Chapter 2a CSCI-396 Jeff Bush
Using the Synthetic Camera Model
Objects are processed one at a time
▪ In the order they are generated by the application
Basic pipeline architecture:
Vertices Framebuffer
All steps can be implemented on the GPU
Note that this is complicated but important – we will go through it 4 times right now!
Vertex Processor
Primitive Assembler, Clipper, Rasterizer
Fragment Processor
Primitive Assembler, Clipper, Rasterizer
▪ Vertex Buffer Objects / Attributes
Outputs all properties of each vertex:
▪ Required: position (in camera/eye coordinates)
▪ Optional: ▪ Color
▪ Normal
▪ Material
▪ Texture coordinates ▪…
Fragment Processor
Vertex Processor
Vertex Processor
Vertices Framebuffer
Vertices are collected into geometric objects ▪ Points (1 vertex)
▪ Line segments (2 vertices) ▪ Triangles (3 vertices)
Fragment Processor
Primitive Assembler, Clipper, Rasterizer
Vertex Processor
Vertices Framebuffer
A camera cannot see the whole world Objects outside of the visible world are
clipped out of the scene for efficiency
Fragment Processor
Primitive Assembler, Clipper, Rasterizer
Vertex Processor
Vertices Framebuffer
If an object is not clipped out, it may contribute to the appropriate pixels in the framebuffer
Rasterizer produces a set of fragments for each object
▪ Converts eye coordinates to window coordinates Fragments are “potential output pixels”
▪ They have a pixel location and a depth ▪ Depth being the distance from the camera
▪ Any other vertex values are interpolated
Fragment Processor
Primitive Assembler, Clipper, Rasterizer
Vertex Processor
Primitive Assembler, Clipper, Rasterizer
Vertices Framebuffer
Each fragment needs to be processed to determine the color of the corresponding pixel
Colors are determined by computations, interpolation of vertex values, and/or texture mapping
Fragments may be blocked (and thus hidden) by other fragments with a lower depth (closer to the camera)
▪ But fragments can be partially/fully transparent so cannot throw out deeper fragments until after a color is assignment to every fragment
Fragment Processor
Vertex Processor
Primitive Assembler Clipper Rasterizer
Fragment Processor
From the JS code, sent to the GPU through buffers. Each vertex has any number of attributes: position, color, material, …
Behavior defined with vertex shader code.
Vertex processor generates camera/eye coordinates for each vertex.
It may generate additional values for each vertex.
Behavior built into OpenGL/GPU (can be overridden though).
Rasterizer produces fragments with window location and depth. Each fragment has interpolated vertex values called varyings.
Behavior defined with fragment shader code.
OpenGL/GPU does final combination of fragments across depth.
The final output is colored pixels.
coord: (4, 8) color: (0, 1, 0)
coord: (5, 10) color: (1, 0, 0)
coord: (6, 8) color: (0, 0, 1)
Attributes for each vertex are stored in vertex buffer objects (VBOs)
▪ VBOs are essentially arrays of primitive values (e.g. unsigned 8-bit ints or 32-bit floats) that are grouped in 1 to 4 components/values at a time
▪ They are setup in JavaScript and then loaded into GPU RAM Example above would have 2 VBOs like:
coords = [5, 10, 4, 8, 6, 8, …]
colors = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, …]
▪ Coords are in groups of 2 (not always 2, we just have 2D data)
▪ Colors are in groups of 3 here (not always 3, just that way for this data) When counting all 9 vertices, how long are each of the VBOs?
coord: (4, 8) → (0.0, 0.1) color: (0, 1, 0) → (0, 1, 0)
coord: (5, 10) → (0.3, 0.8) color: (1, 0, 0) → (1, 0, 0)
coord: (6, 8) → (0.6, 0.1) color: (0, 0, 1) → (0, 0, 1)
Vertex shader takes all attributes as input and produces gl_Position and varyings as ouput
▪ Required to set gl_Position (in clip coordinates)
▪ Other outputs are interpolated and passed to fragment shader
▪ Once again these must be primitive values in groups of 1 to 4
These vertices have 2 attributes: coord and color
▪ In this simple example we compute gl_Position from coord and pass color along unchanged
gl_Position: (0.0, 0.1) color: (0, 1, 0)
gl_Position: (0.3, 0.8) color: (1, 0, 0)
gl_Position: (0.6 0.1) color: (0, 0, 1)
The primitive assembler groups (i.e. assembles) vertices into basic shapes (i.e. primitives) based on how WebGL was told to render them
▪ If we told WebGL to draw using TRIANGLES then each consecutive set of 3 vertices will be grouped into triangles
▪ What do you think would happen with LINES?
