuteduponentry.Iwillunmuteyouifneeded
• Ifyouwanttotalktomeduringthebreak,thentellmeinchat.We will talk in a breakout room.
• Consultation (one-on-one) on Zoom.
• Tue2-2:30pm(Note:timemaychange.Pleasecheck“Timetable”
in the course website to confirm.)
• DifferentZoommeetingidfromthelectures.
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Course objective:
• Aim: The design of computer systems and networks to meet performance specifications
• Example problem: You want to design a computer system that can deal with 400,000 HTTP hits per minute. How can you make sure that your system will meet this demand?
• You will learn how to solve capacity planning problems using mathematical modelling.
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How to learn?
• Lectures
• Keyconcepts,illustrationbysmallexamples • Don’tjustdependthelecturenotes,youmust
• Readthereferencematerialstoo • Revisionproblems
• Tryifyoucansolvetheproblem
• Tryalsotheexercisesinthebook
• Usediscussionboard
• Don’tthinkyourquestionissilly,othermayhavethesameproblem
• WewillusetheEdplatform.Iwillsendyouaninvitationafterthe first lecture. Please accept the invitation.
• Thekeyisunderstanding,notmemorisation
• Mathematicsissomethingthatyoucangetusedto
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• Books and reference materials
• Wewillusematerialsfromanumberofbooks
• Availableinlibraryashardcopyorelectronically
• Two key books:
• Menasce et al. Performance by Design. PH. 2004 (Hard copy)
• Harchol-Balter. Performance Modelling and Design of Computer Systems. CUP, 2013. (Electronic)
• On-line resources
• Journalandconferencearticles • IEEEandACM
• Two general books
• Solvingmathematicalproblems
• Polya, “How to solve it?” (Highly recommended)
• Howtodowellinmathsandscience
• , “A mind for numbers”.
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• Three assessment components • Assignment(20%)
• Project(30%)
• Finalexam(openbook)(50%)
• Assignment: Extended tutorial questions
• Project: Simulation (coding + statistics)
• Overall mark:
• C=Assignment+Project->RescaleCtobeoutof100 • E=Exammark->RescaleEtobeoutof100
• Overallmark=(C+E)/2
• Passifoverallmark>=50
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Assumed knowledge
• Mathematics • Probability
• Probability density function, independence, conditional probability • Statistics
• Vectorsandmatrices,linearequations • Differentiationandintegration
• A good review of probability is in Chapter 3 of Harcol- Balter, “Performance Modeling and Design of Computer Systems”
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A quick test on probability
• Probability is fun and very useful, but is sometimes tricky
• Prof. (Big Bang Theory) made a wrong argument in the following clip. Can you use the language of probability to explain his error?
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjUwSHGsG9o
• Sheldon’s reply on why he thought the person’s name should be . “Mohammed is the most common first name in the world. Li the most common surname. As I didn’t know the answer, I though that gave me a mathematical edge.”
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Lecture outline
• Capacity planning • Why?
• Quality of service metrics
• Quantitative performance analysis!”Capacity Planning • What techniques you will learn
• More quality of service metrics
• Single server queues
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Why capacity planning?
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Why capacity planning?
• The aim of capacity planning is to improve performance of computer systems by adding “capacity”.
• What is performance? • What is capacity?
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Design of an e-Commerce systems
• Functionalrequirements
• Productsearch,databasemanagementfunctionsetc
• Search correctness, algorithmic efficiency
• Computerandnetworksecurity
• Systemperformance
• E.g.Canthecomputersystemreturndatabasesearchwithin20msif there are 500 search queries per second?
• If not, should we buy more servers? How many?
• Canyouthinkofothersystemperformancerequirements? T1, 2022 COMP9334 13

Web search engine
• Sayyouareplanningacomputersystemwhichwillhosta search engine that rivals Google
• Currentexpectedworkload • 1000searchespersecond
• Performancespecification • Returnresultswithin10ms
• Whathardwareandnetworkshouldyouuse? • Howmanyservers?Howmuchdiskspace?Etc.
• Whatifworkloadisexpectedtoincreaseby50%inone year, can the system still maintain its performance?
• Question:Canyouthinkofothercapacityparameters?
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Capacity planning problems
• Focused on capacity planning of computer systems and networks
• Elements of a capacity planning problems • Given:
• Workload specifications
• Performance specifications
• Capacity e.g. hardware or network requirements, personnel
requirements etc.
• Capacity planning problems are everywhere in life. Can you come out with some capacity planning problems in real life? For each problem, you must identify the workload, performance and capacity parameters.
