程序代写代做代考 algorithm Java go graph C interpreter data structure Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms

Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms
Boston University
Professor Adam Smith, Dora Erdos
Programming Assignment 2
Due November 23, 2020 at 11:59 PM
November 13, 2020 CS 330 Fall 2020
In this assignment, you will implement Disjktra’s algorithm for computing shortest paths, and Kruskal’s algorithm for minimum spanning trees (including a union-find data structure).
1 (20 points) Implementing Dijktra and Kruskal (autograded on Gradescope)
The first part of the assignment is to implement the two algorithms. We have provided starter code that reads the graphs into memory and
Dijkstra’s algorithm The input is the adjacency list representation of a directed graph with a nonnegative cost on each edge, together with a a source node.
Kruskal’s algorithm The input is the adjacency list representation of an undirected graph with costs on each edge (not necessarily positive).
The details of the file format are in Appendix A below. Your grade is based on the autograder score, but we will also inspect your code to make sure you have implemented the correct algorithms (as opposed to Prim’s, for the case of MSTs). You will only receive points for implementation of the correct algorithm.
2 (15 points) Experiments with SP trees and MST’s (submitted as a PDF on Gradescope)
Suppose you need to choose a set of edges in the graph that do well with respect to two different objectives: their total weight (for which the MST is the best choice), and the length of the paths from s to all other vertices. For example, suppose we need to maintain a set of roads in the winter time. We want to choose roads that allow us to get from s (think a fire station, or other central resource) to other important points (the nodes of G). But the total cost of plowing a road (which we’ll take to be proportional to their length) should also be small.
In the second part of the assignment, you will run experiments to compare the kinds of spanning trees that arise when optimizing the two different objectives (path lengths, in the case of Dijkstra’s algorithm, and total weight, in the case of the MST). These trees can look pretty different! Figure 1 shows the edges in one particular graph. The nodes in this graph correspond to locations in the real plane (that is (x, y) pairs); the cost of an edge is the actual length of the straight line segment connecting its endpoints. We’ve included all edges below a certain length.
We will provide several undirected graphs as input. (Specifically, we will make sure that each edge appears twice, once in each orientation. You can also think of these graphs as having two

Figure 1: The top two pictures show all the edges of a graph (red) together with the edges of the MST (blue) and the edges of the shortest-paths tree (green) from a particular vertex. The bottom picture shows only the MST and shortest-paths trees.
directed edges for each edge (u, v): one from u to v and v to u. Therefore, if you write an algorithm that works on directed edges, you can still use it on an undirected graph.) Each graph will come with a special source node s, which is to be the root of the shortest paths tree.
For each graph, we will ask: how short are paths from s in the MST? What is the weight of the shortest paths tree? Specifically, let TMST be the minimum-cost spanning tree and TSP be the tree of shortest paths (from the root s we specify). Use your implementations from part 1 to compute two quantities:
• The total weight ratio: T W R = cost(TSP ) cost(TMST )
• The maximum ratio of distance. Given a tree T and two nodes u and v, let dT (u, v) be the length of the path from u to v using the edges in T . Let’s define the maximum distance ratio as how much any particular distance from s gets increased if one uses the MST paths instead
of the actual shortest path trees: MDR = max dTMST (s,u) . u̸=s dTSP (s,u)
Doing this requires processing the outputs of the two algorithms you coded up in part 1. Deciding how to go about that is part of the assignment.
Please submit a PDF providing:
1. Results: namely, the pairs (T W R, M DR) for each of the input graphs). These should be printed in a table, and depicted in a scatter plot.
2. Discussion (one or three sentences per graph): Suppose you had to choose only one of the two trees for each graph, but needed to take into account both criteria. For each graph, which tree do you think would be the better choice? Is there a clear winner or does it depend on the relative importance of the two objectives? (The answer to this question is necessarily subjective.)

3. Code: please clearly separate the code for part 1 from the code for part 2 (which may call the functions in your part 1 code).
3 Optional: Finding better trees (submitted on Gradescope), due by December 10, 2020
In this part, you will try to find “better” trees than either TMST or TSP .
Your goal is to write an algorithm that takes an undirected graph with positive edge costs,
together with a source node s, produces a tree T with as small a value as possible for the maximum of the two ratios discussed above:
TWRT = cost(T) and MDRT = max dT(s,u) cost(TMST) u̸=s dTSP (s,u)
where TMST is a minimum-weight spanning tree for G, and TSP is a tree of shortest paths from s to all other vertices in G.
You are free to design your algorithm however you like. It does not need to have any specific performance guarantee. However, you should be able to run it (on your personal computer) for the graphs from Part 2, and report the results you obtained.
You should submit:
• Results: The TWR and MDR obtained by your algorithm for each of the three graphs from Part (2).
• A description of your algorithm
• Text files describing the trees your algorithm found. (Use the same format as the files de-
scribing the graphs in part 1 and 2.)
• Working code (Python or Jave are fine), with documentation so that it is easy to run (e.g. “Execute the following command ” or something similarly specific). We should be able to run the code using standard Python or Java interpreters. (Make sure you specify version numbers.)
Remarks We are giving you very little guidance on this part of the homework, because we want you to explore the problem and try things out. You will be graded on the effectiveness of your algorithms, on the creativity of your algorithmic approach, and on the clarity with which you explain it.
The problem is optional, and will not count towards your final grade. We may use results from optional problems to decide letter grades of students on the boundary between two letter grades, and when writing letters of recommendation, if applicable.
The specific graphs we generated all correspond to distances between points in the plane. That is, there is a pair of (x, y) coordinates for each node, and when two nodes share an edge, the cost of the edge is exactly the distance between those two points in the plane. You may want to visualize edges and trees (the way we did in Figure 1) to help you think about the problem.