gl_Position: (0.0, 0.1) color: (0, 1, 0)
gl_Position: (0.3, 0.8) color: (1, 0, 0)
gl_Position: (0.6 0.1) color: (0, 0, 1)
Clipper removes all shapes outside of the clipping region (dashed line above)
▪ Clipping means to remove things (like clipping out a coupon) ▪ This greatly improves efficiency, in a large 3D world the vast
majority of the shapes will be outside of the view
WebGL’s clipping region is from −1 to 1 for 𝑥, 𝑦, and 𝑧
▪ Center is at 0,0,0 , extends from −1,−1,−1 to (1,1,1) The vertex shader must convert coordinates properly so
that everything that is visible lies within that region
gl_Position: (0.6,0.1)→(320,220) color: (0, 0, 1)
Rasterizer creates the fragments
▪ Includes space between vertices that are part of shapes inside clipping region
Each fragment has gl_FragCoord – position in canvas coords
▪ Computations are shown above for a 400×400 Canvas – how?
All varyings (vertex shader outputs) are linearly interpolated between
vertices of the shape
▪ Example: black square (single fragment) is halfway between two vertices and
thus the color will be half of each of the colors of those vertices:
0.5 ∗ 1,0,0 + 0.5 ∗ 0,0,1 ⇒ 0.5,0,0.5 which is a dark purple
▪ What about fragment one quarter of the way down? (closer to top)
▪ What about fragment in the exact center of the triangle?
gl_Pos: (0.0,0.1)→(320,220) color: (0, 1, 0)
gl_Position: (0.3,0.8)→(260,360) color: (1, 0, 0)
gl_FragCoord: (320,220) color: (0, 1, 0)
gl_FragCoord: (260,360) color: (1, 0, 0)
Fragment shader computes the color and depth of each fragment
▪ Input is gl_FragCoord and all interpolated vertex outputs
Have to assign a color to the special fragColor variable
▪ It’s the entire purpose of the fragment shader
▪ In the beginning we will just pass the incoming color as the
fragColor but later we will apply lighting effects here Can optionally assign a depth to gl_FragDepth
▪ Default is z value of gl_FragCoord
gl_FragCoord: (320,220) color: (0, 0, 1)
The final processing is done after all of the fragments are completed
The fragments for each pixel are sorted by their depth and ones that are deeper are discarded
▪ Unless there are transparency effects
The final color of each pixel is saved to the
framebuffer which is displayed on the screen
Object/world/model coordinates
▪ The initial vertex coordinates of the models
▪ Can have any scale/origin/rotation you want
▪ In complex scenes each object will have its own set of coordinates, the object has a set of coordinates in the overall world, and the camera has its own set of coordinates
Clip coordinates
▪ The coordinates by the vertex shader
▪ Everything visible must be the box from (−1, −1, −1) to 1,1,1 Window coordinates
▪ In pixels, coordinates relative to the canvas object in the HTML document – 0,0 is the lower-left corner
▪ Produced by the rasterizer and given to fragment shader
Each change in coordinate system is equivalent to an affine transformation
▪ Similar to a linear transformation
▪ Matrix multiplication with a transformation matrix
We will be constantly converting between systems
For the time being we are going to place all of our objects in clip-space to begin with and we won’t have to deal with any transformations
▪ Everything should be from (−1, −1, −1) to 1,1,1
Frequently shapes will share vertices with other shapes
The naïve way would represent each vertex separately, even if
▪ The above could be made with 9 vertices
The smarter way would be to refer to the same vertex more than
▪ Only need 6 vertices then
▪ We need a way to say which vertices to use for each triangle
▪ The Index Buffer Object (IBO)
(−0.9, −0.9)
(0, −0.9)
NaïveVBO: [,
, ]
[-0.9, -0.9, -0.5, 0.9, 0, -0.9, 0.5, 0.9, 0.9, -0.9]
[0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3]
With larger objects and/or more attributes this saves tons of memory
Since vertex shader is run for every vertex, this saves a lot of processing
(0.9, −0.9)
-0.9, -0.9, 0, -0.9, -0.5, 0.9
-0.5, 0.9, 0, -0.9, 0.5, 0.9
0, -0.9, 0.9, -0.9, 0.5, 0.9
VBOs can be groups of 1-4 values of the same primitive type
▪ Floats of 32-bits or (u)ints of 8-, 16-, or 32-bits
▪ Most common is Float32
IBOs can only by unsigned ints of 8- or 16-bits
▪ Some browsers may support 32-bits as well
▪ Almost always Uint16 since Uint8 would only support a total of 256 vertices
▪ Instead the limit is 65536 vertices
First, we need to create the arrays in JavaScript:
▪If you won’t change these then can make typed arrays now instead of later
Then we need to create a new buffer on the GPU to store the data: posBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