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Capacity planning motivations
• Importanceofperformance
• Canbelifeanddeath
• Availability of critical infrastructure e.g. emergency services
• Customersatisfaction • Availability
• Response time
• Theitalicisedtermsareexamplesofcomputersystem related performance metrics
• AlsoknownasQualityofservice(QoS)metrics
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Response time
• Response time
• What is it? (Next slide)
• Possible performance specifications
• Meanresponsetimeislessthan1swhennomorethan5000
requests arrive per second
• 95%oftherequestsarecompletedwithin1swhennomore than 5000 requests arrive / s
• Note: Workload characteristics are also part of the performance specification
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Response time of a system
Request arrives at time t1
Request completes and leaves at time t2
Response time = t2 – t1.
Measured in seconds. Can be expressed as mean, standard deviation, probability distribution etc.
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• Fractionoftimethesystemisupanduseablebyusers
• Ex:ItiscommonforInternetServiceProviders(ISP)tosign Service Level Agreement (SLA) with their commercial customers. One ISP guarantees that its network outage is less than 6 hours per 30 days. The network availability is 1 – 6/(30*24) = 99.17%
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Lecture outline
• Capacity planning • Why?
• Quality of service metrics
• Quantitative performance analysis!”Capacity Planning • What techniques you will learn
• More quality of service metrics
• Single-server queues
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Capacity Planning”Performance analysis
• Capacity planning question:
• AwebserverneedstocompleteanHTTPrequestwithin20ms when there are 500 HTTP requests per second, what CPU speed do you need?
• Let us turn the capacity planning question into a performance analysis question
• Performance analysis question:
• IfthewebserverhasaCPUwithxMIPS,whatistheresponse
time when there are 500 HTTP requests per second?
• If you can solve the performance analysis question for any value of x, you can also solve the capacity planning question
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• As a capacity planner, your task is to choose the CPU speed (in MIPS) of a web server so that the mean response time to a specific workload is no more than 25ms.
• You talk to a performance analyst about your problem. The analyst knows an algorithm that predicts the mean response time for any CPU speed.
• You take the algorithm and plug in a number of different CPU speeds. The results are recorded below.
• Can you solve your capacity planning problem?
CPU Speed (MIPS)
4000 T1, 2022 C
Predicted mean response time (ms)

Three performance analysis strategies
• Build the system and perform measurement • Simulation
• Mathematical modelling
• This course will look at
• QuantitativemethodstodeterminetheQoSmetricsofcomputer
systems using
• Queueing networks
• Markov chains
• Usingsimulationtostudyperformance
• Optimisationmethodssuchaslinearandintegerprogramming
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Ex. 1: Server farm power allocation
• Aserverfarmconsistsofmultipleservers
• Theserverscanrunat
• Higher clock speed with higher power
• Lower clock speed with lower power
• Ex:Given
• Higher power = 250W, lower power = 150W
• Power budget = 3000W
• You can have
• 12 servers at highest clock speed
• 20 servers at lowest clock speed
• Other combinations
• Which combination is best? • Queueingtheory
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Ex 2: Internet data centre availability
• Distributed data centres • Availability problem:
• Eachdatacentremaygodown
• Mean time between going down is 90 days
• Meanrepairtimeis6hours
• CanImaintain99.9999%availabilityfor3outof4centres
• Technique: Markov Chain
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Ex 3: Network expansion
• You would like to add communication links to a network. The design questions are: Where to add? How much capacity?
• Technique: Integer programming
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Why probability?
• The mathematical methods that we are going to study are based on probability theory. Why probability?
• Let us say 500 HTTP requests arrive at the web server in one second
• A deterministic world will mean
• AnHTTPrequestarrivesevery2ms
• But the arrival pattern is not deterministic, it’s random time
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Lecture outline
• Capacity planning • Why?
• Quality of service metrics
• Quantitative performance analysis!”Capacity Planning • What techniques you will learn
• More quality of service metrics
• Single-server queues
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QoS metrics
• We have seen 2 QoS metrics • Responsetime
• Availability
• More QoS metrics • Throughput
• Reliability(Willdiscusslaterinthecourse) • Scalability(Notdiscussed)
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Throughput (1)
• Therateatwhichrequestsarecompleted
• Ex:Fornetworkrouters,throughputcanbemeasuredin
• Packetspersecond(pps)
• Ex: 10 Mpps for 40-byte packets • Note: Should specify packet size
• Otherthroughputmeasures
• Website:HTTPrequests/s,bytes/s • CPU:MIPS,FLOPS
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Throughput (2)
• Throughput is a function of the load
• Adisktakes0.01stoperformanI/Ooperation
• MaximumnumberofI/Ooperationpers=100
• If50I/Ooperationsarrivepersecond,thethroughput=50I/O operations/s
• If110I/Ooperationsarrivepersecond,thethroughput=100I/O operations
• Canyoufindaformularelatingthroughout,offeredloadandmax capacity?