A Graph file information
Since we are now dealing with graphs where the edges have weights, the input format differs from the previous programming assignment. The graph files are all text files that contain m + 3 lines. The first three lines will specify the number of vertices N, the number of edges m, and the source node s from which to start Dijkstra’s algorithm. The vertices are indexed 0, 1, . . . , n − 1. Every row after the first three will specify an edge by giving the starting node, the ending node, and the weight. The weights will all be integers. You may assume that there is a path from s to every node in the graph.
The lines of input will contain the following information:
1. n, the number of vertices.
2. m, the number of edges.
3. s, the index of where the paths should originate from.
4. The starting node of edge 0, a comma, the ending node of edge 0, a comma, the weight on edge 0.
5. The starting node of edge 1, a comma, the ending node of edge 1, a comma, the weight on edge 1.
6. …
7. The starting node of edge m, a comma, the ending node of edge m, a comma, the weight on
edge m.
We provide you with a test graph file called input, which you may use to help debug your code.
It contains the information for the following graph:
Note: passing this test case does not guarantee your code is correct!

B Starter Code
We provide you with a starter code file called starter pa2.py. In this code, you will find two methods to complete: one for Dijkstra’s algorithm and one for Kruskal’s algorithm. Once you are finished, you may submit your code to the autograder on Gradescope called Programming Assignment 2, Part 1. When you submit to Gradescope, please do not change the name of this file, or add any print() statements to the code, as this will confuse the autograder. You may resubmit your code to the autograder as many times as you like until the due date.
Now let’s talk about the two methods you need to write:
C Implementing Dijkstra’s algorithm
In the dikstra method, we give you four variables to work with:
• N: an integer for the number of nodes in the graph
• m: an integer for the number of edges in the graph
• s: an integer that is the name of the source node
• adj list: a list of lists of size N, where each index represents a node n. The sublist at index n has a list of two-tuples, each of which represents an outgoing edges from n as: (adjacent node as an integer, weight of edge as a float). NOTE: If a node has no outgoing edges, it is represented by an empty list.
For the example graph above, the variable adj list is :
[[(1, 1.0), (3, 4.0), (2, 2.0)], [(4, 3.0), (3, 1.0)], [(3, 3.0), (5, 3.0)], [(4, 1.0), (5, 1.0)], [], []]
The method should return two dictionaries, in which each key represents a node n: • distances: the length of the shortest path from s to n
• parents: the previous node before n on the shortest path
In the example graph above, the code should return the following:
• distances: {0:0,1:1,2:2,3:2,4:3,5:3}
• parents: {0: None,1: 0,2: 0,3: 1,4: 3,5: 3}
Since the focus of this exercise is on the algorithm, you may import a built-in priority queue, such as Python’s heapq or Java’s PriorityQueue. Note that these implementations may not have all the methods the textbooks assumes. You are also free to implement your own priority queue. The textbook discusses using heaps as priority queues on page 64.

D Implementing Kruskal’s algorithm
In the kruskal method, you will perform Kruskal’s algorithm on the same graph as in Dijkstra’s algorithm, except this time you will consider each edge to be undirected. Therefore, each edge will be represented twice in your adjacency list. We give you the following three variables as inputs:
• N: an integer for the number of nodes in the graph
• m: an integer for the number of edges in the graph
• undirected adj list: a list of lists of size N, where each index represents a node n. The sublist at index n has a list of two-tuples, each of which represents an edges from n as: (adjacent node as an integer, weight of edge as a float). NOTE: Since the graph is undirected, each edge (u,v) is now represented twice in this adjacency list: once at index u and once at index v.
For the example graph above, the variable undirected adj list would be:
[[(1, 1.0), (2, 2.0), (3, 4.0)], [(0, 1.0), (3, 1.0), (4, 3.0)], [(0, 2.0), (3, 3.0), (5, 3.0)], [(0, 4.0), (1, 1.0), (2, 3.0), (4, 1.0), (5, 1.0)], [(1, 3.0), (3, 1.0)], [(2, 3.0), (3, 1.0)]]
The method Kruskal outputs the minimum spanning tree as mst adj list, which should be formatted in exactly the same way as undirected adj list. Again, since the MST will be undi- rected, each edge will be represented twice. For the example graph above, mst adj list would be:
[[(1, 1.0), (2, 2.0)], [(0, 1.0), (3, 1.0)], [(0, 2.0)], [(1, 1.0), (4, 1.0), (5, 1.0)], [(3, 1.0)], [(3, 1.0)]]
HINT:. When you are writing kruskal, you will want to think carefully about how to the imple- ment union-find algorithm. You will find it helpful to write subroutines for this method, such as find and merge. Revisit Lab 6 for a detailed discussion of union-find.
E Implementing the experiments for Part 2
The three graphs that we you to run these experiments on are in the following files:
• g randomEdges.txt • g donutEdges.txt • g zigzagEdges.txt
You can work on Part 2 using the starter code for part 1. To input these specific graphs, follow the instructions in the comments of the main function of pa2 starter.py.
The names of the three graphs might be a bit mysterious. Figure 2, which plots both the MST edges (blue) and shortest path edges (green) might help explain the names.

“random” “donut” “zigzag”
Figure 2: For the each of the three graphs from Parts 2 and 3, we show that MST edges (blue) and the edges of the shortest path tree (green). The name under each figure corresponds to the filename.
F Implementing Part 3 (optional)
If you would like to use locations of the nodes for this part (perhaps as part of your algorithm), they are here:
• g randomLocations.txt • g donutLocations.txt • g zigzagLocations.txt
In each file, the first line lists the number of vertices in the graph. Each subsequent line lists the x,y coordinates of the vertices, in order from 1 to n. The order corresponds to the numbers used for describing edges in the files for Part 2.
Use of these files is completely optional.