Then say we are using that buffer for the next few commands: gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, posBuffer);
Then we copy the data from JavaScript to the GPU buffer:
Finally, un-bind the buffer (not needed, but recommended):
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null);
For IBOs: replace gl.ARRAY_BUFFER with gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER TODO: Complete the buffer allocations in the trapezoid program
let coords = [-0.9, -0.9, -0.5, 0.9, 0, -0.9, …];
let indices = [0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3];
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, Float32Array.from(coords),
If you are never going to use a buffer again you can free the GPU memory it occupies:
We now have GPU buffers full of data and a vertex shader with an “aPosition” attribute
▪ We still have to associate these with each other so that when the vertex shader runs its inputs/attributes are loaded from the buffer
To achieve this we need to:
1. Get the attribute index (can be cached) 2. Bind a VBO
3. Point attribute to the VBO
4. Enable the attribute
5. Unbind
gl.vertexAttribPointer(index, size, type,
normalize, stride, offset)
index: the attribute location (from step #1)
size: the number of elements used for each vertex, examples:
▪ 2D coords use 2
▪ RGB colors use 3
type: the primitive type, e.g. gl.FLOAT
normalize: for now keep false
stride: usually 0 meaning vertices are sequential
offset: usually 0 meaning the buffer starts with the first vertex Typical call will be:
gl.vertexAttribPointer(aName, size, gl.FLOAT,
false, 0, 0);
▪ Just need to change Name and specify size
In this class we will use aName as the name of an attribute:
▪ aPosition would be the position attribute
▪ aColor would be the color attribute
Attributes are defined in the vertex shader as in variables:
▪ in vec2 aPosition;
▪ in vec3 aColor;
In JavaScript we will also have a global variable aName
which refers to the attribute location in the program: ▪ At the very top of the script:
let aPosition;
▪ Once the program is linked:
aPosition = gl.getAttribLocation(program, ‘aPosition’);
1. Get the attribute index (usually done in init)
aName = gl.getAttribLocation(program, ‘aName’);
2. Bind a VBO:
▪ Same as when allocating
3. Point attribute to the VBO:
4. Enable the attribute:
5. Unbind:
▪ Same as when allocating
TODO: in trapezoid program complete the attribute associations
gl.vertexAttribPointer(aName, size, gl.FLOAT,
false, 0, 0);
We now how GPU buffers full of data and those buffers are associated with attributes in the vertex shader – we are ready to render!
To draw something we need to call either drawArrays or drawElements
▪ These two functions as very similar except:
▪ drawArrays uses only a VBO to draw (vertices must be in
proper order, duplicated vertices may exist)
▪ drawElements uses an IBO to determine the order of vertices to draw from a VBO
▪ Sadly, they change the order and units of arguments
gl.drawArrays(mode, first, count) mode: the type of primitive to draw and how the
vertices of that primitive are organized:
first: first vertex in the buffers to use for drawing count: number of vertices in the buffers to draw
▪ Not the number of primitives to draw, number of vertices
▪ gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 5) draws 1 triangle
gl.drawElements(mode, count, type, offset) mode: same as in drawArrays
count: same as in drawArrays
▪ but now second argument instead of third
type: either gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE or gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT ▪ Must match type of IBO, usually gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT
offset: the number of bytes offset into the IBO for first vertex ▪ Typically will do offset*ibo.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT
Before calling you must make sure the appropriate IBO is bound
Complete the trapezoid program
▪ Need to do the last TODO about drawing
▪ Make sure you use the correct function call(s) and correct arguments
Once complete the output should be correct
What happens if you give the wrong count?
What happens if you call the wrong function?
Can you rewrite it to use the other function?
The init() function is getting quite long ▪ It should be cleaned up, broken into a few
separate functions
Additionally, we should get rid of a few global
Each object (using its own buffers) will require buffer binding and attribute associating/enabling repeated
▪ Becomes longer for each attribute we have
▪ Eventually 4+ attributes, that’s 12 lines for each object!
