程序代写代做代考 For this homework you will be creating scripts in SciLab. You will need to turn in the SciLab files you create to Moodle for credit. Be sure to include a line of text indicating what is being output and the units before displaying the value like we did in the ICA. Also include comments in your files to include your name, the description of what the file does, and any units in your calculations.

For this homework you will be creating scripts in SciLab. You will need to turn in the SciLab files you create to Moodle for credit. Be sure to include a line of text indicating what is being output and the units before displaying the value like we did in the ICA. Also include comments in your files to include your name, the description of what the file does, and any units in your calculations.

• Write a Scilab script named HW6_Prob_01.sce, that will calculate the following:
• Take in two vectors (A and B) of size 1×3 and calculate the resultant vector from the X, Y and Z coordinates of the two vectors
• Have the user input the force vector A in the format of [X, Y, Z] in units of Newtons.
• Have the user input the force vector B in the format of [X, Y, Z] in units of Newtons.
• Calculate the resultant force vector by adding the vectors A & B
• Output the resultant force vector in units of Newtons.
• Calculate the magnitude of the resultant vector using the equation below:
• F = [X, Y, Z]
• Output the magnitude of the resultant force vector in units of Newtons.

• Write a Scilab script named HW6_Prob_02.sce, that will calculate the following:
• Suppose you know the lengths and the angle (in degrees) between two adjacent sides of a triangle, as shown in the drawing below. You can find the area of the triangle using the following relationship: TriArea = ½ * a * b * sin(x)

• Have the user input a one-dimensional matrix in the form of [a, b, angle x] in units of feet.
• Calculate the area of the triangle (Use the correct Scilab function for this).
• Display the area of the triangle in units of square feet.

• Write a Scilab script named HW6_Prob_03.sce, that will calculate the following:
• A barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure and is filled with a high-density fluid. In the past, mercury was used, but because of its toxic properties it has been replaced with a variety of other fluids.
• The pressure is calculated using the equation:
• Find the height to which the liquid column will rise for pressures from 0 to 100 kPa in increments of 1kPa for two different barometers. Assume that the first uses mercury, with a density of 13,560 kg/m3 and the second uses water, with a density of 1000 kg/m3. The acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s2. Use the meshgrid() function for your calculations. Your answer should be a two-dimensional matrix.

• Write a Scilab script named HW6_Prob_04.sce, that will calculate the following:
• Create the following matrices, and use them in the exercises that follow:

• Create a matrix called d from the third column of matrix a.
• Combine matrix b and matrix d to create matrix e, a two-dimensional matrix with three rows and two columns. Display matrix e.
• Combine matrix b and matrix d to create matrix f, a one-dimensional matrix with six rows and one column. Display matrix f.
• Create a matrix g from matrix a and the first three elements of matrix c, with four rows and three columns. Display matrix g
• Create a matrix h with the first element equal to row 1, col 3 of a, the second element equal to row 1, col 2 of c, and the third element equal to row 2, col 1 of b. Display matrix h.