程序代写代做代考 data structure University of Newcastle

University of Newcastle
Discipline of Computing and Information Technology Semester 2, 2020 – SENG1120
Assignment 3
Due using the Blackboard Assignment submission facility: 11:59PM – Sunday November 15th, 2020
NOTE: The important information about submission and code specifics at the end of this assignment specification.
In lectures, we have discussed the benefits of using binary search trees and hash tables to store information. In this assignment you will implement both and compare their performances in terms of speed of access.
You are required to create a binary search tree and a hash table data structures to store strings that will function with the supplied TreeHashTableDemo.cpp and makefile. Both structures should have functions to add and remove elements, plus two overloaded operators: += and <<. The classes MUST be implemented as class templates. As per the supplied makefile, the binary search tree class must be called BSTree and will use as nodes instances of BTNode. The hash table class must be named HTable. You will be provided with TreeHashTableDemo.cpp and makefile, and your classes need to interface with it. The binary search tree contents must be printed using an inorder traversal. The hash table class must store the numbers in an array of size 150, and the contents can be printed from position 0 to n-1, but only for those positions that contain a valid entry. The hash function used must sum up the ASCII values of each character in the string and return the result of that sum mod (%) 150: int hashfun(string value) { int addResult = 0; // put you code here to add up the ASCII codes of all // characters in the parameter value and store in the // integer variable addResult return addResult % 150; } Your Hash Table does not need to consider collisions; data that collides with existing data will simply replace that data. BONUS TASK You may notice that there is a collision in the Hash Table; if you wish to correct this so that all data input is stored, you will have to implement a Hash Table with Buckets. Your HTable class will retain exactly the same functionality and use the same Hash Function; however your array will now be an array of the templated LinkedList you wrote for Assignment 2 (with small modifications for output). Data will be stored in your Buckets in the order it is added to the Hash Table, and retrieved in the same order. When you output your Hash Table, you are required to use the LinkedList output operator (<<). This bonus task is worth 1.5 extra marks towards the result of this assignment. SUBMISSION Make sure your code works with the files supplied, and DO NOT change them. For marking, we will add the main file to the project and compile it using the makefile, together with your own files. If it does not compile or run, your mark will be zero. Your submission should be made using the Assignments section of the course Blackboard site. Incorrectly submitted assignments will not be marked. You should provide all your files. Also, if necessary, provide a readme.txt file containing any instructions for the marker. Each program file should have a proper header section including your name, course and student number, and your code should be properly documented. Remember that your code should compile and run correctly using Cygwin. There should be no segmentation faults or memory leaks during or after the execution of the program. c9876543_buckets.zip c9876543.zip Submit by clicking in the link that will be created in the Assignments section on Blackboard. Late submissions are subject to the rules specified in the Course Outline. Finally, a completed Assignment Cover Sheet should accompany your submission. This assignment is worth 15 marks of your final result for the course. Compress all your files into a single .zip file, using your student number as the filename, and appending ‘_buckets’ if you have attempted the bonus section. For example, if your student number is c9876543 and you have implemented Buckets, you would name your submission: The same student who has NOT attempted the Buckets task would simply name their submission: CES236-7DXQJX2+Alex@CES236-7DXQJX2 /home $ make clean rm -rf *.o core CES236-7DXQJX2+Alex@CES236-7DXQJX2 /home $ make g++ -c -Wall -c TreeHashTableDemo.cpp g++ TreeHashTableDemo.o BTNode.h BSTree.h HTable.h -o assignment3 CES236-7DXQJX2+Alex@CES236-7DXQJX2 /home $ ./assignment3.exe ================== BINARY SEARCH TREE Initial tree: Adam Alex Bianca Bill Claudia Daniel David Fred Hugh Ingrid John Kate Mary Michelle Miranda Nadia Oliver Pamela Patricia Peter Phil Rick Sandy Steve Sylvia Tim Tom Travis Final tree : Adam Alex Bianca Bill Claudia Daniel David Fred Hugh Ingrid John Kate Mary Michelle Miranda Nadia Oliver Pamela Patricia Peter Phil Rick Sandy Steve Sylvia Tim Tom Travis Time elapsed: 3.985 seconds Time per ins/del operation: 0.468824 milliseconds. ================== HASH TABLE Initial hash table: Tom Ingrid Oliver Nadia Sylvia Travis David Michelle Sandy Peter Patricia Steve Adam Fred Bill Kate Claudia Rick Alex Hugh Phil John Miranda Mary Bianca Daniel Pamela Tim Final hash table : Tom Ingrid Oliver Nadia Sylvia Travis David Michelle Sandy Peter Patricia Steve Adam Fred Bill Kate Claudia Rick Alex Hugh Phil John Miranda Mary Bianca Daniel Pamela Tim Time elapsed: 2.14 seconds Time per ins/del operation: 0.251765 milliseconds. The program has finished. CES236-7DXQJX2+Alex@CES236-7DXQJX2 /home $ Obs: the computational time for each data structure will depend on the computer, but it is expected that the hash table will be faster than the binary search tree. Alex and Dan – v1.11 (2020-11-03) Changes from previous version have been Highlighted (v1.10) or Highlighted (v1.11)