程序代写代做代考 algorithm C Lambda Calculus data structure ocaml OCaml Datatypes

OCaml Datatypes
CSI 3120
Amy Felty University of Ottawa
slides copyright 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Author David Walker, updated by Amy Felty permission granted to reuse these slides for non-commercial educational purposes

OCaml So Far
• We have seen a number of basic types: – int
– float – char
– string – bool
• We have seen a few structured types: – pairs
– tuples – options – lists
• In this lecture, we will see some more general ways to define our own new types and data structures

Type Abbreviations
• We have already seen some type abbreviations:
type point = float * float

Type Abbreviations
• We have already seen some type abbreviations:
type point = float * float
• These abbreviations can be helpful documentation:
let distance (p1:point) (p2:point) : float = let square x = x *. x in
let (x1,y1) = p1 in
let (x2,y2) = p2 in
sqrt (square (x2 -. x1) +. square (y2 -. y1))
• But they add nothing of substance to the language – they are equal in every way to an existing type

Type Abbreviations
• We have already seen some type abbreviations:
type point = float * float
• As far as OCaml is concerned, you could have written:
• Since the types are equal, you can substitute the definition for the name wherever you want
let distance (p1:float*float) (p2:float*float) : float =
let square x = x *. x in
let (x1,y1) = p1 in
let (x2,y2) = p2 in
sqrt (square (x2 -. x1) +. square (y2 -. y1))
– we have not added any new data structures


Data types
• OCaml provides a general mechanism called a data type for defining new data structures that consist of many alternatives
type my_bool = Tru | Fal
a value with type my_bool is one of two things:
• Tru, or
• Fal
read the “|” as “or”

Data types
• OCaml provides a general mechanism called a data type for defining new data structures that consist of many alternatives
type my_bool = Tru | Fal
a value with type my_bool is one of two things:
• Tru, or
• Fal
Tru and Fal are called “constructors”
read the “|” as “or”

Data types
• OCaml provides a general mechanism called a data type for defining new data structures that consist of many alternatives
type my_bool = Tru | Fal
type color = Blue | Yellow | Green | Red
there’s no need to stop
at 2 cases; define as many alternatives as you want

Data types
• OCaml provides a general mechanism called a data type for defining new data structures that consist of many alternatives
type my_bool = Tru | Fal
• Creating values:
type color = Blue | Yellow | Green | Red
let b1 : my_bool = Tru let b2 : my_bool = Fal let c1 : color = Yellow let c2 : color = Red
use constructors to create values

Data types
type color = Blue | Yellow | Green | Red
let c1 : color = Yellow let c2 : color = Red
• Using data type values:
let print_color (c:color) : unit = match c with
| Blue ->
| Yellow ->
| Green ->
| Red ->
use pattern matching to determine which color you have; act accordingly

• Using data type values:
Data types
type color = Blue | Yellow | Green | Red
let c1 : color = Yellow let c2 : color = Red
let print_color (c:color) : unit = match c with
| Blue -> print_string “blue”
| Yellow -> print_string “yellow” | Green -> print_string “green”
| Red -> print_string “red”

Data types
• Using data type values:
Why not just use strings to represent colors instead of defining a new type?
type color = Blue | Yellow | Green | Red
let c1 : color = Yellow let c2 : color = Red
let print_color (c:color) : unit = match c with
| Blue -> print_string “blue”
| Yellow -> print_string “yellow” | Green -> print_string “green”
| Red -> print_string “red”

Data types
type color = Blue | Yellow | Green | Red oops!:
let print_color (c:color) : unit = match c with
| Blue -> print_string “blue”
| Yellow -> print_string “yellow” | Red -> print_string “red”
Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a value that is not matched: Green

Data types
type color = Blue | Yellow | Green | Red oops!:
let print_color (c:color) : unit = match c with
| Blue -> print_string “blue”
| Yellow -> print_string “yellow” | Red -> print_string “red”
Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a value that is not matched: Green
OCaml’s datatype mechanism allow you to create types that contain precisely the values you want!

Data Types Can Carry Additional Values
• Data types are more than just enumerations of constants:
• Read as: a simple_shape is either:
– a Circle, which contains a pair of a point and float, or – a Square, which contains a pair of a point and float
type point = float * float
type simple_shape = Circle of point * float
| Square of point * float

Data Types Can Carry Additional Values • Data types are more than just enumerations of constants:
type point = float * float
type simple_shape = Circle of point * float
| Square of point * float
let origin : point = (0.0, 0.0)
let circ1 : simple_shape = Circle (origin, 1.0)
let circ2 : simple_shape = Circle ((1.0, 1.0), 5.0) let square : simple_shape = Square (origin, 2.3)

Data Types Can Carry Additional Values • Data types are more than just enumerations of constants:
type point = float * float
type simple_shape = Circle of point * float
| Square of point * float
let simple_area (s:simple_shape) : float =
match s with
| Circle (_, radius) -> 3.14 *. radius *. radius | Square (_, side) -> side *. side

