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TemplateTNT::Sparse_Matrix_CompRow class Reference

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TNT::Sparse_Matrix_CompRow Class Template Reference

List of all members.
Public Methods

  Sparse_Matrix_CompRow (const Sparse_Matrix_CompRow &S)
  Sparse_Matrix_CompRow (int M, int N, int nz, const T *val, const int *r, const int *c)
const T&  val (int i) const
const int&  row_ptr (int i) const
const int&  col_ind (int i) const
int  dim1 () const
int  dim2 () const
int  NumNonzeros () const
Sparse_Matrix_CompRow&  operator= (const Sparse_Matrix_CompRow &R)

Detailed Description

template class TNT::Sparse_Matrix_CompRow

Read-only view of a sparse matrix in compressed-row storage format. Neither array elements (nonzeros) nor sparsity structure can be modified. If modifications are required, create a new view.

Index values begin at 0.

Storage requirements: An (m x n) matrix with nz nonzeros requires no more than ((T+I)*nz + M*I) bytes, where T is the size of data elements and I is the size of integers.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


TNT::Sparse_Matrix_CompRow::Sparse_Matrix_CompRow (

const Sparse_Matrix_CompRow & S )



TNT::Sparse_Matrix_CompRow< T >::Sparse_Matrix_CompRow (

const T * val,

const int * r,

const int * c )


Construct a read-only view of existing sparse matrix in compressed-row storage format.


the number of rows of sparse matrix
the number of columns of sparse matrix
the number of nonzeros
a contiguous list of nonzero values
row-pointers: r[i] denotes the begining position of row i (i.e. the ith row begins at val[row[i]]).
column-indices: c[i] denotes the column location of val[i]

Member Function Documentation


int TNT::Sparse_Matrix_CompRow::NumNonzeros (



const int & TNT::Sparse_Matrix_CompRow::col_ind (

int i ) const [inline]



int TNT::Sparse_Matrix_CompRow::dim1 (

) const [inline]



int TNT::Sparse_Matrix_CompRow::dim2 (

) const [inline]



Sparse_Matrix_CompRow& TNT::Sparse_Matrix_CompRow::operator= (

const Sparse_Matrix_CompRow & R )



const int & TNT::Sparse_Matrix_CompRow::row_ptr (

int i ) const [inline]



const T & TNT::Sparse_Matrix_CompRow::val (

int i ) const [inline]


The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: tnt_sparse_matrix_csr.h

Generated at Thu Jun 26 17:26:25 2003 for Template Numerical Toolkit (TNT) by

1.2.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2001

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com