程序代写 BU.450.760 Codebook C4.1 – Personalization experiment Prof.

BU.450.760 Codebook C4.1 – Personalization experiment Prof.
Personalization experiment 1 data codebook
Replication materials (experiment 1) for:
See https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/10.1287/mksc.2017.1066

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Data Set Information:
The data comes from an email personalization experiment run by an (anonymous) company. The company sells online and offline training programs for preparation of standard tests like the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and the Certified Public Accountant (CPA). The company’s main target market comprises working professionals looking to improve their skills by taking certification tests. Their products are expensive; they are priced in the order of $1,000.
A total of 68,088 email IDs were randomized into the following two conditions:
• Control group. Recipients in this group were sent emails in the typical format used by the
company. The names of the recipients were not mentioned in the subject line.
• Treatment group. Recipients were sent emails with their names added to the subject line. Specifically, the name was appended to the beginning of the subject. For example, suppose the subject line in a control email to a person named was “Learn Financial Modeling from Industry Experts.” Then the subject line for the corresponding treatment
group was “Jack, Learn Financial Modeling from Industry Experts.”
The only difference between the emails received by the treatment and control group was that the subject line mentioned the recipient’s name in the treatment group but not the control group. The rest of the marketing campaign, the number of emails, and other content remained exactly the same.
Attribute Information:
Condition: =1 if treatment group, =0 if control group
Open01: =1 if email opened, =0 otherwise
Lead01: =1 if lead generated, =0 otherwise
Unsub01: =1 if receiver unsubscribed from listserv, =0 otherwise Areacode: indicator of user’s area
Datecode: indicator of the date email was sent—slightly edited for pedagogical reasons Coursecode: indicator of the promoted course (product)—slightly edited for pedagogical reasons Age: receiver’s imputed age—added for pedagogical reasons
Sahni, N. S., Wheeler, S. C., & Chintagunta, P. (2018). Personalization in email marketing: The
role of noninformative advertising content. Marketing Science, 37(2), 236-258.

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