• Data types are more than just enumerations of constants:
type point = float * float
type simple_shape = Circle of point * float
| Square of point * float
let simple_area (s:simple_shape) : float =
match s with
| Circle (_, radius) -> 3.14 *. radius *. radius | Square (_, side) -> side *. side
type my_shape = point * float
let simple_area (s:my_shape) : float =
(3.14 *. radius *. radius) ?? or ?? (side *. side)

More General Shapes
type point = float * float
type shape =
Square of float
| Ellipse of float * float
| RtTriangle of float * float
| Polygon of point list
Square s =
s RtTriangle (s1, s2) = s1
Ellipse (r1, r2) =
r2 Polygon [v1; …;v5] =
v2 v1
v3 v4

More General Shapes
type point = float * float
type radius = float
type side = float
type shape =
Square of side
| Ellipse of radius * radius
| RtTriangle of side * side
| Polygon of point list
Type abbreviations can aid readability
Square s =
s RtTriangle (s1, s2) = s1
Ellipse (r1, r2) =
r2 RtTriangle [v1; …;v5] =
v2 v1
v3 v4

More General Shapes
type point = float * float
type radius = float
type side = float
type shape =
Square of side
| Ellipse of radius * radius
| RtTriangle of side * side
| Polygon of point list
Square builds a shape from a single side
Ellipse builds a shape from a pair of radiuses
RtTriangle builds a shape from a pair of sides
let sq : shape = Square 17.0
let ell : shape = Ellipse (1.0, 2.0)
let rt : shape = RtTriangle (1.0, 1.0)
let poly : shape = Polygon [(0., 0.); (1., 0.); (0.; 1.)]
they are all shapes; they are constructed in
different ways
Polygon builds a shape
from a list of points
(where each point is itself a pair)

More General Shapes
type point = float * float
type radius = float
type side = float
type shape =
Square of side
| Ellipse of radius * radius
| RtTriangle of side * side
| Polygon of point list
a data type also defines a pattern for matching
let area (s : shape) : float =
match s with
| Square s ->
| Ellipse (r1, r2)->
| RtTriangle (s1, s2) ->
| Polygon ps ->

More General Shapes
type point = float * float
type radius = float
type side = float
type shape =
Square of side
| Ellipse of radius * radius
| RtTriangle of side * side
| Polygon of point list
a data type also defines a pattern for matching
let area (s : shape) : float =
match s with
| Square s ->
| Ellipse (r1, r2)->
| RtTriangle (s1, s2) ->
| Polygon ps ->
Square carries a value with type float so s is
a pattern for float values
RtTriangle carries a value with type float * float
so (s1, s2) is a pattern for that type

More General Shapes
type point = float * float
type radius = float
type side = float
type shape =
Square of side
| Ellipse of radius * radius
| RtTriangle of side * side
| Polygon of point list
a data type also defines a pattern for matching
let area (s : shape) : float =
match s with
| Square s -> s *. s
| Ellipse (r1, r2) -> pi *. r1 *. r2
| RtTriangle (s1, s2) -> s1 *. s2 /. 2.
| Polygon ps -> ???

Computing Area
• How do we compute polygon area?
• For convex polygons:
– Case: the polygon has fewer than 3 points:
• ithas0area! (itisalineorapointornothingatall)
– Case: the polygon has 3 or more points:
• Compute the area of the triangle formed by the first 3 vertices • Delete the second vertex to form a new polygon
• Sum the area of the triangle and the new polygon
v2 v1

Computing Area
• How do we compute polygon area?
• For convex polygons:
– Case: the polygon has fewer than 3 points:
• ithas0area! (itisalineorapointornothingatall)
– Case: the polygon has 3 or more points:
• Compute the area of the triangle formed by the first 3 vertices • Delete the second vertex to form a new polygon
• Sum the area of the triangle and the new polygon
• Note: This is a beautiful inductive algorithm:
– the area of a polygon with n points is computed in terms of a
smaller polygon with only n-1 points! v2
v1 v5

Computing Area
let area (s : shape) : float =
match s with
| Square s -> s *. s
| Ellipse (r1, r2) -> r1 *. r2
| RtTriangle (s1, s2) -> s1 *. s2 /. 2.
| Polygon ps -> poly_area ps
let rec poly_area (ps : point list) : float =
match ps with
| p1 :: p2 :: p3 :: tail ->
tri_area p1 p2 p3 +. poly_area (p1::p3::tail)
| _ -> 0.
v2 v1
This pattern says the list has at least 3 items

Computing Area
let tri_area (p1:point) (p2:point) (p3:point) : float =
let a = distance p1 p2 in
let b = distance p2 p3 in
let c = distance p3 p1 in
let s = 0.5 *. (a +. b +. c) in
sqrt (s *. (s -. a) *. (s -. b) *. (s -. c))
let rec poly_area (ps : point list) : float =
match ps with
| p1 :: p2 :: p3 :: tail ->
tri_area p1 p2 p3 +. poly_area (p1::p3::tail)
| _ -> 0.
let area (s : shape) : float =
match s with
| Square s -> s *. s
| Ellipse (r1, r2)-> pi *. r1 *. r2
| RtTriangle (s1, s2) -> s1 *. s2 /. 2.
| Polygon ps -> poly_area ps