Besides annoying to maintain, it takes time ▪ And it happens every render cycle
Solution: Vertex Array Objects (VAOs)
▪ While bound, VAOs record changes made by bindBuffer(), vertexAttribPointer(), and enableVertexAttribArray()
▪ When re-bound later, restores the recorded global state ▪ Mostly,onforusewithdraw*()functions
In init():
trapezoidVAO = gl.createVertexArray(); gl.bindVertexArray(trapezoidVAO);
// create, bind, and copy data to buffer // enable and associate attributes gl.bindVertexArray(null);
Need to save VAO “globally” but no longer need to save buffers globally
In render(): gl.bindVertexArray(trapezoidVAO); gl.draw*(…); gl.bindVertexArray(null);
Modify the trapezoid-vao code to use a VAO
So far, we have only had one vertex attribute: the position (aPosition)
▪ Another common attribute is color
Assuming shaders are already setup to use it,
what JavaScript code do we need to add/modify to use an additional attribute?
So far, we have only had one vertex attribute: the position (aPosition)
▪ Another common attribute is color
Assuming shaders are already setup to use it, what
JavaScript code do we need to add/modify to use an additional attribute?
▪ Get the attribute location
▪ Create the JS array
▪ Load the JS array into a VBO
▪ Associate the VBO with the attribute while using the VAO ▪ No difference during rendering
Sierpinski’s Triangle is a fractal that can be created recursively:
▪ Start with a triangle
▪ Create three triangles using the midpoints of each side of
the original triangle
▪ Repeat the last step for each of the new triangles
The real fractal would repeat this forever but we want
to repeat this only a certain number of times
▪ In the last repetition we actually save the triangle to the list of vertices
Complete the TODOs in sierpinski
Step 1: Compute midpoint of each side
Step 2: Recursively call with the 3 new triangles
Hint: Makes 3𝑛𝑢𝑚_𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 triangles ca
Approach: Build colors in a loop, adding each complete set during each iteration
WebGL only deals with triangles which makes it efficient since they are always:
▪ Simple: edges cannot cross
▪ Convex: all points on line segments between any two
vertices are also in the polygon
▪ Flat: all vertices lie in the same plane
No other polygon always has these properties
Older versions of OpenGL assumed these rules
for other polygons and when they weren’t followed bad things happened
Rectangle: just 2 triangles
Circle: a whole bunch of triangles
Other polygons need to triangulated
▪ Converted into a bunch of triangles
▪ Not just any set of triangles will do
▪ Long and thin triangles render poorly
▪ Equilateral triangles render well
▪ Overall we want to maximize the minimum angle ▪ DelaunayTriangulation
There are several ways to draw a square In “2-Rendering/rectangle-basic” create a
rectangle as 2 triangles using 6 vertices
▪ Use drawArrays() and thus no IBO
▪ Try to make it not touch the sides so you can see that it is definitely a square
A rectangle has 4 corners but we needed 6 vertices to show it!
This has 50% more data sent to the GPU and 50% more executions of the vertex shader
▪ In this case that is tiny, but in larger projects that could become serious
We could reduce this using IBOs but for the moment let’s explore other options
▪ We can use a different drawing mode
We can avoid vertex repetition this time by using the TRIANGLE_STRIP drawing method
This draws a series of triangles that share an edge with the previous triangle drawn
#8 #5
For 𝑛 triangles it takes 𝑛 + 2 vertices
The diagram below creates the triangles ABC,
▪ The reversed letters are unimportant for the moment
1 A
DF 34
In “2-Rendering/rectangle-strip” create a rectangle as 2 triangles using a triangle strip with 4 vertices
In render you will use: gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
Each triangle must share 2 vertices with the last triangle
▪ However we can add two duplicate points to create 2 degenerate triangles to cause a jump
Since attributes (like color) are assigned to vertices cannot easily create a series of solidly colored triangles or other shapes
We can also avoid vertex repetition this time by using the TRIANGLE_FAN drawing method
All triangles must share the initial vertex along with one other vertex of the previous triangle
▪ Thus sharing an edge, but a different edge than was shared with TRIANGLE_STRIP
#8 #5
For 𝑛 triangles it takes 𝑛 + 2 vertices
In the diagram below creates the triangles
DC 2
In “2-Rendering/rectangle-fan” create a rectangle as 2 triangles using a triangle fan with 4 vertices
In render you will use: gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);
Each triangle must share initial vertex and a vertex of the previous triangle
▪ However any convex polygon can be drawn as a single fan
Since attributes (like color) are assigned to vertices cannot easily create a series of solidly colored triangles or other shapes
Circles are usually defined as a center point and a radius but everything in WebGL is defined using vertices/triangles
▪ Must approximate using a high number of sides/vertices/triangles
In “2-Rendering/circle-basic” complete the circle function that takes a center vertex,
radius, number of sides, and an array of vertices that will be appended to
Each triangle will have one vertex at the center of the circle and 2 along the edge of the circle
▪ Each neighboring triangle will share the center vertex and a vertex along the edge
▪ Make sure the circle is completed by having the last triangle share a vertex with the first triangle
function circle(c,r,n,verts)
How many sides before it looks like a circle?