• Throughput=min(offeredload,maxcapacity)
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Throughput (2*)
• If you find it difficult to do the previous page, you can try this real-life analogy.
• Throughput is a function of the load
• Abaristacanmakeacupofcoffeeevery30seconds
• Maximumnumberofcupsofcoffeethebaristacanmakeinan hour = 120
• If50customersarriveinanhourandeachcustomerordersa coffee, the barista’s throughput = 50 coffees / hour
• If150customersarriveinanhourandeachcustomerordersa coffee, the barista’s throughput = 120 coffees / hour
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Throughput (cont.)
Throughput (3)
Thrasing = congestion collapse
Thrashing = congestion collapse
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Throughput (4)
• Performance evaluation can be used to determine the maximum throughput of computer systems
• Example:bottleneckanalysis • Topic for next week
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Lecture outline
• Capacity planning • Why?
• Quality of service metrics
• Quantitative performance analysis!”Capacity Planning • What techniques you will learn
• More quality of service metrics
• Single-server queues
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Quantitative performance analysis (3)
• Sample performance analysis question:
• IfthewebserverhasaCPUwithxMIPS,whatistheresponse
time when there are 500 HTTP requests per second? • Performanceanalysisquestion:
• A computer system with a certain capacity
• The workload
• The performance (response time, throughput etc) of the system
• Ourmethodis:
• Build analytical models of computer systems
• Animportantpartoftheanalyticalmodelis“queue” • You can surely relate “queues” to “waiting time”
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Single server FIFO queue
• QueueingTheoryterminologies • Server:Processingunit
• FIFO:First-infirst-out
• Workconservingserver
• The server cannot be idle when there are jobs waiting to be processed in the queue
• Ex:Shopwithonlyonecheckoutcounter • Theserverisaresource
• Queuesresultfromresourcecontention • Mainconcern:responsetime
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Arrival time
Processing time required
Assumption: server is idle when job #1 arrives
Job #1 is admitted into the server immediately since the server is idle.
Job #1 is completed and leaves the system at time 4.
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Arrival time
Processing time required
Job #2 arrives when the server is idle. It gets admitted immediately.
Job #2 will be completed at time 10.
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Arrival time
Processing time required
Job #3 arrives when Job #2 is being served i.e. the server is busy. Job #3 has to wait in the queue.
Server starts processing Job #3 immediately after finishing Job #2.
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Arrival time
Processing time required
246 10 1417
Job #4 arrives when the server is processing Job#2 and Job#3 is in the queue. Job #4 joins the queue. It gets served at time 14, immediately after Job#3 is completed.
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Arrival time
Processing time required
246 10 1417
• Definition: Response time = Departure time – arrival time Ex: Response time for Job#4 = 17 – 9 = 8 (= 5 + 3)
• Response time = Waiting time + Processing time
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Arrival time
Processing time required
246 10 1417
• Definition: Utilisation = Percentage of time over which the server is busy
•What is the utilisation of the server over the first 12s? • 8/12 = 66.7%
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Single server FIFO queues
• Can be used to model
• Shopwithonlyonecheckoutcounter
• AsingleprocessorprocessingjobsinFIFOorder • AdiskprocessingjobinFIFOorder
• Anabstractionoftherealsystem
• Needtocaptureenoughdetailstomeetouranalysisrequirements
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What if both inter-arrival time and processing time are determinisitic?
Arrival time
Processing time required
What is the waiting time for each job? What is the response time for each job?
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Determining response time
• Generallyweneedtoknow
• Thearrivalpattern
• Ex: The arrival rate
• Ex: The inter-arrival time probability distribution
• Theservicetimeprobabilitydistribution • The time required to process the job
• Sinceweareinterestedinresponsetime,ourmodels capture the time related aspects of the real systems e.g. queueing, processing units
• Wewilllearndifferentmethodstodetermineresponse time in this course
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Service time
• Time require to process a request at a resource
• Ex:Theservicetimetosenda1000bytepacketovera10kbpslink
is 0.8s. In this case,
• Service time = packet size / transmission rate
• Ex:TheservicetimetofetchaXbytelargefilefromadiskis • Seek time + X / transfer rate
• Foraclassofresources,wehave
• Service time = Overhead + Job size / Processing rate
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• What capacity planning is
• Very important: A capacity planning problem can be solved
by solving a series of performance analysis problems
• Performance metrics
• Responsetime,waitingtime,throughput
• Modelling of single server queues
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• Reading:
• Menasceetal,Chapters1&2
• Harcol-Balter.Chapters1&2.
• Exercises:
• Revisionproblems:
• See course web site
• Youareexpectedtotrytheseexercises.Solutionswillbeavailable
on the web.
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程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com