程序代写代做代考 algorithm go ocaml C flex data structure Modules

and Abstract Data Types
CSI 3120
Amy Felty University of Ottawa
slides copyright 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Author David Walker, updated by Amy Felty permission granted to reuse these slides for non-commercial educational purposes

The Reality of Development
We rarely know the right algorithms or the right data structures when we start a design project.
– When implementing a search engine, what data structures and algorithms should you use to build the index? To build the query evaluator?
Reality is that we often have to go back and change our code, once we’ve built a prototype.
– Often, we don’t even know what the user wants (requirements) until they see a prototype.
– Often, we don’t know where the performance problems are until we can run the software on realistic test cases.
– Sometimes we just want to change the design — come up with simpler algorithms, architecture later in the design process

Engineering for Change
Given that we know the software will change, how can we write the code so that doing the changes will be easier?
The primary trick: use data and algorithm abstraction.
– Don’t code in terms of concrete representations that the
language provides.
– Do code with high-level abstractions in mind that fit the problem domain.
– Implement the abstractions using a well-defined interface.
– Swap in different implementations for the abstractions.
– Parallelize the development process.

Abstract Data Types
Barbara Liskov Assistant Professor, MIT 1973
Invented CLU language that enforced data abstraction
Barbara Liskov
Professor, MIT Turing Award 2008
“For contributions to practical and theoretical foundations of programming language and
system design, especially related to data abstraction, fault tolerance,
and distributed computing.”

Language-enforced Abstraction
Rule of thumb: Use the language to enforce an abstraction. – Murphy’s law for unenforced data abstraction:
• What is not enforced, will be broken at some point, by a client
– This is what module systems are for!
• reveal little information about how something is implemented • provide maximum flexibility for change moving forward.
• pays off down the line
– Like all design rules, break it when necessary
• recognize when a barrier is causing more trouble than it’s worth
– ML has a particularly great module system

Building Abstract Types in OCaml Use OCaml modules to build new abstract data types!
– signature: an interface.
• specifies the abstract type(s) without specifying their implementation • specifies the set of operations on the abstract types
– structure: an implementation.
• a collection of type and value definitions
• notion of an implementation matching or satisfying an interface
– gives rise to a notion of sub-typing
– functor: a parameterized module
• really, a function from modules to modules • allows us to factor out and re-use modules

Simple Modules
OCaml Convention:
– file Name.ml is a structure implementing a module named Name – file Name.mli is a signature for the module named Name
• if there is no file Name.mli, OCaml infers the default signature – Other modules, like ClientA or ClientB can:
• use dot notation to refer to contents of Name. eg: Name.val • open Name: get access to all elements of Name
– opening a module puts lots of names in your namespace Open modules with discretion!
Signature Structure
Name.mli Name.ml ClientA.ml
… …
Name.x open Name … … x …

At first glance: OCaml modules = C modules?
C has:
– .h files (signatures) similar to .mli files? – .c files (structures) similar to .ml files?
But ML also has:
– tighter control over type abstraction
• define abstract, transparent or translucent types in signatures
– i.e., give none, all or some of the type information to clients
– more structure
• modules can be defined within modules
• i.e., signatures and structures can be defined inside files
– more reuse
• multiple modules can satisfy the same interface
• the same module can satisfy multiple interfaces
• modules take other modules as arguments (functors)
– fancy features: dynamic, first class modules!

At first glance: OCaml modules = C modules?
C has:
– .h files (signatures) similar to .mli files? – .c files (structures) similar to .ml files?
But ML also has:
– tighter control over type abstraction
• define abstract, transparent or translucent types in signatures
– i.e., give none, all or some of the type information to clients
– more structure
• modules can be defined within modules
• i.e., signatures and structures can be defined inside files
– more reuse
• multiple modules can satisfy the same interface
• the same module can satisfy multiple interfaces
• modules take other modules as arguments (functors)
– fancy features: dynamic, first class modules!
ML = Winning!

Example Signature
module type INT_STACK = sig
type t
val empty : unit -> t valpush :int->t->t val is_empty : t -> bool val pop : t -> t
val top : t -> int option

Example Signature
module type INT_STACK =
convention: when the module is
sig about 1 data type,
type t
val empty : unit -> t valpush :int->t->t val is_empty : t -> bool val pop : t -> t
val top : t -> int option
use t as the name of the type.
clients refer to

Example Signature
module type INT_STACK = sig
type t
val empty : unit -> t valpush :int->t->t val is_empty : t -> bool val pop : t -> t
val top : t -> int option
empty and push are abstract constructors: functions that build our abstract type.

Example Signature
module type INT_STACK = sig
type t
val empty : unit -> t
valpush :int->t->t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val pop : t -> t
val top : t -> int option is_empty is an
observer – useful for determining properties of the ADT.