Inductive data types
• We can use data types to define inductive data
• A binary tree is:
– a Leaf containing no data
– a Node containing a key, a value, a left subtree and a right subtree

Inductive data types
• We can use data types to define inductive data
• A binary tree is:
– a Leaf containing no data
– a Node containing a key, a value, a left subtree and a right subtree
type key = int
type value = string
type tree =
| Node of key * value * tree * tree

Inductive data types
type key = int
type value = string
type tree =
| Node of key * value * tree * tree
let rec insert (t:tree) (k:key) (v:value) : tree =

Inductive data types
type key = int
type value = string
type tree =
| Node of key * value * tree * tree
let rec insert (t:tree) (k:key) (v:value) : tree = match t with
| Leaf ->
| Node (k’, v’, left, right) ->
Again, the type definition specifies the cases you must consider

Inductive data types
type key = int
type value = string
type tree =
| Node of key * value * tree * tree
let rec insert (t:tree) (k:key) (v:value) : tree = match t with
| Leaf -> Node (k, v, Leaf, Leaf)
| Node (k’, v’, left, right) ->

Inductive data types
type key = int
type value = string
type tree =
| Node of key * value * tree * tree
let rec insert (t:tree) (k:key) (v:value) : tree = match t with
| Leaf -> Node (k, v, Leaf, Leaf)
| Node (k’, v’, left, right) ->
if k < k' then Node (k', v', insert left k v, right) else if k > k’ then
Node (k’, v’, left, insert right k v)
Node (k, v, left, right)

Inductive data types
type key = int
type value = string
type tree =
| Node of key * value * tree * tree
let rec insert (t:tree) (k:key) (v:value) : tree = match t with
| Leaf -> Node (k, v, Leaf, Leaf)
| Node (k’, v’, left, right) ->
if k < k' then Node (k', v', insert left k v, right) else if k > k’ then
Node (k’, v’, left, insert right k v)
Node (k, v, left, right)

Inductive data types
type key = int
type value = string
type tree =
| Node of key * value * tree * tree
let rec insert (t:tree) (k:key) (v:value) : tree = match t with
| Leaf -> Node (k, v, Leaf, Leaf)
| Node (k’, v’, left, right) ->
if k < k' then Node (k', v', insert left k v, right) else if k > k’ then
Node (k’, v’, left, insert right k v)
Node (k, v, left, right)

Inductive data types: Another Example
• We can use the type “int” to represent natural numbers
– but that is kind of broken: it also contains negative numbers – we have to use a dynamic test and a default value:
let double (n : int) : int =
if n < 0 then 0 else double_nat n 40 Inductive data types: Another Example • We can use the type "int" to represent natural numbers – but that is kind of broken: it also contains negative numbers – we have to use a dynamic test and a default value: – or raise an exception – it would be nice if there was a way to define the natural numbers exactly, and use OCaml's type system to guarantee no client ever attempts to double a negative number let double (n : int) : int = if n < 0 then raise (Failure "negative input!") else double_nat n 41 Inductive data types • Recall, a natural number n is either: – zero, or –m+1 • We use a data type to represent this definition exactly: 42 Inductive data types • Recall, a natural number n is either: – zero, or –m+1 • We use a data type to represent this definition exactly: type nat = Zero | Succ of nat Inductive data types • Recall, a natural number n is either: – zero, or –m+1 • We use a data type to represent this definition exactly: 43 type nat = Zero | Succ of nat let rec nat_to_int (n : nat) : int = match n with Zero -> 0
| Succ n -> 1 + nat_to_int n

Inductive data types
• Recall, a natural number n is either: – zero, or
• We use a data type to represent this definition exactly:
type nat = Zero | Succ of nat
let rec nat_to_int (n : nat) : int = match n with
Zero -> 0
| Succ n -> 1 + nat_to_int n
let rec double_nat (n : nat) : nat = match n with
| Zero -> Zero
| Succ m -> Succ (Succ (double_nat m))

• OCaml data types: a powerful mechanism for defining complex data structures:
– They are precise
• contain exactly the elements you want, not more elements
– They are general
• recursive, non-recursive (mutually recursive and polymorphic)
– The type checker helps you detect errors • missing cases in your functions


General form:
definition: definition:
type (‘key, ‘val) tree =
| Node of ‘key * ‘val * (‘key, ‘val) tree * (‘key, ‘val) tree
type ‘a inttree = (int, ‘a) tree
type istree = string inttree
Note: istree is an abbreviation for (int,string) tree
A more conventional notation would have been (but is not ML):
type ‘x f = body
use: use:
type f x = body
arg f
f arg

Take-home Message
• Think of parameterized types like functions: – a function that take a type as an argument – produces a type as a result
• Theoretical basis:
– System F-omega
– a typed lambda calculus with general type-level functions as well as value-level functions