let theta = 2*Math.PI/n;
let a = vec2(c[0]+r, c[1]); for (let i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
let b = vec2( c[0]+Math.cos(i*theta)*r, c[1]+Math.sin(i*theta)*r);
verts.push(c, a, b);
a = b; }
To draw a circle approximated with 𝑛 sides we needed 3𝑛 vertices!
▪ That is 200% more than we should be using!
To reduce the number of vertices would you
choose to draw a circle with a triangle strip or
triangle fan? Why?
Implement it in “2-Rendering/circle-better”
▪ Is it easier or harder than the implementation with redundant vertices?
▪ Are there any redundant vertices left?
User interaction through webpage causes JS events to “fire” Examples of events:
▪ load – page has finished loading (we use this now) ▪ click – mouse is clicked
▪ mousedown/up – mouse is pressed/released
▪ mousemove – mouse is moved
▪ wheel – mouse wheel is rotated
▪ keypress – keyboard key is pressed (down and up)
▪ resize – when the webpage changes size
▪ change – when an input (e.g. drop-down or textbox) changes value
▪ And many more...
When an event fires it calls a function you specify:
▪ When called, this refers to the element with the event registered ▪ First parameter is an Event object with details about the event
elem.addEventListener('event', func);
▪ elem – HTML element that may have the event occur (e.g. the
In the circle-resize example listen for click events on the canvas element (line 29), calling the onClick function (defined at the end)
In the onClick function, log out to the console the x and y positions of the click (relative to the canvas), the width and height of the canvas, and the event object e
▪ Ignore the other TODOs for now
▪ Play around with clicking in various spots in and out of
the canvas
▪ What coordinate system are the x and y values in within the click handler?
In the click handler, complete the next TODO: convert the x and y values to clip coordinates
▪ Log them out and confirm that you are getting the right values Once you are done with that go onto the next TODO:
computing the new radius
▪ What values should you get near the middle? Near the left/right/top/bottom edges? Near the corners?
▪ Log it out and confirm
Working ahead? Complete TODOs in initBuffers,
render, and circle
▪ Don’t do the last 3 in onClick though
Sometimes we need to get information about the current bound buffers
▪ Can be used to avoid passing buffers as arguments or to automatically figure out how many elements are to be drawn
▪ Get currently bound buffer
▪ Can be used to avoid passing buffer as argument
▪ Also used to get other WebGL parameters, such as gl.VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING or gl.VERSION
gl.getBufferParameter(target, param)
▪ Gets a parameter of the currently bound buffer type
▪ target is which currently bound buffer:
▪ param says which parameter to get, most useful:
▪ gl.BUFFER_SIZE gets the number of bytes in the buffer
How to get the number of vertices?
▪ Hint: can get the number of bytes a certain type takes: ▪ Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT(VAO)
TODO: update render() to use getBufferParameter() instead of NUM_SIDES to determine number of vertices to draw
▪ Will also need to make a minor update in initBuffers()
We won’t always have all data we need at beginning ▪ For example, generated from user input
During init, we can call gl.bufferData() with a size instead of an array to reserve space
▪ Also specify usage as gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW (i.e. changing) instead of static (i.e. staying the same)
Later you need to use gl.bufferSubData() (after binding) to update data in the buffer
▪ You can update all data in the buffer, a single vertex, or add more vertices (if there is reserved space)
gl.bufferSubData(target, offset, data) ▪ Copies data into target (i.e. gl.ARRAY_BUFFER), starting
at the provided byte offset
Example: (I use F32A instead of Float32Array)
▪ Copy 1,2,3 to the beginning: gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0,
F32A.from([1, 2, 3]));
▪ After that put in 4,5,6:
offset = 3*F32A.BYTES_PER_ELEMENTS; gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, offset,
F32A.from([5, 6, 7]));
TODO: Update the final 3 TODOs in onClick