Example Signature
module type INT_STACK = sig
type t
val empty : unit -> t valpush :int->t->t val is_empty : t -> bool val pop : t -> t
val top : t -> int option
pop is sometimes called a mutator (though it doesn’t really change the input)

Example Signature
module type INT_STACK = sig
type t
val empty : unit -> t valpush :int->t->t val is_empty : t -> bool val pop : t -> t
val top : t -> int option
top is also an observer, in this functional setting since it doesn’t change the stack.

Put comments in your signature!
module type INT_STACK = sig
type t
(* create an empty stack *) val empty : unit -> t
(* push an element on the top of the stack *)
valpush :int->t->t
(* returns true iff the stack is empty *)
val is_empty : t -> bool
(* pops top element off the stack;
returns empty stack if the stack is empty *)
val pop : t -> t
(* returns the top element of the stack; returns
None if the stack is empty *)
val top : t -> int option end

Signature Comments
• Signature comments are for clients of the module
– explain what each function should do
• how it manipulates abstract values (stacks)
– not how it manipulates concrete values
– don’t reveal implementation details that should be hidden
behind the abstraction
• Don’t copy signature comments into your structures
– your comments will get out of date in one place or the other – an extension of the general rule: don’t copy code
• Place implementation comments inside your structure
– comments about implementation invariants hidden from client – comments about helper functions

Example Structure
module ListIntStack : INT_STACK = struct
type t = int list
let empty () : t = []
let push (i:int) (s:t) : t = i::s let is_empty (s:t) =
match s with
| [] -> true
| _::_ -> false
let pop (s:t) : t = match s with
| [] -> []
| _::tl -> tl
let top (s:t) : int option =
match s with
| [] -> None
| h::_ -> Some h

Example Structure
module ListIntStack : INT_STACK = struct
type t = int list
let empty () : t = []
let push (i:int) (s:t) : t = i::s let is_empty (s:t) =
match s with
| [] -> true
| _::_ -> false
let pop (s:t) : t = match s with
| [] -> []
| _::tl -> tl
let top (s:t) : int option =
match s with
| [] -> None
| h::_ -> Some h
Inside the module, we know the concrete type used to implement the abstract type.

Example Structure
module ListIntStack : INT_STACK = struct
type t = int list
let empty () : t = []
let push (i:int) (s:t) : t = i::s let is_empty (s:t) =
match s with
| [] -> true
| _::_ -> false
let pop (s:t) : t = match s with
| [] -> []
| _::tl -> tl
let top (s:t) : int option =
match s with
| [] -> None
| h::_ -> Some h
But by giving the module the INT_STACK interface, which does not reveal how stacks are being represented, we prevent code outside the module from knowing stacks are lists.

An Example Client
module ListIntStack : INT_STACK = struct
… end
let s0 = let s1 = let s2 = let i =
ListIntStack.empty () ListIntStack.push 3 s0 ListIntStack.push 4 s1 ListIntStack.top s2

An Example Client
module ListIntStack : INT_STACK = struct
… end
let s0 = let s1 = let s2 = let i =
ListIntStack.empty () ListIntStack.push 3 s0 ListIntStack.push 4 s1 ListIntStack.top s2
s0 : ListIntStack.t
s1 : ListIntStack.t
s2 : ListIntStack.t

An Example Client
module ListIntStack : INT_STACK = struct
… end
let s0 = let s1 = let s2 = let i =
ListIntStack.empty () ListIntStack.push 3 s0 ListIntStack.push 4 s1 ListIntStack.top s2
(* i : int option = Some 4 *)

An Example Client
module ListIntStack : INT_STACK = struct
… end
let s0 = let s1 = let s2 = let i =
let j =
ListIntStack.empty () ListIntStack.push 3 s0 ListIntStack.push 4 s1 ListIntStack.top s2
(* i : int option = Some 4 *)
ListIntStack.top (ListIntStack.pop s2)
(* j : int option = Some 3 *)

An Example Client
module ListIntStack : INT_STACK = struct
… end
let s0 = let s1 = let s2 = let i =
let j =
open ListIntStack
ListIntStack.empty () ListIntStack.push 3 s0 ListIntStack.push 4 s1 ListIntStack.top s2
(* i : int option = Some 4 *)
ListIntStack.top (ListIntStack.pop s2)
(* j : int option = Some 3 *)

An Example Client
module ListIntStack : INT_STACK = struct
… end
let s0 = let s1 = let s2 = let i =
let j =
ListIntStack.empty ()
ListIntStack.push 3
ListIntStack.push 4
ListIntStack.top s2
(* i : int option =
ListIntStack.top (ListIntStack.pop s2) (* j : int option = Some 3 *)
open ListIntStack
let k = top (pop (pop s2))
(* k : int option = None *)
s0 s1
Some 4 *)

An Example Client
module type INT_STACK = sig
type t
valpush :int->t->t …
module ListIntStack : INT_STACK
let s2 = ListIntStack.push 4 s1 …
let l = List.rev s2
Notice that the client is not allowed to know that the stack is a list.
Error: This expression has type ListIntStack.t but an expression was expected of type ‘a list.

Example Structure
module ListIntStack (* : INT_STACK *) = struct
type t = int list
let empty () : t = []
let push (i:int) (s:t) = i::s let is_empty (s:t) =
match s with
| [ ] -> true
| _::_ -> false
exception EmptyStack let pop (s:t) =
match s with
| [] -> []
| _::tl -> tl
let top (s:t) = match s with
| [] -> None
| h::_ -> Some h
Note that when you are debugging, you may want to comment out the signature ascription so that you can access the contents of the module.

The Client without the Signature
module ListIntStack (* : INT_STACK *) = struct
… end
let s = ListIntStack.empty() let s1 = ListIntStack.push 3 s let s2 = ListIntStack.push 4 s1

let l = List.rev s2
(* l : int list = [3; 4] *)
If we don’t seal the module with a signature, the client can know that stacks are lists.

Example Structure
module ListIntStack : INT_STACK = struct
type t = int list
let empty () : t = []
let push (i:int) (s:t) = i::s let is_empty (s:t) =
match s with
| [ ] -> true
| _::_ -> false
exception EmptyStack let pop (s:t) =
match s with
| [] -> []
| _::tl -> tl
let top (s:t) = match s with
| [] -> None
| h::_ -> Some h
When you put the signature on here, you are restricting client access to the information in the signature (which does not reveal that stack = int list.) So clients can only use the stack operations on a stack value (not list operations.)

Example Structure
module type INT_STACK = sig
type stack …
val inspect : stack -> int list val run_unit_tests : unit -> unit
module ListIntStack : INT_STACK = struct
type stack = int list …
let inspect (s:stack) : int list = s
let run_unit_tests () : unit = … end
Another technique:
Add testing components to your signature.
Another option: we have 2 signatures, one for testing and one for the rest of the code)

Recall the Integer Stack Signature
module type INT_STACK = sig
type t
val empty : unit -> t
valpush :int->t->t val is_empty : t -> bool val pop : t -> t
val top : t -> int option

A Signature for Polymorphic Stacks
module type INT_STACK = sig
type t
val empty : unit -> t
valpush :int->t->t val is_empty : t -> bool val pop : t -> t
val top
: t -> int option
module type STACK sig
type ‘a stack
val empty : unit -> ‘a stack
val push : ‘a -> ‘a stack -> ‘a stack val is_empty : ‘a stack -> bool
val pop : ‘a stack -> ‘a stack
val top : ‘a stack -> ‘a option

One Implementation
module ListStack : STACK = struct
type ‘a stack = ‘a list
let empty() : ‘a stack = []
let push (x:’a)(s:’a stack) : ‘a stack = x::s let is_empty(s:’a stack) =
match s with
| [] -> true
| _::_ -> false
let pop (s:’a stack) : ‘a stack = match s with
| [] -> []
| _::tl -> tl
let top (s:’a stack) :’a option =
match s with
| [] -> None
| h::_ -> Some h

Wrap up and Summary
• It is often tempting to break the abstraction barrier.
– e.g., during development, you want to print out a set, so you just call a convenient function you have lying around for iterating over lists and printing them out.
• But the whole point of the barrier is to support future change in implementation.
– e.g., moving from unsorted invariant to sorted invariant. – or from lists to balanced trees.
• Many languages provide ways to leak information through the abstraction barrier.
– “good” clients should not take advantage of this.
– but they always end up doing it.
– so you end up having to support these leaks when you upgrade, else you’ll break the clients.

Key Points
OCaml’s linguistic mechanisms include:
– signatures(interfaces)
– structures(implementations)
– functors(functionsfrommodulestomodules)
We can use the module system
– providessupportforname-spaces
– hidinginformation(types,localvaluedefinitions)
– codereuse(viafunctors,reuseableinterfaces,reuseablemodules)
Information hiding allows design in terms of abstract types and algorithms. – think“sets”not“lists”or“arrays”or“trees”
– think“document”not“strings”
– thelessyoureveal,theeasieritistoreplaceanimplementation
– uselinguisticmechanismstoimplementinformationhiding
• invariantswrittendownascommentsareeasytoviolate
• usethetypecheckertoguaranteeyouhavestrongprotectionsinplace